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mcclelland190 December 19th, 2006 10:46 PM

Aapt = Good
I am with AAPT in Australia and they are perfect. I am running a 512K connection

Victorian_Rose May 31st, 2007 09:35 AM

I use Verizon DSL.

goodkid1 June 3rd, 2007 02:36 PM

I have lost LW with Los Angeles Verizon and my girl has lost it in NEwport Beach with SBC Global. Both are recent. What the devil is goingon....and why? Please, lets try and work on a universal fix.

6_pac June 3rd, 2007 11:27 PM

If it's Verizon then they're selectively shaping certain areas. I have Verizon(PA) and have no problems connecting. When I do have problems, it's related to my router. Which occasionally has to be reconfigured(it's a bit of a lemon).

mmpuckett July 26th, 2007 08:32 PM

Don't worry Comcast in Tn is not any better, it blocks Limewire for me too

goodkid1 July 26th, 2007 09:48 PM

one computer at a time...:(
After a serious "dump" from simply letting my laptop go into sleep mode one night, Dell Computer techs (God bless'em) reconfigured my computer and, as if by magic, LW was back. I write this to let all know that the local blocking can be fixed. I do not know what method they (or who) is using to block LW access, but it does seem to be something inserted into individual computers (virus type), rather than an an unscaleable wall from without. Just one man's opinion, but the wall can be broken one computer at a time.

foxylady52 January 14th, 2008 09:59 AM

limewire blocking
sky broadband (netgearwireless modem) seems to be blocking connection to my limewire

galway February 23rd, 2008 07:09 PM

i think Telmex is blocking mine!!

bonnieblue716 March 6th, 2008 02:43 PM

time warner/road runner
National Techinal Support: Limewire is a psp file sharing application and we no longer allow them on our network, we block them for spyware reasons and because of illegal copyright infrigement.
Me: What do you suggest I do then?
Techinal Support: We can't provide you with that information ma'am we don't recommend any file sharing because it's "illegal" and a secuirty risk. You have a nice eveing.... (hung up)

Me: Funny how porn of every shape and description is all over roadrunner and how yahoo spyware detects at least 30 adware hits durning 24 hours but you as a corporation go through such great lenghts to ensure the security of your network

Any ideas for a dsl/or cable provider for high speed in NC other than time warner or statlitte. What ticks me off is they know they own the market here and can get away with this.

philteeth October 19th, 2008 10:50 AM

Comcast works in the Houston, Texas area with Limewire. Comcast is NOT comcastic!

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