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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 13th, 2010
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Green corners........ Heat interfering with the gas.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 14th, 2010
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Smile Kool tv

Originally Posted by ukbobboy01 View Post

Why bother with an old CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TV when LCD TVs are relatively cheap and (I guess this is the same for the US as it is in the UK) they don't make CRTs any more, plus they no longer make the parts to repair them.

UK Bob

My son has the best tv in the home. I like the updated tv but everytime i have one and something happen to theirs he take mine for a backup til he gets a new one. What do you think of the 3D tv's ..? My son said that he will never buy one, he said that he would not be able to use 3D tv eye glasses.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 14th, 2010
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Default What do you think of 3D TVs?

Well Crymomma

First, let me say that I was very impressed with Avatar when I saw it in the cinema a couple of months ago. In one scene, when an helicopter type vehicle crashed I was ducking the flying shrapnel.

Anyway, as for 3D TV, until all the broadcasters and TV manufacturers agree on a 3D standard, and the price comes down to today’s LCD prices, I am staying well away from these potential money pits.

UK Bob
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 14th, 2010
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im in usa and 20 inch 200+
i didnt have the money

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2010
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i have a sweet hook up in bed room now
i put 12 in tv , older vcr and needed get one those stupid 2009 converter boxes to watch over air tv since government took over the rabbit ears
and i can plug in my pnp atari/ sega in back of vcr to have a game system in bed room since older tv has no colored jacks as well as watch tv or watch/record tv and watch a vcr tape but my DVR in main room is for that and cable

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2010
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I bought a 40" Samsung LCD last year. teknik och känsla i ******** LCD-TV LE40B656 - LCD-TV - TV | SAMSUNG and Flashed it with custom firmware.

The only thing I can say is once you go LCD/LED you never go back.

That being said my father is quite happy with my old 28" 100Hz Philips CRT, at least after I cleaned out the 13 years of accumulated dust. Before that he thought of it more as a fire hazzard

One thing though with all new technology. If my new TV is still going strong after 13 years, I will consider that a miracle. Anything after 5-6 years is a miracle waiting to happen.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2010
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Originally Posted by ukbobboy01 View Post
well crymomma

first, let me say that i was very impressed with avatar when i saw it in the cinema a couple of months ago. In one scene, when an helicopter type vehicle crashed i was ducking the flying shrapnel.

Anyway, as for 3d tv, until all the broadcasters and tv manufacturers agree on a 3d standard, and the price comes down to today’s lcd prices, i am staying well away from these potential money pits.

Uk bob

i do not want 3 d tv...i really enjoy my old tv the best.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2010
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i have 2 17 in lcd monitors
they great

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2010
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After my video card blew up I was limited to one monitor for months. I Really missed my twin 17" monitors; they make most of what I do is so much easier.

In '96 I bought a 27" Proscan TV to connect to my computer. I was told by video salesmen that I could not hook it up to a computer. Computer salesmen told me the same thing. But I was soon playing Descent II on my TV. I later got a tv tuner for my computer. So I would watch television in a sizeable window on my TV, while doing other things on the rest of the screen (I could readjust the size of the window to see more or less of the television program). It was really cool!

Fourteen years later I still have the Proscan. My friend, a cable tv field supervisor, remarks about the color and clarity I still get from the TV. I paid $900 for it back in '96. I can't sell it (in SF, via craigslist, if you want a free tv you just need to decide what size you want). And I can't get my head around getting rid of something so expensive and still working perfectly. So I am waiting for my Proscan to break (which could happen anytime in the next decade).

When I finally get to purchase a new tv I'll probably struggle with the decision for months. I'll probably go with LED (they should be cheaper by then, or else LCD). Should I get a tv or a monitor? I plan to put a digital/QAM tuner in my computer, to use as a DVR. Should I get a large screen, to watch tv in a window, or should I go a bit smaller and keep a second monitor? There is rarely a time when I watch tv without also using my computer.

At least I won't again be faced with the same problem; I doubt that any of the newer tvs will last 14 years. [When I sold tvs I learned that if a picture tube lasts five years you can count on it to last at least another five years.]

We are the first generation to dispose of things that still work perfectly. There is nothing wrong with my old cellphones and computers other than their age. We've achieved a whole new level of wastefulness. Still, I'm glad I didn't bother to take that course in TV and VCR Repair.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2010
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i went back to old tv for now
has a smoother picture
im going use other for backup since it keeps turning green

got this for my electronix

2 over net
3 &4 wired /wired headphone
connect to tv and walk around house


Last edited by cootmaster; May 27th, 2010 at 06:18 PM.
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