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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2007
Join Date: August 22nd, 2007
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Bubby69 is flying high
Default Paedophile porn....needs to stop..

Hello everyone,i have been using limewire a few months now and find it a really easy and great tool for downloading,but i can't believe how many people on browsing hosts have got files labeled with under age porn,**** and other sick ****.Example isp [EDIT] (20) just full of paediphilia and twisted porn,i think these people should be reported to the police...
Is there anything we can do to try and clean this stuff and people out of the system..I am not talking about porn and stuff like that i'm talking about the real sick **** that is both illegal and killing young people lives..

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Last edited by 6_pac; September 5th, 2007 at 12:19 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2007
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Well said Bubba, am with you 100% on that issue, their must be a way you can report the sick B*****ds!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 11th, 2007
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I agree totally with what you are saying. I am a total newbie to the internet and am in most respects in awe of its potentials in the area of sharing & obtaining information. Sadly though, that potential can be all too easily turned into a negative for the sickos in this world. For most of us the internet brings many positive elements closer, great distances can be bridged effortlessly. For the sickos of this world it is used to create bridges to spread their vile mantras futher and create networks with equally sick individuals all around the globe. Some of my friends seem to view the paedophile porn and other distasteful videos such as **** & forced situations that can be downloaded on the many P2P sites as an amusement and I have to wonder why that is, were it their wife, girlfriend, mother or child that was starring in these depraved videos they would be far from amused! My friends are not bad people, it is just that many in our society have somehow lost the urge to care for the people we are not aquainted with. When Thomas Paine wrote "The rights of man" in 1791 he made the point that to stand idly by and watch a fellow human being stripped of their rights and dignity was in effect to give the green light for this to happen to yourself and those you love. Sex and porn is in the main a part of being human, a litlle kinkiness between consenting adults is not a sin or a problem to others, but the outrage we feel when these acts are commited against children or adults against their will should be just as strong as it would be if we opened that video to find a member of our family taking the starring role.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2007
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Im with you Bubby on this.
Its so wrong, sick, disgusting, twisted. How can people do that shiit? really..

Oh by the way. Well said Dale.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2007
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thespike is flying high

OOOh you on a looser with that one sadly, if it could be stopped I'm sure it would be in a second, but if you stop 1 person theres 10 other sicko's ready to take their place. The internet is the best thing ever, but like everything else is abused and is used for all kinds of nasty things. I'm with you guys and think that kind of stuff should be irradicated, but it never will be as the net just keeps growing and can not be properly policed. Maybe one day eh..!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 3rd, 2007
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getbobt1 is flying high
Default Forget the pedo what about file 270.6kb

Let them have their smut, just keep this junk off my LIMEWIRE. If there is something labeled little jenny I don't have to down load it. When ever search I do only comes up with file 270.6KB and I never get what Im looking for I get so frustrated. Is there anyway to filter by file size so that we can weed out this BS!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 3rd, 2007
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Originally Posted by getbobt1 View Post
Is there anyway to filter by file size so that we can weed out this BS!!!
I wish there was.. Although there might be. Im not sure
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2007
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I have to say I too am with you guys on this. I think its really F*****g sick that some people do this. What gets me is why do they put it on LW and other P2P networks do they think we are interested in DL it???
Can't LW have some way of reporting it or can't they block their axcess to LW via the sickos IP number.
It aslo upsets me with the amount of items with r*** in the link.
Come on LW it's time you did somthing to stop this.................
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2007
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If you see an IP address with that stuff, you can block it yourself. LimeWire has no control over
that network and it never will because the network is designed to work around such a malfunction
as someone trying to take control or shut it down.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old December 4th, 2007
Join Date: December 4th, 2007
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guitarplyr is flying high

Why do you guys even watch? It is enough to just know about it but to then go and look yurself. HMMMM????

good lookin out Bob, I won't go look at it. Maybe you could report it to the exploited and missing childrens agency.
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