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Unregistered October 4th, 2001 08:57 PM

i tried the new 1.7 version and the older version you had posted, but it won't let me connect no matter what i try. this wasnt happening a week ago and now all the sudden i cant get connected no matter what i try.

Unregistered October 4th, 2001 10:29 PM

when can we expect to be able to connect again?
especially for those running Mac os 9 or OSX?

tochsia September 8th, 2006 01:18 PM

That link for me is dead. Anyway you can post a new link?

tochsia September 11th, 2006 12:28 PM

Sorry I didnt realize it was so old. I just started searching for the answer to my problem with limewire pro. I am useing the newest version and I have tryed frostwire, both give the same problem. Unable to connect to the Gnutella server.
This just started. I have been useing limewire for sometime now with no problems at all.

Lord of the Rings September 11th, 2006 12:36 PM

LW 1.6 was quite a different program internally. I never tried it. I started using LW with version 2.x 5 years ago & kept using that version until 2 years ago. If you have connection problems see Connection problems? Check here first! (click on link) ;) :)

kelmorg_2000 December 26th, 2006 02:59 PM

unable to establish a connection
this link wont work *cries* keeps coming up 'page cannot be found'
i have limewire pro and it keeps saying it wont connect...unable to establish a connection
"your machine does not appear to have an active internet connection or a firewall is blocking limewire from accessing the internet.limewire will automatically keep trying...."

i try to contact tech support (as it is mentioned that we recieve email technical support when upgrading) but no one ever replies. :mad:
It always works every one in five times. it used to work fine until i upgraded windows explorer.
no it isnt a firewall...i disabled it to see if it would change anything. it didnt.

Lord of the Rings December 26th, 2006 10:09 PM

It's a little pointless posting to a 5+ year old thread. LW back then was totally different. Create a new thread & answer these questions listed here System details - help us to help you (click on link)

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