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YES - The General Membership of these Gnutella Forums should be allowed to vote 5 71.43%
NO - It is best left to the 'Secret Order of the Hidden Ones' 2 28.57%
I'm just feeling sorry for myself and need to feel important again 0 0%
Voters: 7. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
ursula's Avatar
Cleaning Lady
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Thumbs up I Protest Against The Elitist Image Caption Competition Voting Rights ! - Vote Now !

I humbly (heh heh heh) submit that the IMAGE CAPTION COMPETITION voting rights should be open to all Gnutella Forums Members.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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Cleaning Lady
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Perhaps I should explain why I started this poll... ?
No ?
Well, I'm going to anyway..

The Image Caption Competition could be a lot of fun for a lot of people here...
Something else to do while watching your connection fail or that 9.2GB download stall at 99.99% (after 3 weeks, LOL) !!!

The simple truth is that sometimes the 'competition' has been decided by as few as only two people actually voting !
(How else could I have 'won' so many times, heh ? )

Sometimes there have been as many as six or seven voters... Gosh & Wow !

This is ridiculous as the caption entries are open to all members here.
The voting should also be open to all members here.

And, a reminder to all... You CAN submit images to be considered for use in the competition...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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I have to agree...not because I think its elitist as you have phrased it, but because including all registered members might create more traffic and 'loyalty' to the forum

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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Cleaning Lady
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

That... THAT is the whole idea behind this poll, Daddy !!!!!!!!!

And, hey ! It IS elitist by any definition because only a selected elite are permitted the right to vote. And, the majority of the time they abrogate that 'right' by not bothering to participate.

Bit like a 'democracy' where, in fact, only an elite electoral college is actually allowed to determine elections.

Now, where would any sensible population allow that kind of unfair and unjust nonsense to go down , hmmm ?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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I care not for the opinions of a few individuals who's qualifications are not known. If the contest is not to be judged by qualified experts then it should be judged by all who choose to participate.

And they who do not vote have no advantage over those who cannot vote. Use it or lose it.

ursula, have you quit cleaning?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Originally Posted by Blackhorse 70V View Post
ursula, have you quit cleaning?
Well, I've had my Ultra-Supremo (2nd Grade) Security Pass revoked so I can no longer show up in the dark of night and clean the toilets.
Is that the same thing ?

The corporal who is currently in charge here decided on his own that it would improve the morale of some of the inner elite guard troops. A secret entity, know in the Vatican as 'P2-Sheilas', is the corporal's main source of support, but DON'T tell ANYONE !

It was sorta related to my, and some other's, rather vociferous protests against the imposition and application of the 1st level of GF's version of the Nuremberg Laws.

(It will, maybe, be a minor miracle if this above comment makes it past Herr Censor... But, not to worry... I have copied it and will PM (and if necessary, e-mail) it to you...)

Why would I do that for you, now ?

Cuz, 'they' are decided that you are worthy of 'elevation' ! (If it hasn't happened already !, LOL)
(Trying to imagine how comfortable you'd feel in a black, hey, maybe brown - or Ayers Rock Red, shirt !)
Or, considering the pettiness of the corporal and the Sheilas, it may now never happen !

Masons, anyone ?

So, NO MORE NEED to give a damn about people who are so foolish as to think/believe that Limewire is the only way to do p2p !
I mean, as you will see for yourself, you suggest to people that there are alternatives to the LW trash and they actually become angry with you !
Almost like playing Frank Zappa's Dumb All Over on the White House Lawn, hmmm ! (Actually, playing same in the foyer of the Sydney Opera House would be more applicable to 'my case' !!!)
OK, for you real Zappa fans out there, the 'Lawn' reference WAS deliberate.. Sorry- couldn't resist it, But, believe this... I heard it on first release which was just a bit before that english-bred brat cut down his pa's cherry tree. (Can the editor check these dates, please ?).

Now... Let's get to the meat course here, huh ?

How do you vote ?


hey, how about a new... well, I think it's new, acronym ?
I mean like 'wtf' and such...


'who gives a sh¡t'
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Golly gee !

72 'reads' as of now and 3 voters...

What an impressive display of active participation !

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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fine..I happy now?

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2008
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Cleaning Lady
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Yes, dear !!!

Now, what's the name of your latest music release that can be purchased for real money ?

I mean, we might as well promote it here, hmmm...

I'm sure that the regular folks here do not realise that you're not just the most popular nasty bartender mod that they depend on for the next erudite personal diatribe !!!
(Admit it, gang, you all love it from him...)

They really should be allowed to benefit from your musical artistry, too !!!

HEY, the above is NOT a pi$$ take... Peerless really is a good musician doing stuff you want...

'good' may seem a mild description to some of you...
In the real music biz 'good' is... well, it's like... er... 'tall', as in big mountains...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 21st, 2008
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Cleaning Lady
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default What's in a date ?

It's a little worryng that at least one moderator here cannot read a calendar !
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