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Unregistered May 22nd, 2002 08:00 AM

New Version = No Connection.
Using Mac OS X 10.1.4. Previous version of LimeWire worked just fine. Upgraded to new version and it stopped connecting at all. Two of my co workers have same problem now.

Taliban May 22nd, 2002 08:57 AM

1) try telnetting to port 6346 - if you don't see a "gnutella ok", your access to gnutella has been blocked. It's entirely possible you never noticed before, because you usually don't need to connect to to connect to gnutella.

2) If 1) works, you might want to try connecting to manually.

3) If 1) doesn't work, try my file from ( if the host isn't available send an email to ).

Unregistered May 23rd, 2002 07:53 AM

Ok did I do this right and what was the out come? In case you cant tell I have never used telnet


[localhost:~] xxxxx% telnet port 6346
Usage: telnet [-8] [-E] [-L] [-S tos] [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e char] [-l user]
[-n tracefile][-r] [host-name [port]]
[localhost:~] xxxxx% ssh port 6346's password:
I did both a ssh and a telnet.

Taliban May 23rd, 2002 08:19 AM

The correct command for telnet is:
> telnet 6346

If you don't know how to use a command-line application read the help either by adding the parameters "-h" or "--help" to the command or by entering "man [command]"(*N*X, OSX), "info [command]" (*N*X, OSX) or "help [command]" (DOS, WI***)

You can't use ssh (why did you try it anyway if you don't know what it is???)

Unregistered May 23rd, 2002 10:46 AM

the "xxxxx%" is actually my user name which automatically comes up in the Mac OS X terminal which does both telnet and ssh.

I did ssh because I had read that the "terminal" does both and that most everyone was moving to ssh. Not being sure I tried it knowing that nothing would blow up if I did.

So any way I typed in the same command you posted and that is what I got. I am assuming that is not what you were expecting.

Oh by the way - thanks for the help.

Unregistered May 23rd, 2002 10:49 AM

I tried it again with a different result this time...

[localhost:~] xxxxx% telnet 6346
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Taliban May 23rd, 2002 11:26 AM

You need a file to connect:

copy it into your LimeWire folder (I don't know which folder that is on Macs, but it's the one containing your LimeWire.jar file) and start LimeWire. - If you are using LimeWire regularly, you only have to get a file once, since LimeWire will update it, when finding new ultrapeers to connect to.

Unregistered May 24th, 2002 09:57 AM

There was already such a file located where you said it should be however I replaced it with the one from your site. LimeWire connections now trys to connect and a list of IP addresses pops up, then they go away and is replaced with a new list of IP's. This happens over and over but it never establishes a connection to any of them.

Ria Bacon May 24th, 2002 02:05 PM

I should have stuck with what I had (v.2.3.4), but I was stupidly tempted by the all-singing all-dancing v.2.4.4 and installed it this p.m.

Since then no connections...

Taliban, I've followed all your advice to the letter and absolutely nothing happens after Limewire loads. I've a sneaking suspicion that this is related to the bundled spyware. I binned/blocked it with Ad-aware/ZoneAlarm as I did with previous versions of Limewire.

I remember though that v.2.4.4 connected the first time, only after I let JAVAWS.EXE online. I know that's spyware and I have since blocked its access ... and since have had no connection.


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