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tigercubb August 1st, 2005 08:35 PM

I run DSL through Verizon and am having a problem too.. I (dont yell at me) tried to use Kazaa and Blubster to see if I was able to use them too... NOPE still says I am behind a firewall and am unable to download... This is really getting frustrating to say the least. I have called Verizon but they said my modem doesn't have a firewall and I have none on my computer... So I dont know. But I am about at the end of my rope :(

RoninBK September 1st, 2005 03:12 AM


Originally posted by fabion

Material Downloaded through the Service: In addition to any content that may be provided by us, you may access material through the Service that is not owned by Comcast. Any such material may be downloaded from the Service only for your personal, non-commercial use, and you are not allowed to redistribute that material over any network (other than a residential home network located in the Premises) or sell or offer for sale that material. Unless other terms and conditions expressly apply to specific content, you may make: (a) one machine readable copy, (b) one backup copy, and (c) one print copy of any material downloaded from the Service; any other copying, or any redistribution or publication of any downloaded material, including, without limitation, posting to any other online service, must be with the express permission of the relevant copyright holder. In any permitted copying, redistribution or publication of copyrighted material, any changes to or deletion of any copyright notice are prohibited. Other terms and conditions may apply to your use of any content or material made available through the Service that is not owned by Comcast. You should read those terms and conditions to learn how they apply to you and your use of any non-Comcast content.

IP Addresses: Comcast will provide you with dynamic Internet protocol ("IP") address(es) as a component of the Service and these IP address(es) can and do change over time. You will not alter, modify, or tamper with these dynamic IP address(es) or those of any other customer. You agree not to use a dynamic domain name server or DNS to associate a host name with the dynamic IP address(es) for any commercial purpose. You also agree not to use any software on or in conjunction with any computer(s) or network device connected to the Service that provides for static IP address(es). If applicable, Comcast will release and/or recover the dynamic IP address(es) upon disconnection, discontinuance, or termination of the Service or this Agreement.

It appears as though you can d/l but not u/l

That doesn't mean anything regarding your ability to use Limewire. That's just the standard "If we catch you, you're screwed" message. The only thing that actually seems to be prevented is registering a domain to your assigned IP number. (You could of course assign a domain to your Personal Web Page space though)

As far as my experience, Comcast doesn't actually block any ports, ot filter P2P in any way. The only thing they do is state that doing anything with P2P is naughty, by doing so you're supporting the terrorists, and you will go to hell.

OK, so I'm paraphrasing.

OK, so I'm paraphrasing a LOT...

archaeum September 21st, 2005 12:19 AM


Originally posted by RoninBK
That doesn't mean anything regarding your ability to use Limewire. That's just the standard "If we catch you, you're screwed" message. The only thing that actually seems to be prevented is registering a domain to your assigned IP number. (You could of course assign a domain to your Personal Web Page space though)

As far as my experience, Comcast doesn't actually block any ports, ot filter P2P in any way. The only thing they do is state that doing anything with P2P is naughty, by doing so you're supporting the terrorists, and you will go to hell.

OK, so I'm paraphrasing.

OK, so I'm paraphrasing a LOT...

well, comcast may not be blocking my ports...but no matter what i try on my belkin wireless router, be it port-forwarding, turning off NAT, or even disabling my firewall entirely, i just cant get the damned firewall to go away!

my problems first started in KaZaA, then i switched to Shareaza, and that worked wonderfully for quite a while, but then out of the blue all it'll DL from is eDonkey clients, which have enormous and unreasonable queues (?lol?) now i have transitioned to LW and its very satisfying in terms of search speeds and results (even though ive seen the same filenames on Shareaza; it uses Gnutella as well) but i just cant get the damned firewall thing to go away!!!! I H8 BELKIN!

Wild Peach October 3rd, 2005 05:44 PM

Here's another to add to the list: Bellsouth which services the Southeastern U.S. Their official position is as follows (it's a tad long, bear with them):

There has been considerable publicity recently concerning copyright owner complaints of the wide spread problem of unlawful sharing and downloading of music and video files over the Internet. If you are copying music like Norah Jones recent Grammy's-winning CD, movies, or other copyrighted material over the Internet without the copyright owner's permission, you may be breaking the law!

In your BellSouth® Internet Service Service Agreement, you agreed not to transmit or publish on or over the BellSouth Internet Service any information, software, or other content that violates or infringes upon the rights of any others or to use the facilities or capabilities of our Internet Service to conduct any activity that is prohibited by law. Your use of our Internet Service is also governed by BellSouth's Acceptable Use Policies ("AUPs"), which are posted online behind the "Legal Notices" link at the bottom of the home page of the Service. Our AUPs specifically prohibit:

Failing to obtain all required permissions to receive, upload, download, display, distribute, reproduce, use, make, sell, perform or execute a program, copyrighted content or other works protected by intellectual property laws. Violations of the above terms may result in a demand by BellSouth for immediate removal of the offending material, blocked access, suspension or termination of your Service. Furthermore, with regard to certain allegations of intellectual property infringement involving such activities, BellSouth, as an Internet Service Provider (ISP), may be required to release, under the subpoena provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), identification information about you, our subscriber, to a copyright holder who could then use that information to bring legal action against you.

As a general rule the subscriber is the copyright owner of any file that subscriber solely creates for his or her own exclusive use. The copyright to any other file (such as software programs, music and video files created by others) is typically owned by its creator, by commercial vendors, or by other individual users, and it is generally illegal for the subscriber to reproduce such file in any part or in any form, except by permission of such copyright owner or under an appropriate statutory exception. If you do not have such permission and do not already know if you fall into one of the statutory exceptions, you may be violating the terms of your Service Agreement with BellSouth and engaging in unlawful activity that could lead to any of the adverse actions described above. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that you are acting lawfully before engaging in any file sharing activities when using your BellSouth Internet Service.

So they're going to rat us out, but after checking out the forums and running the tests, they are blocking, it's a conspiracy, but I'll try to be the last man standing. Smoke 'em if you got 'em! A big shout out to LOTR, UK Bob, Grandpa and Billabong...missed you guys, but I'm back!

KWolf October 17th, 2005 09:06 PM


In most markets now, especially the California markets, gnutella uploads are blocked. If you look at your connections, they either send a small amount of data and are aborted, or are aborted before they even start.

Also, in Humboldt County (Eureka area), Bittorrent is severely throttled. You can not even reach steady 56k speeds on torrents there.

Sony465 October 20th, 2005 07:03 PM

Halo 3
get Peer Guardian 2

DarkSorrow October 20th, 2005 07:13 PM


you agreed not to transmit or publish on or over the BellSouth Internet Service any information, software, or other content that violates or infringes upon the rights of any others or to use the facilities or capabilities of our Internet Service to conduct any activity that is prohibited by law. Your use of our Internet Service is also governed by BellSouth's Acceptable Use Policies ("AUPs"), which are posted online behind the "Legal Notices" link at the bottom of the home page of the Service.
HUH?? their terms didnt make sense on this one


Failing to obtain all required permissions to receive, upload, download, display, distribute, reproduce, use, make, sell, perform or execute a program, copyrighted content or other works protected by intellectual property laws. Violations of the above terms may result in a demand by BellSouth for immediate removal of the offending material, blocked access, suspension or termination of your Service. Furthermore, with regard to certain allegations of intellectual property infringement involving such activities, BellSouth, as an Internet Service Provider (ISP), may be required to release, under the subpoena provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), identification information about you, our subscriber, to a copyright holder who could then use that information to bring legal action against you.
Back up the truck right there, BS said "not to transmit or publish" which means you can download the file. They didnt say anything about downloading. Surely they did on second quote, but they didnt say YOU AGREED NOT TO DOWNLOAD.....

RIAA/MPAA is twisting too much words about copyrights.

tinalessia October 23rd, 2005 11:48 PM

tele2 in italy?
Does anyone know if my port 6346 could be blocked by tele 2 in Italy? Only recently that we've had problems. Again like others says it's connecting, but nothing happens. Any advice in simple terms :D ? Thanks in Advance, Tina

DarkSorrow October 24th, 2005 07:27 AM

Re: tele2 in italy?

Originally posted by tinalessia
Does anyone know if my port 6346 could be blocked by tele 2 in Italy? Only recently that we've had problems. Again like others says it's connecting, but nothing happens. Any advice in simple terms :D ? Thanks in Advance, Tina
yes it simple, just use a different port, dont use the ports that the program is using. use a available/unused port

tinalessia October 24th, 2005 08:38 AM

thank you for your response, but how exactly do i know which port number to use?

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