October 23rd, 2004
I'm a Mac OSX User & Can't Connect.. Help! To start off, this is my first time using a file sharing program on a Macintosh. I have a Windows XP (HE) at my home (now I stay in a dorm, which means I have a network connection) and on it I have WinMX, which is a file sharing program for Windows, only. Anyway, I happened upon LimeWire (looking for a file sharing program) so I decided to install it. Everything went smoothly until I tried to connect. It seems like getting a connection is the MAIN problem for a lot of people. To make this as simple as I can, the little red dot in the bottom left corner of the window is always red, which is disconnected. I have tried going to File, then down to Connect, but the only thing that pops up is a notice saying my internet isn't connected when I ACTUALLY have full access to it. I don't go through a dial-up or whatever I would if I were at home because like I said, this is a network type of connection. The only thing my college needed to connect me to their internet provider was my laptop's address. I simply don't understand why I can not connect to the freakin' limewire program. It stayed connected (on green) for about 10 minutes (max) one time but it disconnected itself and wouldn't connect back (or stay connected for more than 1 minute... 30 seconds actually). After that, when I looked under Connection, the thing wasn't even TRYING to connect like it was before. This is really unlike any file sharing program I have ever seen. During that 10 mins. connection, I was able to start downloading a song. I thought the program was still connected because the song was oddly enough, still downloading. The thing was red but it still seemed like I had a connection. But I guess I didn't, because when I tried to search for something else (while that song was still downloading) I couldn't. The notice would pop right back up. Damn this is werid.... HELP.
I hope someone out there can help me. I'd very much appreciate it.
P.S. My virus scanner is Virex 7.2, and my firewall is OFF, which is the setting my computer already came on seeing as it's brand new. If any of this will help. |