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-   -   host ip's: 10.x.x.x / 192.168.x.x ??? (

BauerBob May 24th, 2002 10:18 AM

host ip's: 10.x.x.x / 192.168.x.x ???

50% of the hosts, I want to connect to have invalid ip-adresses: 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x.
And for the rest with valid adresses, I can only connect to 5-10%.

My problem might be, that I'm behind a firewall of the college - I am connected via cable modem of the student's cable network in Mannheim/Germany. I already read in the FAQ that they might have blocked the tcp ports, but since I can connect to a few hosts and download, this doesn't seems to be the problem.

eDonkey and Kazaa don't work either, only eDonkey's upload is possible.
But I think this is a different problem. The problem of LimeWire is IMHO the wrong ip-adress, it want's to connect to.

I'm using Mandrake 8.2 (linux) and the latest limewire client.

Thanks for any ideas.


Taliban May 25th, 2002 12:49 AM

That's quite normal. I think the latest version allows you to block all 10.*.*.* and 192.168.*.* addresses so they won't be added to LimeWire's internal host catcher anymore and LimeWire won't display any search results from those addresses either.

BauerBob May 25th, 2002 03:41 AM

Well, then I would have no "bad" search results anymore. That's quite a solution, but of course I'd prefer to get these hosts with their real ip's in my search result.

Is it possible, that this is a bug in LimeWire?
I mean, where does LimeWire get the ip of someone? Is it looking in config-files? Or does it take the ip of a ethernet-interface?
The config-files could be mis-configured. The interface might also be not the interface, that is connected to the internet...

I know, these are basic problems concerning a filesharing programm and I'm sure, that many clever heads thought of it before. But I can't figure out a different source for this problem and hey, I'd be pretty happy if I could help to make this world a bit better :-)))))


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