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  #11 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2006
Peerless's Avatar
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well...actually I was referring to my real firewall, not PG2...and said IP addy is already in there (for what reason, I surely don't remember, but its there), I for one assume I manually put it there for some good reason at some point in time...

as far as PG2, well it seems to do some good for me, at least as far as connections go..sure, if I'm sharing the bad guys get results with my IP addy, but I'm more concerned with blocking them from getting connected to my box in any way, at the very least as a download source for their version of the file (which I'm sure is corrupted)...

and yes, the internal ability to create your own blocklist would be grand...though I'm not sure that would stop search results from being seen by the bad guys..
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2006
Join Date: November 22nd, 2005
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"search results being seen by the bad guys"? Huh, completely different movie. That's not my problem at all. I don't want to see or route results *from* the bad guys. The former isn't possible at all in Gnutella without a lot of modifications to the protocol and even then you can hardly expect to know all addresses of the "bad guys". I guess everybody has his own set of "bad guys" but with respect to this thread, your set has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

What I wanted to say is that there are several ways to apply IP address filters and most of them are inappropriate. The problem with LimeWire is that it doesn't even block the most obvious spam. Other programs do a great job eradicating virtually 90% of all spam not for themselves (in the GUI) but for the whole network - without resorting to arcane, draconian filters causing tons of casualties that occur if you leave this task to the common user who does and does not have to have a clue how the protocol works.

This may be an arms race, however, there's really nothing to
lose but a lot to win.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2007
techgeek's Avatar
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Here are the trace route results

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 23 ms 15 ms 15 ms [64.2
2 63 ms 67 ms 141 ms [64
3 273 ms 58 ms 59 ms
4 112 ms 259 ms *
5 * 69 ms 82 ms
6 121 ms 107 ms 200 ms []
7 136 ms 196 ms 140 ms [
8 162 ms 132 ms 124 ms [
9 147 ms 181 ms 211 ms
10 156 ms 153 ms 148 ms []
11 196 ms 158 ms 162 ms []
12 161 ms 180 ms 213 ms []
13 197 ms 327 ms 154 ms
14 170 ms 137 ms 136 ms []
15 160 ms 181 ms *
16 185 ms 183 ms 177 ms
Trace complete.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2007
AaronWalkhouse's Avatar
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The IP blocklist capability is now working in the LimeWire 4.13.0 Beta.
Just drop the Fullsize Hostiles List into your .limewire folder.

I've had blocked since a major spammer moved there in
November of 2005.

Last edited by AaronWalkhouse; January 29th, 2007 at 02:09 AM.
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