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afisk August 14th, 2001 08:46 AM

Users Unable to Connect with LimeWire 1.6X Look Here
For anyone who is unable to establish a connection to the network using LimeWire 1.5-1.6d on Windows, try using the installer available at:

This is the same exact code as LimeWire 1.6d, but it uses the Java 1.1.8 version of Java. This is the same version of Java that we were using with LimeWire 1.4b and below, and those versions of LimeWire did not have this problem. This section of our code has changed very little, however, so we suspect that this problem arose as a result of the JVM change.

This is applicable to users who are unable to establish any connection to the network at all with LimeWire 1.5 and above, including users who are receiving the message about not being able to find a port for incoming connections.

This installer will likely work for you, and it would be a great help to us if you could report back any successes or failures.

Thanks very much.

The LimeWire Team

kiriuja August 14th, 2001 01:21 PM

Well Great!
This one does work!

Thanks a lot!

afisk August 14th, 2001 01:38 PM

Glad to hear that it worked for you. I was meaning to contact you directly about it, so I'm glad that you noticed the post. Again, the code for LimeWire that you just installed is exactly the same as the code for the standard 1.6d release, it is just using a slightly older version of Java.

We should have this problem solved using the new version of Java for a release somewhat soon.

Unregistered August 20th, 2001 12:03 AM

it didnt work! help please

Beckerist August 20th, 2001 05:52 AM

To All:
So you are not connecting to the gnutella servers:
How did it not work? It still isn't connecting? Can you connect to any gnutella servers with any program? Did Napster work for you? Does AOL Instant Messenger work? Does MSN Messenger work? Answer these questions to the best that you can, and let me know. You can email me: and I can try to figure out from there... If no other gnutella clients work for you, then you are most likely behind a firewall. There are ways around this, but it would be easier for me to diagnose the problem if you could answer these questions.</p>

Unregistered August 20th, 2001 08:24 AM

I instlled this other version, but I am still getting the reply that it can't find a port for incoming connections. What else can I do?

Beckerist August 20th, 2001 08:29 AM

Meaning this was happening before? Please answer my questions asked above, this will help me solve the question as to whether it was your computer, internet connection, or someone completely different...

Unregistered August 20th, 2001 08:40 AM

No other gnutella server works for me, napster works, aol instant messenger and msn messenger work. I had installed limewire 1.6d,then tried the version posted above and no matter the version, I always get the failure to find a port for incoming connections. Also I do believe that I am firewalled.

Unregistered August 20th, 2001 08:45 AM

Beckerist, help!
im connected to a network in my dorm at cal state fullerton, the net works, but i cant connect to aol insant messenger or limewire. do i have a firewall? can you help me?
thanks, dave

Beckerist August 20th, 2001 08:51 AM

If you cannot connect to AOLIM
You are behind a firewall. Limewire, along with IRC, AOLIM, RealPlayer require a direct connection to the internet. Most firewalls prevent users from being directly connected to the internet, because they access it through a proxy server. Most proxy servers will not work for these applications. There are ways around it, you should check out this site for more details. Another good site is: Try these, tell me what you think.

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