September 1st, 2006
 | Riding a Pale Horse and Wielding THE Sword of the Forum | | Join Date: June 19th, 2002 Location: Your Worst Nightmare
Posts: 2,993
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Goodbye Munchkin A cat of ours just passed away...She had 3 more years of life than the vets estimated, so I guess she had her chance to find some pleasure and hopefully some enjoyment of existence on this planet of ours...
She was one of the 8 cats that my wife and I raised from 1 week old, and had a liver shunt which required constant medication for her to live...Munchly, as we often called her, was the prettiest of the bunch, who had the tendency to gallop like a horse all over the place when she was feeling good (which was maybe half of the time), and who of course was many times on the edge of death when her system took a slide for the worse...I found her under the bed today in a comatose state...she had some bad times before this, but never like this where she was totally unresponsive, and obviously in a dire state of distress...sigh...tears come to my eyes as I type this, as she was like a child to us considering the fact we raised her from a tiny starving and flea infested kitten (bottle fed and the whole 10 yards of mothering)...
Thank you Dr. Blatt for coming to our house and euthanizing her so that she could pass peacfully...
@Munchly, if there is such a thing as the afterlife/reincarnation, we love you...I hope you come back as a higher being (this time in a healthy body)...
Attached is a picture of her when she was feeling a tad under the weather cuddling up to her albino uncle Rosie who always let her do so when she was doing bad and soooo craved the attention of her fellow cats... |