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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #261 (permalink)  
Old October 8th, 2005
Join Date: October 7th, 2005
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abassili is flying high
Default Still can't connect after downloading upgrade to 4.9.3

I've tried everything I've read here and still can't connect. what's next? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance! Ash
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  #262 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2005
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 9
umpiredice is flying high

I'm not entirely sure if this is the same problem everybody else is reporting, but like most others, for me this problem has only started occurring since I upgraded to 4.9.30 and 4.9.33. I have:

LimeWire Pro 4.9.33
Microsoft Windows 98 (yeah, I know, I know ...)
A truly ancient Pentium II 350MHz CPU (yeah, I know, I know ...)
Two hard drives, 6.4GB and 120GB (free space 450MB and 102GB respectively); music is saved to the second drive
Terayon cable modem
Broadband connection via Shaw Cable
No firewall
No shared connections (connecting from home)
My test worked, but was very slow, over a minute
Got true for the true/false test
Have not yet tried deleting my preferences
I am a moderately experienced LimeWire user.

The problem I am experiencing is that LimeWire starts, and once the screen appears, the connection quality logo goes all the way up to "Turbo Charged Connection". However, my searches return few or no results, my monitor shows no uploads at all, and when I look at the "Connections" tab, I find that all five of my connections have only been active for five to twenty seconds, and they are being dropped constantly. It is very rare for any one connection to stay up for more than a minute, and LimeWire is CONSTANTLY trying to make new connections.

Now, I know my computer is very old, but it still WORKS, and I don't have a couple of thousand spare dollars to buy a new one (although I'm working on that!). However, before upgrading to 4.9.30/33, I had LimeWire Pro 4.8.1, and it never had a problem like this. Indeed, the only reason I upgraded was to get rid of that annoying "There's a newer version" message.

1. Is it my computer? Is LimeWire 4.9.x incompatible with Pentium II's or Windows 98?
2. Is it something I've done or failed to do?
3. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem - it starts, but the connection is tenuous at best? What did you do?

Thanks to all.
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  #263 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2005
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Just a thought for now as it's late ... well it is here

Are you trying to connect as a leaf or an ultrapeer? You should see in the connections window. Which ever it is ... try going to options or preferences >speed>Ultrapeer capabilities> Dissable ultrapeer capabilities>check box>apply>ok For a couple of days I had your problem and this worked for me. Usually I connect as an ultrapeer although I don't think I should personally, as my connection is not that fast. I think this apparent annomoly may have changed with version .30, but I have not updated.

Hopefully there will be some more thoughts soon
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  #264 (permalink)  
Old October 11th, 2005
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
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umpiredice is flying high

Thank you, Hobo.

I originally had ultrapeer capabilities disabled, and was connecting as a leaf. I have now re-enabled ultrapeer capabilities, but I am still connecting as a leaf. It has made little difference to the symptoms - the connections still drop, but the average time to dropping has gone up to about 20 seconds from about 5 seconds.

There's another problem that I've noticed with the new version of LimeWire. Graphics are EXTREMELY slow. I'm used to slow graphics because of my antique computer, but it's ridiculous now. If I open another window (say, this one, where I'm typing in my post) while LimeWire is running, then when I close this window, it takes up to ten minutes for LimeWire to redraw its screen. Any ideas?

Thanks again.
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old October 11th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Umpiredice:- I'm no windows expert, but I think you are really in need of an upgrade or two
The 450 MB on your one drive which I assume houses your OS is not enough (well on a mac it certainly is not enough) 125 RAM is pretty dodgy too! and also Limwewire version 4.9.30 was hailed as the first limewire to suck even more out of your computer, particularly windows. I am hoping you still have the 4.8.1 installer on your machine. I think going back to that will solve yopur problems. Let me know if this helps. 4.8.1 should be available on Limewire, if you can get it! Dissabling ultrapeer capabilities might still help a bit, as I get the impression that attempts to connect in vain as an ultraper might use up some resourses.
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  #266 (permalink)  
Old October 11th, 2005
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
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umpiredice is flying high

Thanks again, Hobo.

I do still have the 4.8.1. installer. I'll uninstall 4.9.33 and reinstall 4.8.1. Do you think I should also do that trick with deleting the preferences file?

And yes, no kidding I need an upgrade! However, I believe I can free up a lot of space on my C: drive by moving all my photo albums to the D: drive, there's still over 100GB of space on that. I think I'll get perhaps a gig and a half that way. Thanks for pointing out that the lack of space would hurt Windows performance, I didn't think it needed 450MB! But I've noticed in the last year that practically everything on my machine has been slowing down, so that's probably it. Have you any other suggestions?
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  #267 (permalink)  
Old October 11th, 2005
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I see your computer has been slowing down for a while what Hobo says is right you need more space on your C: drive. In the future I would suggest any programs you download put them on you D: drive I would also suggest that you move any programs you can to that drive.

Also you need to see how many applications you have running in the background. You can do this by pressing and holding Ctrl+Alt then pressing Delete. This should open your Task Manager you will be able to see what programs are running in the background.
You can also see how much memory you are using with 128Mb of memory you do not have allot to spare LimeWire will use about 50Mb itself so that only leaves 70Mb any applications running in the background will be using memory also.

You probably need to derangement your hard drive 98 was notorious for fragmenting. Also I do not see where you are running any kind of spy ware detection tools. You should probably do a spy ware scan and clean any spy ware out. If you download a spy ware detector set it to run only when you want it to. You do not want it running in the background it will only use memory and I do not think you have any to spare.

You can get Ad-Aware SE Personal at the link below it is free or at least it use to be. And it works pretty good.

Hope this helps get your performance back to what it use to be if you could get another 256Mb it would help you allot.
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Later Grandpa
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  #268 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2005
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
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umpiredice is flying high

Thank you, Grandpa.

I run the Windows disk defragmenter every Wednesday morning at 4:00 a.m., and disk cleanup every Tuesday at the same time. Should I schedule them every night, do you think?

I already have AdAware, and I run it manually about every two weeks. The first time I ran it, I got rid of surprisingly few files, and it's been very rare for anything to turn up since then. I'm pretty careful about what I let onto my computer.

The only programs I have running all the time are NetNanny (which I usually have disabled), Norton AntiVirus 2003, Kodak EasyShare, and Adaptec CreateCD. I'm not sure why the latter two are always running, as I don't have shortcuts to them in my Startup folder. Stopping them has no noticeable effect on system speed.

My memory usage is a bit puzzling. I only have 128MB of memory, yet the system memory monitor tool shows an average of 250MB allocated! Processor usage is typically around 10%, except when a program is loading, then it jumps briefly to about 80%. I've noticed that if I have a DOS prompt window open, and I run anything at all in it, processor usage jumps to 100% and stays there. If the window is open but I'm not running a program, processor usage stays around 10%.

I gained 1.8 GB of free space on my C: drive by moving my photos to the D: drive, and since then the system is noticeably faster. In fact, it's much faster. I haven't had a chance to try running LimeWire yet, but I'll let you know how it works out.

Thanks again to everybody for all the help.
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  #269 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2005
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Your cpu has some virtual memory built into it that is why you see the 250Mb of memory being used but you are maxed out. I am guesssing you are using PC 133 memory I have seen that type of memory sell pretty cheap on e-bay $5.00 or less you may want to pick up another 256KB or 128KB stick it would help you out allot. If you do go to e-bay make sure you check out what there delivery charge is before you click buy. Also check out what there rating is.
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  #270 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2005
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i had this problem too
(limewire wouldn't connect)
nothing in any of these threads worked
& then i just uninstalled some windows security updates
& i'm up & running with a good connection
hope this helps someone
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