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danap October 15th, 2004 01:31 PM

Shaw Cable
Shaw Hi-Speed Cable (Canada) works great and they NEVER limit the speeds, it all just depends on network usage.

Personally, I ALWAYS have either Excellent or TurboCharged as my LimeWire Quality and I am not even a Pro user!

They are extremely inexpensive too!

Cobra8007 October 23rd, 2004 08:54 AM

Cox Cable .Net .COM
Have never been able to upload. Downloads and all other functions work very well. But others can not download from me.

I have a static ip on a commercial line from in oklahoma city. Changing ports, etc. doesn't do any good.

The only conclusion is that it is being blocked by my isp or the limewire software has some bad coding somewhere.

I noticed that people whose ip addresses are similar to mine can download from me, such as where the y's are the same as mine.

The odd thing is that winmx works just fine.

Lord of the Rings January 21st, 2005 10:53 AM

Neither iinet or ihug block p2p.

On the other hand insight & cox are known to block or filter p2p! See hee: & also & & & that's just the starting point! There's other articles involving both those companies if you wish to google for them. There may be some links for them on the forum. I know I read about Cox a month before I decided to comment about them. But I haven't been able to retrace the original article or 2 I read. Insight uses Sandvine! to filter & or block!

Ne0teric January 24th, 2005 11:42 AM

winMX works fine b/c its not ran off the same network as the other progs such as bearshare and limewire, winmx is on a crappier network which runs off a diff port. the isp's are only worried about blocking access to the major networks.

Myko Houston February 3rd, 2005 10:27 PM

i use cox cable

verdyp March 9th, 2005 08:25 AM

All major ISPs (Wanadoo, Free, AOL, Tiscali, ...) for home users in France do not block P2P (legally they can't do it, because it would require inspecting private traffic).

This will not be the case for ISPs that offer Enterprise services that will include traffic shapers. But they don't do it without an explicit subscription agreement with the organization, and the organization MUST inform its employees that the Internet access is monitored (the same is true for surveillance cameras installed in work places or in shops, and even at home: the surveillance must be announced). Same thing for cameras in streets: they are illegal unless they have been publicly announced.

Same thing for automatic speed control on roads: they are announced, and their location is known and published (This restriction does not apply to speed controls operated by trusted agents of the national police and gendarmerie, but these controls must still be visible).

The rule is that if you don't know you are monitored, any monitoring becomes illegal, and its result is unusable face to a court, unless this control is done by trusted agents with judiciary injunctions (there are more freedom for anti-terrorist control, for national security, which may allow law enforcement agents to monitor P2P traffic, they can't do anything about private rights like copyrights and author rights, but they can act for tax-related crimes, like illegal sales and imports of tobacco and drugs on the Internet: the "douane" can monitor networks and colect proofs for such illegal sales and traffic).

Also child protection against sex abuses is severely controled and all French ISPs collaborate to finance a common non-profit monitoring service to fight against such abuses, collect proofs and initiate law actions. For this reason, P2P networks are monitored

mupet0000 May 14th, 2005 09:05 AM

ntl broaband in the uk rules.....only £17.99 per month for 1mb!! i have that and they dont block anything!

6_pac May 27th, 2005 11:28 PM

I have verizon dsl and I don't have any problems with uploads or downloads.

butterflyangel01 July 8th, 2005 04:07 PM

Shaw Cable in British Columbia allows LW. Even walked me through setting my firewall and security program to allow it.

donp1371 August 6th, 2005 06:58 PM

ISP that don't block p2p programs
I personally use bellsouth fast access DSL and it's working fine. I have limewire on my moms cpu and she has comcast cable and it's working fine there also.

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