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Peerless January 25th, 2011 07:28 PM

its not all that simple to get a gun in the USA...maybe for a shot gun or hunting rifle, but certainly NOT for a hand gun....

also it is very hard to find real statistics on the subject of casualties, etc...why?, because one has to take into account the number of people in the county, the number of guns in legal possession, etc...simple statements like "only 100 people died in Britain from accidental gun discharges and 10,000 in the USA" make no applicable sense simply because our population is much higher and guns are legal here whereas they are not in Britain...get the point? anti-gun proponents will not present real statistics because they don't prove the point they wish to make...

our founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms for specific reasons, one of them being SO THAT WE CAN TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE CURRENT DAY CORRUPT LEADERS...get that point?

as far as accidents...just a thinning of the herd...harsh, but most likely necessary IMHO...

crymomma January 25th, 2011 08:34 PM

Gun Safety
People think it's best to have a gun in the home to feel safe at night when they sleep so no one will harm them.

There are people that lockup a gun, to keep children from picking one up and shooting someone.

When a person who owns a gun they need to know how to handle a gun first. Is it the right for anyone to shoot a person with a gun, when they are upset, NO, anyone that has anger issues should never be able to own a gun, this law policy should be enforce.

There is no right to harm another person with a gun.

ukbobboy01 January 26th, 2011 05:46 AM

Forum Members

I have to take issue with Peerless on a point he has made, namely,

"only 100 people died in Britain from accidental gun discharges and 10,000 in the USA" make no applicable sense simply because our population is much higher and guns are legal here whereas they are not in Britain...get the point?
The fact is there is no point, if a hundred people died in the UK because of guns, accidental or not, there would be public outrage and politicians would be calling for greater gun restrictions than we already have.

However, if 10,000 people died of guns in the US who would really care, apart from the relatives of the victims. It seems that guns are so endemic within US society that it takes a number of gun victims killed in quick succession before anybody takes what has happened seriously, like a school massacre.

So you see, it’s not a matter of statistics, it’s a matter of lives lost to guns and whether your society cares enough to do something about it. Sadly, it seems that Americans don’t trust their authorities to control guns or to protect them from the criminals and mad men who carry them. Hence, the “right to bear arms”.

UK Bob

crymomma January 26th, 2011 06:56 AM

There are people in America that will agree/diagree, with a gun enforcement law policy in each state, in America.

The right to own a gun in a home will depend if this person is stable to have one. The right to protect a love one in the home and to know when to use it.

Peerless January 27th, 2011 05:42 PM Brits are totally under the thumb of your corrupt, if you had some guns you might have a chance of ousting them, but you don't...shame...

and of course its statistics..sheeshus

ukbobboy01 January 29th, 2011 07:29 AM

All I can say is, there are three types of lies:

Lies, D@mn Lies and Statistics.

Peerless January 29th, 2011 07:36 AM

pure statistics are 'pure'....and yes, the variables can be manipulated to give most any result you desire (usually by deleting a factor that negatively affects your agenda)..

be aware you are conversing with a person who has a very high level of mathematical proficiency and knows what he is talking about..and yes I have run my fair share of statistical models...

as with anything on this corrupt planet facts can be manipulated and oftimes be completely fabricated, and those that do the fabricating get away with it (for the majority of people) because the people are ignorant sheeple who can barely add and subtract let alone do any sort of statistical the present argument its pretty basic...(number of gun 'accidents)/(size of population)..

are you capable of understanding that?

Lord of the Rings January 29th, 2011 08:36 AM

If we pointed to a particular city or two in USA, where the no. of gun related deaths or gun crime is greatly above that of other world cities. After all, if I recall correctly the stats I saw some time back were pointing to city stats, or at least mentioning them to show how they compare to some countries totals. :D I believe gun crime is particularly high in some USA cities. Demographics probably plays a part.
OK easy for me just to say this, be good if I actually researched to see if I can find the information I read so you could make up your own mind.

Yes I agree about how stats can be used.
Another example is surveys, where they deliberately survey a particular group of persons of one kind instead of a wide demographic & cross-political range, etc. Carefully hiding this fact at times in their written research plan specifics & how it was 'really' carried out.

ukbobboy01 January 29th, 2011 11:49 AM


Question, am I able to understand pure statistics, statistical modelling, etc. maybe not.

Am I capable of understanding the number of lives lost in a given situation, well, as a normal guy, I think I am.

Therefore, I cannot accept an argument where lives are dehumanised and broken down into a format that very few people can understand and don't really care about.

That said, we are clearly dealing with two different cultures that cannot understand how we can have such opposing views about the same subject, i.e. guns and lives.

UK Bob

Peerless January 29th, 2011 12:15 PM

well...dunno what to say other than to potentially insult you by pointing out that IMHO you have been well brainwashed by your society...

look at history...when people don't have a means to protect themselves they HAVE to look to the rulers (almost always corrupt) for 'protection'...and if they can't defend themselves from their 'peers' then they have not a hope in hell of protecting themselves from the ruling 'elite'...

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