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Unregistered September 12th, 2001 11:57 PM

Worked great. I was using the 1.6d version and was getting an error that it could not find an open port. I uninstalled that and installed the 16d118.exe and it works just like it should. Thanks for the info.

P3rf3ctD4rkn3ss September 19th, 2001 12:57 AM

Re: Problems Still
This is exactly the problem I am having except I have only been using version 1.4b for a few months now and nothing else but that. Nothing has changed at all. I have a local Internet provider ( ) with the local switch about twenty minutes away. A trace to my local ISP shows four hops with 92 milliseconds as the fastest response time and the longest being 118 milliseconds. Now, that's on a dial-up modem... Connection speed is 53333bps. Everything was fine until like this past week I guess when I started the thing up and suddenly it tries to connect to those two hosts but eventually fails. This machine is running Windows 98 (4.10.3110). No I don't have any problems with my other Internet connections. If I did, how would I be able to post on here.. :D :rolleyes: I do not have any firewalls running at all and nothing has been changed on this end.. So someone try and figure that one out. Maybe my ISP blocked me from using it or some s-h-i-t (Damnit, I am soooo anti-censorship!!). :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Unregistered
Hi guys. I have tried all three versions of Lime Wire, 1.4, 1.6d AND the 1.6118. What happens is this:

1. In Connections, comes up in the connected hosts screen & disappears after 10 seconds or so, then
2. comes up in the screen and disappers, too.

It never says that I connected. I am on a LAN, and my AOL & MSN Instant Messenger work fine. I am on Win Me. Any help that could be posted would be GREAT! - Thanks, James Hearn

P3rf3ctD4rkn3ss September 19th, 2001 02:53 AM

After I b-i-t-c-h-e-d about it and add those auto-connect hosts (see below) to the list, it works..

Took a while to get off it's a-s-s though.. Must be some local routing problems then due to the recent attacks.. *sighs* Stupid world.

P3rf3ctD4rkn3ss September 19th, 2001 03:16 AM

Great, now it's sitting there saying "Connecting" with two different hosts... Shows the green dot as "Online" but next to that, it says "Disconnected / no files available". :D :rolleyes:

P3rf3ctD4rkn3ss September 19th, 2001 03:25 AM

Now it's running again with 63 hosts.. :D :rolleyes:

*shuts up*

P3rf3ctD4rkn3ss September 19th, 2001 05:51 PM

No, no, no..
Editing my post like that was a very bad idea. You do not want to p-i-s-s me off like that. You and your censorship can go to H-e-l-l.

Ooooh noooooooooo, I said a-s-s. I'm a very bad person now.. :eek: :rolleyes:

Gimme a break.

TruStarwarrior September 20th, 2001 02:33 PM

Please refrain from using that type of language. It is not appropriate here. People of all ages are using these forums, so please keep it clean and civil. If you truly didn't think it was
*bad*, you wouldn't have spelled out your vocabulary like t-h-i-s.
I won't edit any more of your messages. I'll trust you to do that on your own.

Thank you.

katchatiger September 28th, 2001 10:22 PM

I use Windows ME this seemed to fix the problem!
Make sure you remove and do not use old shortcut.

fireballva September 30th, 2001 07:51 PM

Connection problem with Ver. 1.7
I am using Road Runner hi speed cable and Windows ME...when I press the Connect, it tries to load and then dies. I have downloaded Limewire 1.7 version...HELP!

devil55 October 3rd, 2001 04:56 PM

Thanks for the help! I installed the older version (16d118) as suggested and it works great. Thanks again.

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