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ransom February 10th, 2005 05:07 PM

connection.....sort of
can anyone help? I can open Limewire, and yesterday the thing worked, yet today it says I'm not connected to the internet. My modem is fine, as is my internet, yet Limewire refuses to work. Any thoughts?

fabion February 10th, 2005 05:48 PM

In LW click file then click connect. See if that helps. Also check your firewall settings again making sure LW has full access.

If that didn't work please provide us with more information please.

Computer type & CPU
Operating system and sp
LimeWire version
Java Version
Modem type and model no.
connection type (ASDL,DSL,Cable,Dialup)

HOLLOWSOUL February 10th, 2005 05:55 PM

i just started using limewire......
so my opinion is too green, although it's similar to blubster in the effect that you can also look at another persons complete list.
If the person has a T1 connection...i usually go for theirs

haleyt February 10th, 2005 07:40 PM

I'm a computer dork; this is my first one. It's an HP Pavilion; I know that it has Norton Virus protection and that my LW is 4.4.2 Sorry I can't provide more, but, as I said, I know very little of these things. Give me some German, ancient Greek or Old English and I can translate those.....helpful, huh?


Originally posted by fabion
In LW click file then click connect. See if that helps. Also check your firewall settings again making sure LW has full access.

If that didn't work please provide us with more information please.

Computer type & CPU
Operating system and sp
LimeWire version
Java Version
Modem type and model no.
connection type (ASDL,DSL,Cable,Dialup)

haleyt February 10th, 2005 07:46 PM

Re: connection.....sort of
fabion - it sent me out as Ransom, and asked for a new name...please reply to the haleyt thanks

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