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Talis September 14th, 2004 05:47 PM

I just downloaded LimeWire, and I can't even connect. When I go to File>Connect, all it is is greyed out (you know, with Windows). I run on Windows 98, and the site only has info for XP. Anybody here who can help me?

stupididiot69er September 15th, 2004 04:22 PM

make shure your firewall allows limewire (if you have one), tell us if you've got a proxy, and get the latest version of java.
man you've got an old windows though i might be able to see why 98 is one of the most stabble windows and is one that works very smoothly

Talis September 17th, 2004 02:48 PM

Well, I use a network card on my 98, and I love 98 since it works the best out of any in my opinion, and since all the computers in the house have it. I don't know the Preoxy settings, and my computer won't tell me either ^^.

stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 02:51 PM

can you try to go in the computers and turn it off to see if that solves the problem

Lord of the Rings September 17th, 2004 03:01 PM


I run on Windows 98, and the site only has info for XP.
I have a few links to sites where u 'might' find a few hints since they have particular sections on win 98: Site 1 (try this 1st) , & also articles & forum for w98 & I suppose lastly you might find something at this site.

stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 03:04 PM

oh srr i didn't notice it was only for xp
well Talis fallow what lord put together

stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 03:24 PM

now i'm asking which site? there weren't any on this thread yet except if it's two page and I can't view the first....

Talis September 19th, 2004 05:45 PM

Well the limewire site, I guess it's because 98 isn't so popular anymore.

Talis September 20th, 2004 06:43 PM

Well, I already have two hard drives, but the whoel thing is that my whole house is running on 98 and it's my dad's choice to change anything because he has everything. And one hard drive is totally messed in the disc.

et voilą September 20th, 2004 07:16 PM

First thing to do Talis, is to update the java to 1.5 RC. I think it will solve the problem. Get it there and choose the JRE

+1 to the windows 2000 advice if office and average user usage
+1 to windows XP if your PC is a gaming machine

Bonne chance!

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