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Plusnet grr PlusNet has blocked it and the proxy work around dont do crap i swear... i sometimes get connected randomly though.... and theres this thing where if my net is down i can connect to limewire?? any thoughts... Grrr no more porn hahaha |
Re: Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote:
06/18/2005 In reply: Been on the network awhile now and still get upld request from comcast,shawcable,setarsdsl,telus.net at this minute but have not noticed the block at all. Been offline for a few days though no one is really using the network that much on the weekends its during the week that everyone is home. I have had record downloads of about 1000 requests for one particular download that is popular now in one evening. So, if the RIAA wants to pick on all of us then that even though the stuff is copyrighted don't mean nothing. How many times have you duped your own private suff for a personal friend because they don't have it in the their collection? Its all bout control people -- they want our souls and the rich rappers who look ugly, no teeth, really can't dance or play the part of a gigilo need to step down. Oh did I mention CAN'T SING/TALK either -- its sad how the record companies take advantage of young no talent and exploit them if your not playing basketball or football first. I'm done. |
Duskv20 the inabililty to search is the 1st thing most Insight users notice. Alternatives are to change isp provider or try some of the proxy ideas. But setting up a proxy can be difficult & needs a lot of patience. You may need to try out many many proxy numbers before you find one that works. Even try different types of proxies if necessary. ;) :) |
Neo - That sounds great and all but how the heck can I remedy the problem when I can't get INSIDE LW????? Please help me out if at all possible! Thanks.:confused: |
You could always try sending Neo a pm. * As well as proxies, you can try different ports without a proxy 1st. Apparently some isp's are known for sometimes blocking ports. Some to try are 3500, 1203, 20282, 80 (this last one is a last resort!) Enter the new port no. in the Listening Port section of the LW firewall option. Oh but if you have a router that doesn't utilise UPnP then you may need to forward the port to open it up. See http://portforward.com/routers.htm You can also test the ports you try but you apparently need to have LW open at the same time for some strange reason (otherwise it may say the port's closed when it's actually open): http://home.no.net/tgrumpy/ct/dex.php http://koti.mbnet.fi/gfactory/ctest/ http://jlh.no-ip.org/connectiontest/ http://www.grc.com/port_6346.htm (Press Probe this port button) Use the jump box to enter a new port number. |
Thank Ne0teric I finally solved the problem which I almost given up with, u r great Ne0teric |
You know, I've been having problems with my connections. And i've just taken Ne0teric's advice. But I still don't seem to be getting my search results. I don't get it. I mean the first time, i downloaded limewire everything worked perfectly. And now, all of a sudden i don't get any results for my search. I am soo confused!! |
firewall I am not a wizard at computers, so I need some simple way to fix my problem. I have disabled my firewall, but I cannot connet because Limewire is stating it still detects one. What is the easiest way to fix this problem?? |
I downloaded the most recent version of lime wire and many of the "menus" you've mentioned don't even appear. I have no "force ip" button among other things. Either way... I'm a total noob when it comes to all this proxy/firewall stuff. I've searched around a bit trying to figure something out but I still can't get LW to connect. An error keeps popping up saying that there is no active internet connection or that a firewall is blocking it or something like that. I've tried turning off the firewalls... which I believe I have done, and still... nothing works. So, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! |
Ne0teric- help I am not too computer smart, is that system tools to start with? I don't see an options from system tools. I have even considered going to pro because I cant' get my limewire to work, do you think going pro would let me connect? |
Re: Ne0teric- help Quote:
detecting firewall I turned off my firewall and LW is still detecting one... I don't get it. when I go to http://www3.limewire.com:6346/, it claims my test worked. I've tried deleting the pref folder and that didn't work. I'm running the lastest version of LW. what am I doing wrong?? |
Re: detecting firewall Quote:
I'm having the same problem as the guy above. I'm recently moved back to college in New Mexico and when I first came out here I didn't have any problems. Not I can't see to connect well. When I start the program it'll say that I don't have an internet connect or a firewall is blocking me. But I've turned off my firewalls and they still don't work. I've tried deleting the folder and checking the ulterpeer box. I've tried the use a proxy but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I'll find a working proxy but I'm not sure hot configure it sockv4 socksv5 or http. If this way doesn't work I'm not sure what else to do. I have windows XP, with the lastest version of Limewire and I've already tried reinstalling it. The Limewire worked as recently as a couple days ago. Now the only search that'll work is 50 cent and that doesn't even give me that many results. I need some help. |
Lord of the Rings, you were absolutely right (don't you just love hearing that?). It was my router, I took your advice and opened the port and, viola, it works. Thanks a million! Oh, and Boostees22? I'm most certainly not a guy... the last time I checked. |
so about that guy comment, anyway can I get some help. One again I've tried everything, I'm in college, I assume the network has a firewall, but I as recently as last week, the download worked fine, so can someone knowledgable help me out. |
omg i am so frustrated with limewire right now! I currently have Limewire Pro 4.9.28, and it always shows that i have a firewall. I have tried everything, including manual port forward, testing the ports to see if they're blocked, and updating my java to the newest version. Nothing works. Ive also followed the advice on the limewire site and allowed my ICF to let Limewire through. Still, it always shows that a firewall is active. Lord of the rings help me!!! |
So let me get this right. I use an airport express router for my OSX laptop, so that router has a firewall that i must bypass? What if its acts as a switch? Either way I went straigh through using an ethernet cable and I tried chaging the ports to no avail. Am i supposed to configure each port I try in the Apple firewall? Also even when I turn off the firewall there still is a firewall icon in the lower left corner of limewire. Just some thought, I know lord of the rings has posted links to other sites with more help, i just had some more specific questions before I go there. |
I upgraded today to the latest version and I seem to be blocked by BellSouth so I'm going to try the remedies, most particularly Ne0teric's solution and see if it works for me...does this mean the beginning of the end of LW? |
connection prob. Hey, Do you know anything about firewalls on wnidows 2000? im trying to connect but its not working. |
hey everyone, i was wondering if anyone out there knows how I can get my mac version of limewire to work trough my university connection. I am currently using a ibook that has mac OS 10.4 on it, and i have tried using my virtual pc to see if i could get the pc verision of limewire to work with the method that lord of the rings outlined and it did, but the connection was fair at best and through the virtual pc everthing was running real slow. I then tried to set the preferences exactly like the pc preferences with the mac version, but it still told me that limewire "couldnt find an internet connection, or it was getting blocked by a firewall". please if there is anyone out there who is a mac user and is having the same problem with their limewire please help! |
proxy setting your advice seems great, but i ran into a problem. the proxy setting you used didn't work for me, i still couldn't connect, but can you please tell me how i check for the proxy to be good????i don't even know the meaning of proxy so any help i will appreciate. thanx |
All the proxy suggestions have been passed on by other members. I personally have never used a proxy. If you have a closer look at the different types of proxies, you may find one that works for you. But yes, I was told by a no. of people that you may need to try several proxy no.'s before you find one that works. It may mean a long & patient trial. |
P2P Lockdown It looks as though there is a lockdown on all fronts here folks. I've downloaded SEVERAL P2P apps and NONE work for D/L-ing anything. I thought it was my firewall (using ZA) and messed around with settings, configs, etc., all GD day. Unless there is a definitive answer to this problem thousands of us are experiencing (and I read none here or in any other forum as of late) it would appear that our ISP's have f**ked us out of our ability to do as we wish (or risk) with our paid internet connections as one person pointed out in a former post. I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? All of the P2P apps I have tried to "make work" are acting the same way: As though the ports are blocked by OUR firewalls... But they're not! I have manually opened these ports in my F/W's config and still there is no connectivity. Folks, it is just my humble opinion in regards to the theory that "the powers that be" have finally pressured our ISP's into submission with possible threats of law suits as our ISP's provide all P2P users with the means of accessing files that may or may not be legitamately legal to distribute amonst ourselves as an alternative to sueing individuals like me (who have no networth or assets of any considerable value... like a business and property) to come out fruitless after a conviction in court... for example. God forbid! I'd have to sell my blue jeans and walk around naked... That's something no one wants to see! I am sure there will be other "means" of getting back into the swing of things, yet I can't help but feel sorry for all those people who got sucked in to paying for a "Pro" version of something their ISP's have blocked, banned, or otherwise turned off at the office. As for me, I too am pretty choked about this. But in the meantime, I guess there is no other alternative than to suck it up and deal with it. Good luck to you all! Yonks. |
im having problems connecting. i tried a number of "fixes" listed here but none seem to help me. it is constantly on "connecting" status. i'm a University student so i am on internet provided by the University (which is superspeedy - satellite speed). something is blocking my being able to fully connect to LW. i've allowed access from my firewalls etc but nothing seems to help. any suggestions!? |
I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread that many universities & schools block or filter p2p sharing nowadays. If normal connection won't work, proxies are a possible alternative approach. But no guarantees of success. Some uni's have produced their own custom techniques such as software to filter out p2p programs. Yonkers which ISP do you use? Is it mentioned here by any chance? ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire |
Well, guys... I am NOT at school or work. I am at home. But I did figure out WTF happened to me at least! I contracted a back-door trojan that messed up many a configureation with meh 1's and 0's. The trojan was called BKDR_**PIGON.FS or something like that. So after many formats to rid my HDD of this nasty b!tch, I was finally able to reinstall WinXP and Limewire/Morpheaus/etc and run them without a hitch. I didn't know I was infected until three days ago AFTER a virus scanner update FFS. Nothing likr having a keystroke logger/malware virus on your rig, I'll tell ya. Good luck. |
PACENET in INdia i have been having bad connectivity with limewire on and off in the last month or so - just found out that my ISP is blocking all p2p softwares with a technology called packet shaping. this means that while you're able to browse, and download using your browser normally, p2p apps cant connect becoz the ISP blocks out any port which they try to use based on the packets sent rate. if anyone finds a way to get around this - plz let me know. not being able to use limewire SUCKS bigtime! |
punkprincess did you try the proxies. There's different ones to try, no guarantees but it's worth trying them all. Look at the earlier pages, particulary pages 1-3 of this thread for links to different methods. I don't suppose you have much choice of other ISP's to try. If you do, do your homework as I did before signing up with mine to be sure they don't block or shape p2p sharing. Don't speak to the sales or reception, speak to the technicians. In fact, see if you can convince your present provider to stop the shaping/blocking against your use of LW. |
proxies... lord, thanx for the advice, i had looked thru these links earlier though. tried setting up proxies, it didnt work thats why i'd given up. as i understand, i'll need to go thru lot of them before i find one that works for me...bit of a hassle! anyway i am going to try again after a bit - i have exams coming up - but until then if anyone figures out a way to beat packet shaping... maybe LW developers need to take this into account - lots of ISPs all over the world seem to be doing this kinda stupid sh*t [optimum online posts...gawd!] we need a better way than the rather inconvenient setting up proxies i think... |
The way I see it is this: You pay for it [ISP's bandwidth] you should be able to use it any way you like and if the IRAA want's to sue your ***, then let them come after you. It's like a car. You can speed in it if you like... Run the **** out of it... Neglect it's maintenance... Run it through the bush... Spray paint it... etc., etc. BUT! You are the one who will have to answer to the police, the mechanic, the tow truck driver and ultimately pay for your "useage" of what you paid for, right? Fu*k ISP's! Who the hell do they think they are!? I say switch ISP's to one that doesn't ***** you in the **** when it comes to the way you wish to use your internet connection. Just my opinion. Not that it matters. |
LOL Word filter sensors the words scr ew and pi ss but not "***". Way to go nerds! How fu cking lame! |
I installed Limewire recently. I tried for days to get connected but I couldn't. I went through the different threads concerning the *connection problems*, but no one ever worked for me, until I tried neOtric's proxy solution. It worked! I was thrilled! But.. it worked for two days only :( So, I tried different proxies and ports after that, and nothing ever worked. I am desperate. My set up is : 1. Windows XP SP2 2. I use Armor wall firewall, but even if I close it, LW still detects a firewall. 3. 376MB of RAM 4. 20G Hard Disk space 5. wireless connection (ISDN) 6. Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC 7. I am connecting from home 8. Limewire (LW) version 4.10 & Java J2SE Runtime 5.0 update 6 9. the http://www3.limewire.com:6346/ test result : connection failed Please I need help :( |
I was writing to ask for help on using a proxy. I know there are lots of proxy lists out there. Do I just type the i.p. in the box? and i was just wondering what socks v4 and v5 meant, and if the port i type in with it matters |
I tried it, but still no connection. Does this method work with Windows 98? Whats wrong? |
Josie, winXP has its own built in firewall. you'll have to go to the security centre thru control panel and turn the windows firewall off, even if it warns u not to. keep at least one firewall [armor for you] running, its VERY unsafe to leave yourself unprotected on the net. a few downloads are not worth it, you're a sitting duck for hackers and malicious websites. i havent used armor so i don't know how to configure it, but what you have to do is find an option which allows you to choose the programs that have internet access from your machine and add limewire to that list. also, check your router settings, in case you're using one, they sometimes have their own blocks. there's an excellent thread somewhere around dealing with router configuration, you'll need to search for it. hope this helps. |
i tried absolutely everything, inc the proxy thing, i also tried to set up a static ip address and followed the instructions to the line, but nothing is working, i allowed full access to LW on norton and disabled my windows firewall, i also allowed both gnutella port as it said on all the other threads. I did absolutely everything. I checked the test thing and it worked and I did the other bug test thing and it says false, don;t know what that means. I am just gutted and realllllly annoyed. I am not a uni student, i am on my home computer and it still is not working, i am soooo annoyed!!!!! Someone pleaaaase help. |
did u talk about limewire basic or limewire pro?? well tried it kinda and it didnt work |
i was talking about lime basic |
didnt help me at all. |
Your solution works best... After adding: TCP UDP Port 6346 Allow to my firewall... Then.... LimeWire/Tools/Options/Advanced/Firewall Config/...set Listening Port to 6346 + Manual Port Forward 6346 Voila....worked for the very first time.... after 20 tries....blah...blah...blah.. THANKYOU |
what version of limewire do you have |
Limewire 4.12.3... latest version |
Question about TOR & Privoxy Quote:
I clicked on the link above and I got the message "Your test worked!". What does that mean? I downloaded the latest version of TOR and I setup Limewire to connect thru TOR but I get the following log message in TOR : Quote:
forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 . to the main cofig file and in the Proxy configuration of Limewire I selected the HTTP proxy option and used 'localhost' as the proxy server and 8118 as the port but nothing happened!?! Where am I going wrong?? |
Firewall Problem I've read and tried almost evrything i read in these forums but the wall won't go away. almost at the end of my wits, think all this is worth it? any fresh suggestion pls? |
I have tried this all and nothing... Someone please help me. I know my ISP is blocking P2P programs. |
Why Isn't Limewire Working With Windows Vista???? |
Help..! :( It didn't work, I followed every step..nothing, zilch..no activity what so ever! What next? |
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