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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
Start here Suggestions to help you get connected, * try here first *, then see below (click on 'this' blue link)

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  #271 (permalink)  
Old October 27th, 2005
Join Date: November 11th, 2003
Posts: 9
umpiredice is flying high

Thank you, Hobo and Grandpa!

The suggestion that really helped was to free up space on my C drive. I've moved a pile of stuff to my D drive, and my C drive now has over 2GB free. What an incredible difference it's made! It's not just LimeWire, it's every program I have - everything is ten to twenty times faster than it used to be!

My original problem with LW 4.9.33 is gone. Connections start immediately and stay up for hours. I get swarming downloads of over 100K/sec, which I never got before. Searches return hundreds of sources instead of only one or three. Good to be back in business!

Thank you again!
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  #272 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
Join Date: October 31st, 2005
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rigoz74 is flying high

Dont work for me, still unable to connect. I'm running OSX tiger and LW 4.9.3. Another solution to fix this problem????
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  #273 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
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Not without more details about your set up.

Can you give us a total desciption of your set up:
1. OS version? (eg: OS 10.4.1)
2. What firewalls you have? Are any active? Go to system prefs>Sharing>Services & Firewalls & are any ticked?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
9. Who is your isp provider (Internet Service Provider)?
10. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up.
11. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
12. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?
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640 K [of computer memory] ought be enough for anybody. -- Bill Gates (1981)
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The important thing is not to stop questioning. -- Albert Einstein
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -- Albert Einstein
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  #274 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2005
Join Date: November 2nd, 2005
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wgray5 is flying high

ok, i have the same problem, again, as everybody else. i have tried most fixes in this forum to the best of my abilities. i have turned off my firewalls, i have tried to say allow gnutella in my firewall settings. i have run the jar, i have deleted the prefrences files, i have even tried the fix with the internet connection fixer thing a couple pages back, all to no avail. i can start limewire fine, no problems there, but when i try to connect i get one bar and the message 'you are currently connecting to the network'. it will sit on that message until the rapture if i let it. i also have a firewall registered (but thats probably becuase of my college network) which is in all actuallity probably the basis of my problem. i have email my IT department here at the University of Tennessee, and i am waiting for a responce, though i'll most likely not get the help i need from them, they don't like p2p clients at all, seeing as though it slows the entire university network down. any help that i could recieve from you all would be greatly appreciated. here are my stats -

1. Windows XP Home Edition SP2
2. Windows firewall, and Mcafee is what the universtiy uses, but i dont think i can access the settings on that one.
3. 504mb DDR ram
4.available disk space: C: - 10.9 GB, D: - 9.98 GB
5. as ive said, connection type is through a college network, we use a T3 here, i believe
6. LW version 4.9.28, java version 1.5.0_04
7. my 6346 test worked
8. my recieving incoming was false

i think thats everything you asked for, if you need any additional information i will gladly give it to you promptly. i have been in the dorm at this university for almost 3 months and havent had limewire working once, though i do occasionally fiddle with it. this is the first time ive requested help because im tired of living without my limewire. please help a poor college student who would rather waste his hours sharing files, rather than studying!

thank you for your time,
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  #275 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2005
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Odds are the college is blocking P2P networks allot of the do you could try different ports that works some times.
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Later Grandpa
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  #276 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2005
Join Date: November 2nd, 2005
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wgray5 is flying high

ive tried several high numbered ports. i went to a port listing website and used a couple of those, nothing works. ive talked to a friend who said i might need to download a patch for my upnp from microsoft. im not on my computer right now, but ill get back and let you know if that works. thanks!
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  #277 (permalink)  
Old November 17th, 2005
Join Date: November 17th, 2005
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americanjew88 is flying high

So basically if we're college students, you have no way to help us because our school is more than likely the problem?
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  #278 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2006
Join Date: May 27th, 2006
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livindedgirl is flying high

I have tried everything I have found online and I am still not able to connect to Limewire. I had Norton and got rid of it. I have Mcfee and still nothing. I have re-installed and nothing. I have deleted limewire preferences and nothing. I even got rid of limewire and have tried kazza, morpheus, and soulshare and I am not able to connect to these p2p servers. i have had limewire for three years and have never had this problem. I'm looking through all theses connection problem forums and nothing I'm finding works...can anyone help me?????
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  #279 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2006
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The odds are your ISP is blocking or filtering P2P networks if none work and it used to but just quit working suddenly. But in any case a little more info is needed.

Can you give us a total description of your set up:
1. OS version? (Eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (Eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version of Limewire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
9. Who is your ISP provider? ( AOL/MSN/Comcast/Tiscal)
10. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up.
11. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?
These details are vital if you want us to find out what your connection problem is.

* Did you configure your firewall so it allows LW full access (advisable not to have 2 active firewalls b/c they can interfere with each other.

12. Do This test, Is the result True/False? Is the result True/False

13. Do a speed test post the results here.
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #280 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2006
Join Date: June 6th, 2006
Posts: 7
braves56 is flying high

u confuse the **** out of me.use english.
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