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Lord of the Rings October 25th, 2004 12:19 PM

khbrown44 See this link

sextile October 25th, 2004 03:03 PM

Connection Problems
Hi, i've been on Limewire for about a week now and have only had connection problems in the last couple of days. I haven't installed a Firewall only PAL Antivirus. I installed the jar as suggested which didn't seem to work. i kept shutting down and starting up and now i'm connected but the connection says poor quality. Pleas help, i'm quite clueless about all this stuff, don't know the jargon.:confused:

Lord of the Rings October 25th, 2004 05:24 PM

Did you try deleting your Limewire (LW) preferences? To find them do a search on your computer for limewire. Your LW Prefs are in a folder called .limewire Delete the entire folder. (FOr mac that's a single file called .limewire.
When LW is open, click Tools->Options & go to Bug report & click for an example. In the window that appears scroll down to the part that says: "Recieved incoming this session". If it says ‘True’ then LW has no problem with firewalls, but if 'False' it does have a prob.
For macosx that is LW's Prefs & Bug Report, & for OS9 that's Options & Bug Report (I think.)

dzine77 October 25th, 2004 09:28 PM

help!!! at the end of my rope! :''(
OSX user...can't connect worth anything! :'(

Hey all...I've been reading the possible fixes for the connect probs and I have tried them all and nothing! I'm so frustrated!

I'm using mac OSX version 10.3.5

I can open it and it has the lil green bar that constantly says 'connecting' occassionaly it will go up to 'poor' for like a second then back down to 'connecting' although obviously i never can do anything.

I've tried deleting preferences, unchecking tips, etc. etc. and gone into system prefs making sure the port was available thruogh the firewall. I dunno...I need some serious help! If anyone knowing bout this prob. on mac osx could shed some light on this i'd greatly appreciate it!!!

sextile October 26th, 2004 04:14 AM

Connection Problems
Hi Lord of the Rings

thanks for responding. I have deleted the preferences as suggested. when i went to reopen Limewire, the wizard appeared (not Merlin unfortunately) so i followed it and now appear to be connectd.

thanks so much for your help. may need to call on you again as i am dangerously inexperienced at all this stuff.

later :p

murasame October 27th, 2004 06:34 PM

dzine, as a Mac user, I suggest you disable your firewall completely: Macs don't need them as much as PCs.
Now, where are you trying to connect from? Home? Work? School/university?
Launch LW and go to the preferences. Go to the Bug Reports section and click the button for an example. In the window that appears you'll find somewhere along the lines this written: "Recieved incoming this session". If it says false (if true, then you're ok, firewall-wise), then there's a firewall blocking LW, and since your OS X firewall either allows LW or is disabled, then it's because you are trying to connect from somewhere else than home and that they people who own the connection don't want P2P, so they bock it. No "legit" way around that.
If that still isn't your case (I mean that you can't connect but you are using a home connection) then it's possible that it's your ISP who is responsible for blocking P2P. You can try calling them to ask them what's the deal.

desproth October 27th, 2004 07:12 PM

thx everyone im logged onto limewire odd thing is i upgraded my router and when i did it shorted half of it out and now i can log onto all my p2p things lol. bad things is it only lets one pc connect so i have to buy a new tomorrow though i am buying one this time that has no firewall in it. lol see ya on the net.

Ginny November 2nd, 2004 07:42 PM

Help me Lord of the Rings!

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Tell us what your result is to this thread & it's link. What firewalls do u have? XP & anything else?
Lord of the Rings-

Mine says "False" but I feel like I've done everything I can to disable firewalls. I run Windows XP and also have Zone Alarm. Zone alarm is configured to allow connections from Limeware. Is there anything else that needs to be done? i also have Norton Anti-virus. Would this cause a problem in any way?

I haven't had any problems connecting before. It seems that it jsut happened all the sudden. I checked and I do have SP2 installed. hopefully with this information you can help me.

I really like this program and want to be able to use it again. Thanks!


Lord of the Rings November 2nd, 2004 08:33 PM

See this thread: in reference to Norton.

murasame November 3rd, 2004 03:48 PM

Norton Anti-virus doesn't block anything (aside form virii of course) when it comes to connections. I'd like to ask where are you trying to connect from? (work, university, home...)

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