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kalisarah007 February 18th, 2004 09:37 AM

the ethernet at my school is irritating. sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt

b_side February 23rd, 2004 10:04 AM

BT Broadband, NTL and BulldogDSL work fine

mooj21 February 23rd, 2004 01:19 PM

Anybody in the Great Lakes states know anything about whether or not Millenium Digital Cable blocks file sharing apps?

ursula March 30th, 2004 03:24 AM

Telefonica in Spain don't appear to care what you do !
Completely 'open' and it has been for years...

huntsman May 17th, 2004 06:30 AM

tiscali works well in the uk every d/loading software i use has no problems:cool:

SWFLcomcast June 4th, 2004 09:31 AM

SW Florida Comcast
SW Florida Comcast says they do not block such applications...

AllieH July 19th, 2004 11:05 AM

I've used Limewire for several years, and never had problems until we moved to Ohio. I have Alltel DSL and CANNOT run Limewire or ANY P2P programs. I am in the market for a non-blocking ISP in Northeast Ohio that will provide me with what I am paying for--connection.

Zalick August 13th, 2004 01:00 PM

ATT Worldnet. Worked the first time I used LW and then won't connect after that. When I try to connect I get "Your computer does not seem to have an active connection or you a behind a firewall...".

Obviously I have an active connection because I am making this post ;) and I don't have any firewall running.


Littlebulldog September 2nd, 2004 12:29 AM

I'm with Earthlink in pennsylvania.

I can connect. It stays 'turbo charged' for the first 5 minutes, then I have problems staying connected the rest of the time. My downloads are so slow it's almost a waste of $18.88.

I get the same problems others have stated. I get messages that say I must not have an internet connection... while it's looking for sorces and downloading at a less than 1kb clip.

Someone mentioned changing ports for Limewire, but I'm not sure how to do that.

LightDark September 7th, 2004 08:22 AM

Sympatico (Canada) works fine, I have hi-speed and some of the d-loads are 15 seconds. It's not cheap tho...

If they do limit I don't notice it

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