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rwmcgwier August 30th, 2001 08:51 AM

This version 1.6d with jre 1.1.8 in the limewire directory,
has fixed my problems with Windows 2000 professional
here as well. Don't know what sun and microsoft have done to
the virtual machine but limewire and it don't like each other.
(I tried both virtual machines, same problem). It is now fixed.


Unregistered August 30th, 2001 05:27 PM

Works Great! Thanks!!

Unregistered August 30th, 2001 08:37 PM

GRrrr ... Neither D/L fixed teh problem.... now getting invalid object a.a.a.b. or something .... WIN98, Cable,

CAN I PLEASE GET 1.4 back ????? At least it worked!!!!

TruStarwarrior August 31st, 2001 12:07 AM

Unregistered August 31st, 2001 06:03 PM

I am having the same problem, only with a Macintosh G4 running Mac OS 9. Everything is fine on start up except that there is absolutely no connection. Is there an alternate installer for the Mac I can download?


TruStarwarrior August 31st, 2001 06:16 PM

Sorry, no mac alternate download. :-(

Use the 1.4b link in the posts above. If 1.6 is being stupid, 1.4b will work for you. There were relatively no problems with it.

Unregistered August 31st, 2001 06:48 PM

Problems Still
Hi guys. I have tried all three versions of Lime Wire, 1.4, 1.6d AND the 1.6118. What happens is this:

1. In Connections, comes up in the connected hosts screen & disappears after 10 seconds or so, then
2. comes up in the screen and disappers, too.

It never says that I connected. I am on a LAN, and my AOL & MSN Instant Messenger work fine. I am on Win Me. Any help that could be posted would be GREAT! - Thanks, James Hearn

TruStarwarrior August 31st, 2001 10:31 PM

If you are on a LAN at work, there is most likely a firewall installed. Depending on it's configuration, it may not even allow you to use LimeWire to connect to the network at all. Ask your system administrator if there is a firewall set up and if a Gnutella client can be used with it. But then again, if your company condones file sharing, this might not be the best idea. :-)

NYHokie2001 September 2nd, 2001 08:26 PM

Worked for me
Thank you!

Unregistered September 3rd, 2001 07:50 AM

Works a treat for me...

And yes I have tried different versions of JAVA but only this download worked...


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