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Sirwaffle January 17th, 2005 04:31 PM

Sudden Connecting Problems
Hello all i'm new to the boards. Anyways i've had Limewire for a little of a year. When the update first came around i decided to wait awhile before i upgraded it. I decided to tpdate this yesterday. Up until then Limewire was working fine. Now whenever i open the program up and select to connect it won't get past "connecting". This is the first problem i've ever had with limewire that i couldn't fix myself. I've seen that many others have had this problem and there are many solutions posted and i think i've tried them all, but none of them have seemed to work.If someone could help me i'd greatly appreciate it.

My operating system is Windows Xp and connect to the internet thourgh a dsl connection. I can't clairfy how fast it is. I am also connected through a hub if that makes any difference

Sirwaffle January 18th, 2005 07:09 PM

Can anybody help me? Am i missing any information? Anyone?

Sirwaffle January 20th, 2005 12:14 PM

day three with no help.

Sirwaffle January 22nd, 2005 06:47 AM

day 5 and still not a soul has said a thing to me. I swear i have tried everthing short of buying a new computer.

Lord of the Rings January 22nd, 2005 07:03 AM


I've seen that many others have had this problem and there are many solutions posted and i think i've tried them all
Perhaps that's why! What do we know you perhaps don't already know. It's not easy if we don't know anything about your problem. We don't even know which operating system you use! Getting the gist of what I'm saying? We need as many details as possible. We don't know what you've tried. If you'd read so many posts you'd also be aware what we need to know to help.

Sirwaffle January 22nd, 2005 08:37 PM

I think i got the gist of what you were saying. I have Windows Xp home edition, version 5.1, and i only have the first service pack. I have Verison dsl that runs at 645.5 kilobits per second. On the modem itself it says, Fujitsu speedport and I didn't see the model number. I have a hub if that makes a difference. I'm doing this from my home. I don't get an error message, and the only thing that limewire seems to do is stay in the connecting phase.I don't have a firewall, and i made sure that the one that comes with xp is turned off. I have 512 MB of RAM. I have 68 GB of memory free.

Thank you for atleast posting something. I know you must get a lot of people like me everyday and i'd like to say i appreciate you trying to help me. I hope i gave the information you needed.

Sirwaffle January 25th, 2005 12:28 PM

just posting to show i'm not dead.

Lord of the Rings January 25th, 2005 07:44 PM

Port forwarding (opening port 6346 for LW) might help. I have instructions here but don't know if they are exact for your model. The principle will be the same. So if you choose to do this the instructions are below.

1. You will need to set up a static ip 1st for this to work! 2. Instructions: & use Port 6346.

3. Force ip within LW using Port 6346: Force IP instructions & sample image

4. Try the Beta 4.3.3 which overcomes some major bugs in 4.2.x: or if you're a Pro user you'll find a link at the bottom of your personal downld page.

Sirwaffle January 25th, 2005 09:06 PM

When i used the instructions for setting up a static ip address i got another problem. when i typed command in the run window i got an error message that read "The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications." I currently trying to find a solution to this problem. If you have any ideas, they would be most aprreciated

Sirwaffle January 25th, 2005 09:07 PM

*I am currently*

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