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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
dov dov is offline
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Question Norton Security Firewall

Hi.. I recently upgraded to LimeWire Pro and just last week also installed Norton's Internet Security 2004. I'm using XP Pro, 80GB HD, Cable Connection thru local service, Pent III 500. Prior to the the Norton, and the firewall it enables, I had no problems connecting and finding what I wanted. The firewall, however, blocks Limewire and I get a message saying I'm not connected. Clicking on "CONNECT," doesn't work. To get through I must disable the firewall. I printed the Limewire instructions for Firewalls but I find one serious difference. Line 13 reads to set the external and internal ports to 6346. When I went into my program to see thru where I was connecting the port number is 6348. What's the answer to this problem. Thanks... Dov
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Click on this link...

A Firewall Setup Help Guide

I know... I know... It's for a different client, but... The info available there is the most simple and straightforward guide that I know of to help you to quickly sort out your firewall setup problems...

On the 'connect' and 'Port' questions, click on the link

Port :6346 - Test If It Is 'Blocked'

in my 'sig' below...

And, you will also benefit from reading the information that you will find in the link

Alternate PORTS

That guide will explain to you what alternative ports should be the ones you consider if it is necessary for you to use one other than 6346.

Hope it helps...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Hey, dov...

This is a bit of a change of subject, but...
I just noticed something you mention in your post...
Pentium III 500...
If you are running Norton Internet Security and Norton A-V at the same time, you may run into some serious 'resource conflicts'. (Wondering how much RAM is being reported installed on your machine...)

It is possible that you will need to run only Internet Security with the A-V 'Auto-Protect' OFF...

Just think about your 'resources' when you have completed DownLoading a large file... The file will possibly be 'verified' and then 'hashed' while Norton A-V is scanning the file... All of this happening while there are maybe other files being D/Led and U/Led...
CPU 100% - Lockup - Crash...

This is not casual supposition on my part... I have seen this exact sequence occur many times.

It's not really any big deal to disable the A-V 'Auto-Protect', as long as you have Internet Security enabled and configured correctly.

I am in the process of writing about 'resource conflict' problems but it's a long post and not yet finished...
But, some quick coments for you now... Be sure to have a look at your settings for Paging Files (Virtual Memory)
The settings can vary so much it is crazy... Note what you have now, in case you wish to return to those settings, but, Please, try entering Maximum 768Mb and Minimum 384Mb... Then do a 'ShutDown' and normal 'Cold Start' (Not a 'warm-reboot' - Don't let Windoze, "do it for you.")
If you don't notice any 'improvement' in performance, leave the Minimum alone and increment the Maximum by 192Mb... If you get to 1,152Mb and still see no improvements, there are other problems...

On your Internet Security settings, it may be a good idea to delete all references to past settings pertaining to LimeWire and start over. The 'auto' function in Internet Security should be working whenever you add a new application, but there is certainly nothing wrong with checking all of this stuff manually !!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
dov dov is offline
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Hi again... My grandson and I just went thru every way of finding a file that's possible. BearShare.Exe doesn't come up in any folder. Is it psooible it didn't get downloaded with LimeShop Pro?

I'll check on the Norton Security suggestion. Thanks

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Sorry, dov !!!

I thought to say something about this, but did not...
My fault...

The help pages I suggested are only for you as an example...

You must either 'browse' for the LimeWire .exe files you need to enter, or simply enter them manually...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Hi Ursula.. Sorry to be such a bother. We tried again. I followed the instructions for entering BearShare.Exe into the Norton Personal Firewall. It sent back a message that the file couldn't be found. That seems to concur with all our searches. It doesn't seem to be on my computer. Do you suggest I down Bearshare from its site?

Appreciate your help. Dov
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Hi, again, Dov...

I suggested the link for the Help File regarding setting-up Norton Firewalls only to provide you with a clear example of how to use the Norton Set-Up pages...

When reading the examples presented in the BearShare Help documents, simply replace the appropriate LimeWire files for the BearShare example shown...

Or... Try this...

Open the main Norton Internet Security page by either a right-click or double left-clicking on the Norton Internet Security icon - The bluish globe icon...

Then, click on Norton Internet Security

Next, click on Personal Firewall

Then over on the lower right of the Norton page, click on Configure

next, make sure that the 'slider' is set to Medium

next, click on the 'Program Control' tab up on the top of the page

next, under the heading Automatic Program Control,
checkmark 'Turn on Automatic Program Control'

next, look down at the bottom of the same 'Program Control' page and under the section headed Manual Program Control

click on the Program Scan button.

This may take a while as the Norton program examines all of the programs you have installed...

You should find that LimeWire has been added to the programs recognised by your Firewall...

Then, it is up to you, probably, to answer correctly the first time LimeWire attempts to connect with the internet... Norton will ask you about permitting and you must be careful to also possibly check a box so that LimeWire is always treated the same way...

Hope this makes it clearer for you !
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Hi Ursala.....

I'm probably getting to be a nusiance and this is just as frustrating to me as it must be to you. I followed your last instructions to the letter. It's not exactly new to me. Still no connection. The scan came up with Limewire.exe and I set it to Permit. I clicked on connect when it failed to connect when the program came up. Nothing.

I disenabled the firewall and everything comes through perfectly. including people logging into my shared file.

A techie friend suggested I delete the entire Limewire program and download again. What do you think or do you have any other ideas?

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Norton Personal Firewall Add "javaw.exe" as a fully trusted application.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2004
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Originally posted by rkapsi

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... and, Dov... be sure to take food, water and a blanket !
You are going to be away for some time !

Aren't computers fun ???
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