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mondu5 September 20th, 2005 08:29 AM

Isp provider
Iowa, Cedar Falls Utilities works

Wild Peach October 3rd, 2005 05:59 PM

Re: ISP that don't block p2p programs

Originally posted by donp1371
I personally use bellsouth fast access DSL and it's working fine. I have limewire on my moms cpu and she has comcast cable and it's working fine there also.
I think all that's about to change my friend, having mad drama with BellSouth, especially in the past week...we may have to become dual citizens, move abroad a bit, I could use the rest!

swiftrod November 2nd, 2005 12:55 PM

I use Talktalk in the Uk and at first when I subscribed it all worked fine, but for the last couple of months I cannot connect.
My friend who lives next door to me is using the same isp with the same speed and he has no problems at all. I tried every avenue you can imagine to see if I could rectify this connection problem but could not resolve it. Eventually my friend put his user name and password into my connection and it worked fine again, so it would seem that they can target individual computers. When I rang them to find out why I could not connect with my user name and password but could using my friends on the very same computer they just pleaded ignorant and gave me a technical helpline number charged at fifty pence a min. Surely this is breaking the agreement of a contract to supply you with a fully operational internet connection?

whitenight639 November 6th, 2005 05:10 AM

I am also on talk talk and have the same problem i have used limewire before then switched to bearshare now im back with limewire and have changed my firewall settings, it will return searches and show it is connected (varies graetly in strenght, the icon at the bottom indicates). i have also noticed that when using bearshare at early hours of the morning it seems to work loads better i dnt know if this is due to hosts from other countrys coming online or if its somthing to do with talk talk limiting me during the day?? any1 got any ideas?

kingscorpion3 April 5th, 2006 10:18 AM

Sucks dude
Cablevision does not work dude. :mad: I'm located in the Bronx, NY area and Cablevision is trying to pull a fast one on us dude, I say boycott. Call there office number 1-718-617-3500. Us computer guys and gals need to stand up to these money hungry companys i say Verzion is the way to go and there cheaper:D .......Stand up for your Rights.............

zdevon July 25th, 2006 01:00 AM

I'm using TimeWarner cable for my connection. I can share files both ways, but all of a sudden my firewall won't go down. Traffic has slowed considerably.

Omri90 August 27th, 2006 08:50 PM

Verizon DSL in Brooklyn,NY DOES work

Sleepyjon November 14th, 2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by charissa proctor
SBC GLOBAL YAHOO works fine....I can share, but it seems insane to download anything..... ALWAYS awaiting sources

Same with me.

wondering why November 25th, 2006 04:08 AM

Telstra BigPond in Oz do not block but do say they have Unlimited downloads which really means that once you have reached your plans quota you get shaped to 64kpb/s...:rolleyes_2:

Lacey4205 December 1st, 2006 12:04 PM

Source Cable (ontario canada) : I just called them and they confirmed that they DO slow P2P program speeds...

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