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Ad Nauseum June 2nd, 2007 03:07 PM

Another ISP that throttles LW
Speednet, in Michigan throttles limewire during the day, according to a company rep. Heres what he told me:
My network gurus say we don't block but only throttle filesharing during the
day. hrm
However, it seems Charter does not. Looks like i'll be changing ISP's

Lord of the Rings June 2nd, 2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Ad Nauseum (Post 272360)
Speednet, in Michigan throttles limewire during the day, according to a company rep. Heres what he told me: My network gurus say we don't block but only throttle filesharing during the day. hrm
However, it seems Charter does not. Looks like i'll be changing ISP's

Be wary of Charter. There have been odd reports of problems with them also. ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire or search Charter on the forum.

I don't know much about Proxies myself so can only point people to where people have suggested using proxies with some success. But as the author of this thread pointed out to me, you do need to keep trying different proxy numbers as some don't work or don't work very well.

lafingaz June 10th, 2007 02:04 AM

had pro for around 3 yrs 4.8.1 worked perfectly till yesterday when i had t reboot computor now it dosnt connect tried everything thats been listed i even downladed kazaa lite and imesh wich both work fine but limewire is still the best and i hope someone comes up the right fix.will be phoning my provider primus australia tomorrow see if they block but funny how kazaa connected anyway cheers gaz

birdy June 10th, 2007 02:18 AM

iPrimus aren't blocking p2p. If you exceed your download limit for the month, you'll get shaped back to snail speed until the end of the month, but they won't stop you connecting;)

What version of Java are you using? Try this version. Use the JRE offline installer & remove your current version of Java before you install this one.
Archive: Download Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Update 11

If that doesn't help, try deleting LW's preferences folder when LW's properly closed. See point 2 here & also point 3 if you've ever installed a newer version of LW (there could be a folder in either location).
Fixes for LimeWire
This will kill all of your settings within options, you'll have to go back through afterwards & reset things. If you're not sure of your settings, go through LW's tools > options & write them all down, so that you can reset things later.

Or you could try changing ports. In LW tools > options > advanced > firewall config. Change LW's listening port to 64049, or something in the range of 49152 - 65535. Apply to save a change. Any ports forwarded within a modem/router will also have to change.

lafingaz June 10th, 2007 02:41 AM

gee i'm thick
cheers birdy
scuse my ignorance what and where are limewire prefeance folders
cheers gaz

birdy June 10th, 2007 02:48 AM

Click on the blue link 'fixes for LW' in my post;)
For LW 4.8.1 the preferences folder is found here: C:\Documents and Settings\your username\.limewire

lafingaz June 11th, 2007 12:26 AM

well i deleted preferance files uninstalled java instaled the older one and still not connect ing anyone got theres going
cheers gaz

birdy June 11th, 2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by lafingaz (Post 273672)
had pro for around 3 yrs 4.8.1 worked perfectly till yesterday when i had t reboot computor now it dosnt connect

I honestly don't know why things would change after a reboot :confused: Or did you do something else, like reformat?

Can you give us your details please.
System details - help us to help you (click here)

lafingaz June 11th, 2007 11:22 PM

my details
hi heres my details
2.just windows i think
6.netcomm NB5 -2 modem router
8.LW 4.8.1 java j2se development kit 5.0 update 11 j2se runtime enviroment 5.0 update 11
10. it says your test worked
12. no i have lw pro for a few years now
13. no
14.upnp enabled
15.just avg free

kmwalstrom June 13th, 2007 01:47 PM

i did this the way it explained and i got this message saying limewire is not connected to the internet but will keep trying to connect. I can only get one bar of service and it says starting connection. I don't know whats going on but i really hate the fact that it don't work.

just42day July 2nd, 2007 07:55 PM

Rogers and Limewire
I am a Rogers Cable Ultralite Internet subscriber. I thought I would add this little bit of information. I am using a D-Link router and was unable to connect to Limewire. I went into router settings and Port Forwarding options. I set it up as follows (DHCP must be enabled on router and you must use an available private IP address.)


dadeo5 July 30th, 2007 05:27 PM

trying to get port setup
hello i went through the steps and having trouble with finding tool>advance>port. i c everythin else but that one i have 4.14.4 version help please

mmpuckett July 31st, 2007 09:07 PM

I got an updated proxy from Yahoo and tried it. It still has a stupid firewall. Any other suggestions? I took down my gateway and reinstalled it and it worked for awhile until the battery went dead.:confused:

sarahseddon August 11th, 2007 05:13 AM

connection problems

Thanks for this posting - I managed to get all the bars green!!

Not sure how long it will last but at least I've got it for a while.



pimp pudding August 30th, 2007 03:40 AM

yo i dnt knw if thisll work but it worked for me...

the problem was tht limewire wouldnt open after i installed the update for java.. so wat i did was went to control panel- add or remove programs and unistalled the updates for java... limewire worked perfectly afterwards!!! :xeri_ok1ani:

giantmetfan07 November 16th, 2007 01:59 PM

thanks so much!!
oh my god this worked! I've been unable to use limewire for months and thot it was my internet or smtin but didnt know how to fix it. You're a lifesaver!!

pimp pudding November 16th, 2007 10:08 PM

glad i could help :)

Shazza B November 17th, 2007 07:52 AM

Where is the port option in Advanced options?

chie4lyfe10 December 23rd, 2007 04:30 AM

i did this and it didnt work i need some help

Bryn January 4th, 2008 07:46 PM

Does anyone know of a LimeWire version which has no connection problems when you're running IP filters like PeerGuardian 2?

This is my last throw of the dice before I uninstall LimeWire as a hopeless case.

The instructions here which say Tools - Options - Advanced - Post is no good if you have no 'Post' option to click.

Bryn January 4th, 2008 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by opmaced (Post 214573)
After adding: TCP UDP Port 6346 Allow to my firewall...
Then.... LimeWire/Tools/Options/Advanced/Firewall Config/...set Listening Port to 6346 + Manual Port Forward 6346

Voila....worked for the very first time.... after 20 tries....blah...blah...blah..


Thanks OPMaced! You've done it! What you've set out here actually worked!

The cheque is in the mail! :PEACE:

Bryn January 8th, 2008 02:22 PM

The whole thing's gone bad again. I'm now convinced there's a virus of some sort that is screwing my LimeWire from connecting fully to the internet.

Either that, or my ISP has somehow disabled its operation.

LadySythe January 20th, 2008 02:41 AM

AAARRRGGG My friggin school is using Websense on their wifi. That aint fair! But that's also wierd too cause I can go to (I did it by accident) a hentai site and look at all their naughty adult images but can't download with limewire? What the heck! Isn't that kind of backward???

Any ideas or suggestions would be SOOO helpful!1

ILLMAN March 12th, 2008 01:17 AM

Isp Are Not Filtering Or Blocking

Remoc March 12th, 2008 03:39 AM

It means that your being blocked by a Firewall. That can either be a Router/Modem or a Security Program. Supply System details

System details - help us to help you (click on blue link)

mooogandi March 26th, 2008 02:27 PM

hey um i think i know what my problem is i got vista and one time when i was trying to repair i reset my ip. my ip is now and the one its configuered on my wireless adapter is so my question is how can i get limewire (Version 4.13 btw) to reset its connection to the adapter/router cuz im pretty sure thats the problem. worked fine before btw.

edit: NVM i figured it out on my own i did ipcofig/release and while it was still trying to reconnect i did the stupid repair on my network and chose the option that caused it to not work which was automatically get new ip setting for adapter and voila it worked as soon as it connected

100% SELF resolved
thanks anyways

asphaltcowgirl_1980 May 11th, 2008 12:58 PM

thank worked great.finally someone thank u again neroteric.

musiclover4ever May 21st, 2008 08:15 AM

help w. firewall or connection trouble
please helpme i got both of these problem... i'm new on this and i cant really . i'm so fustrated. please help...! sandrye. ah ill try everything and nothing happends now i got a message saying windows firewall can not be displayed because the *** service is not running. do you want to start the fw/internet connection sharing(ics) sevice? i click Yes , and again says the windows cannot start the wf(ics) service.
...please helpme

jessid May 23rd, 2008 03:04 PM

i have done everything on here that everyone says to do. It says i am currently connected, acts like it is searching and nothing comes up. i have uninstalled and installed and nothing is working. i have avira antivir and windows firewall. on my other computer i have the same exact programs and LW works perfectly fine on that computer. i have limwire 4.16 and it wont work at all. i also had the other version that too didn't work. i am lost and

birdy May 23rd, 2008 11:41 PM

Providing your LW connection really is ok (all green/blue bars), try the fixes below.

1. In LW go tools > options > searching > basic & check whether the 'show license warning' box is ticked. If it does, untick it > Apply > ok...see if that makes any difference.

2. Problems with the search

3. Delete LW's preferences folder when LW's properly closed. See point 3 here & also point 2 if you've used older versions of LW in the past (there could be a folder in either location).
Fixes for LimeWire
This will change all of your settings within LW's options, you'll have to go back through afterwards & reset things to the way you like them.
Vista users: LimeWire Pref Folder in Vista

phooozyy20 July 10th, 2008 10:07 AM

i still cant get mine working
the dam firewall is STILL up

skyliner July 10th, 2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by phooozyy20 (Post 322230)
i still cant get mine working
the dam firewall is STILL up

In Limewire Links (below) click on (If LW will not connect) and go through these fixes -- if still no good click on (Fixes for LW when LW isn't operating as it should) if after all this your problem remains click on (system details) fill in and post back here

colinc August 31st, 2008 05:22 PM

High,I am new to this forum I will tell you what my problem is and hopefuly someone can help me. When I start limewire and try to connect it says starting connection but stays there for a long time and sometimes does not connect at all.Has anyone else had this problem.

KLT4142 October 25th, 2008 07:39 PM

I'm having problems trying to connect... I use to have limewire when I had dial up and never had a problem and now I have cable. I can't believe everything that I've tryed to do and it still don't work.. I've tryed a few of the suggestions off the forum.. still don't work.. I need help PLEASE

birdy October 25th, 2008 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by KLT4142 (Post 330799)
I'm having problems trying to connect... I use to have limewire when I had dial up and never had a problem and now I have cable. I can't believe everything that I've tryed to do and it still don't work.. I've tryed a few of the suggestions off the forum.. still don't work.. I need help PLEASE

So you've tried all the fixes in the thread here (click on blue link)? If LW Will Not Connect

If nothing there has worked, you need to provide your system details;)

Moose148 October 25th, 2008 08:45 PM

This really worked...
WOW all these things worked.. thanks

leedsglaser November 6th, 2008 03:33 AM

First, how do I test if a socks proxy is working?

Secondly, the port of the proxy, in the settings, is this different to the listen port and the manual port forward number

At the minute the listen on port is 23720 and the manual port forward is 6346

The port for the proxy is different to both. Should this be the case?

I have tried everything and sill cant connect using a proxy
I'm with talk talk whio say they dynamically shape, but no matter what time I can't connect

leedsglaser November 6th, 2008 03:42 AM

are there instructions for a recent version of limewire also?

The instructions are for an old version so I don't think I did it correctly

13lack0ut November 12th, 2008 11:55 AM

Thanks for this tip, I was getting really annoyed with COX's tactics. I have one question though. COX says they have a problem with uploading. You're allowed to download whatever you want but they don't want you sharing (uploading). Will this keep them from detecting uploads or am I better off just not sharing any files? I ask because I've already been disconnected twice while using bittorrent, and if I'm disconnected a third time, it will be permanent.

Remoc November 12th, 2008 03:41 PM

Hey 13lack0ut,
Your in Phx, Cox Sux. Tell 'em to Shove It, Like I did. :idea:
I use Qwest and have for Years with NO Problems. Have used uTorrent for a year-year 1/2 and All is Real Good.
Think about It.

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