September 11th, 2007
 | Devotee | | Join Date: September 11th, 2007 Location: Bradford, England
Posts: 21
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I agree totally with what you are saying. I am a total newbie to the internet and am in most respects in awe of its potentials in the area of sharing & obtaining information. Sadly though, that potential can be all too easily turned into a negative for the sickos in this world. For most of us the internet brings many positive elements closer, great distances can be bridged effortlessly. For the sickos of this world it is used to create bridges to spread their vile mantras futher and create networks with equally sick individuals all around the globe. Some of my friends seem to view the paedophile porn and other distasteful videos such as **** & forced situations that can be downloaded on the many P2P sites as an amusement and I have to wonder why that is, were it their wife, girlfriend, mother or child that was starring in these depraved videos they would be far from amused! My friends are not bad people, it is just that many in our society have somehow lost the urge to care for the people we are not aquainted with. When Thomas Paine wrote "The rights of man" in 1791 he made the point that to stand idly by and watch a fellow human being stripped of their rights and dignity was in effect to give the green light for this to happen to yourself and those you love. Sex and porn is in the main a part of being human, a litlle kinkiness between consenting adults is not a sin or a problem to others, but the outrage we feel when these acts are commited against children or adults against their will should be just as strong as it would be if we opened that video to find a member of our family taking the starring role. |