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Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2005 08:48 AM


Originally posted by tinalessia
thank you for your response, but how exactly do i know which port number to use?
See my response to listening port numbers? & there's also A Guide To Alternative Port Selection

revsrealm November 12th, 2005 11:49 AM


Originally posted by RedZ71
I'm not absolutley possitive but i believe Vista III Media blocks or filters the P2P Because i have tried everything in the forum and nothing works. I called to check and they say they dont but why would they want you to no. If anyone has any ideas on how to help me please let me know i have a thread on slow downloads.
...Having the same issue w/ Vista III...don't know the answer

EDIT: I had to call tech support b/c my linksys router wouldn't work. asked about firewalls and things of that nature...guy didn't have much of an answer, but decided my router wouldn't read my modem. so, he did something, and now, i have full use of Limewire...for now! I had to reset my router, also, b/c of the error.

wortman3000 November 17th, 2005 03:08 AM


I'm currently using Limewire Pro on my University Halls of Residence internet connection. We run at a sweet 10mbps. Perfect for using limewire. The only catch is...the server runs a permanent automatic monitoring service that watches all traffic in and out. I suspect that this monitoring service detects use of the Gnutella network and automatically cancels our internet connection for a week if we are ever caught. IS THERE ANYWAY TO ENCRYPT DATA PACKETS GOING IN AND OUT SO THAT THE NETWORK MONITOR CAN'T DETECT THEM?? I have looked into the possibility of setting up an SSH Tunnel, or perhaps changing to a different proxy. I am still too new at this game to try and do it myself and risk losing my internet connection permanently. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS??? I am desperate to liberate my hall from this oppression haha...i'm a big fan of having the freedom to share music with the world.

Thanks to anyone who can help


SqueezyCheese November 18th, 2005 04:39 PM

Rogers / Yahoo seems to disconnect me after using limewire for about 15 minutes. the internet in my house goes completely dead for an hour or two.

jeffy1980 December 28th, 2005 02:57 PM
I just got off the phone with my isp and asked why my limewire wasn't working anymore and they told me they blocked the ports for limewire and all bittorent downloading. This just isnt right. Its a fairly small ISP that offers wireless service for rural areas. I want to know what I can do about this!! Any feedback appreciated

shaman8919 January 2nd, 2006 01:03 PM

they have this fair usage policy and if u download too much between 6pm - 11pm weekdays and 12pm - 4pm weekends they cut your download rate to like 2kb/s so dont do heavy usage too much in that time frame they send you a warning e-mail or 4 though

FreeStuffRules! January 25th, 2006 07:04 AM

ClearWire Blocks LimeWire
I just got off the phone with ClearWire Communications, and they confirmed that they DO "manage & monitor" (block) port 6346. :mad:

From their Terms of Service: "We may, but do not have to, block information, transmissions or access to certain information, services, products or domains to protect us, our network, the public or our users."

Oh, well as long as they're doing this to "protect" me. :rolleyes:

UPDATE: I had a Clearwire technician out to my house, and he stated that as of about 2 weeks ago (around the middle of January) the Eugene office installed a Cisco P-Cube. This is a P2P-blocking piece of hardware that many ISPs are using, and Clearwire is installing at all their offices nationwide to limit file sharing. Information about the P-Cube can be found online, specifically at P-Cubes website:

mudroads April 10th, 2006 01:56 AM

PIPEX have confirmed on the phone that they manage download speeds for P2P software. They do this during off peak times as well, i.e. all the time, but gave no reason. Before this change my download speeds were around 110K/sec - now they are 5 times slower, at about 22K/sec maximum.

shan53168 August 13th, 2006 06:41 AM

I sometimes have problems with virgin when using limewire. It disconnects during download, i try to reconnect while lw is open to no avail. When i close lw and try to reconnect it works. Anyone else have any probs with this isp?

ukbobboy01 August 13th, 2006 07:48 AM


I changed from Virgin to Bulldog because of Virgin's unannounced policy of P2P traffic shaping, i.e. killing off P2P while allowing surfing and non-P2P downloads.

I found that I could no longer download films or film clips and that I could only occasionally get the odd MP3. So after about 4 months of this nonsense I changed to Bulldog.

Before Virgin’s policy change I would have said that Virgin, despite it’s higher than normal monthly subscription, was one of the best ISPs in the UK and I would have been more than happy to stay with them. But Virgin decided that it did not want anymore P2P traffic on it’s network while still charging premium prices, so I changed ISPs.

UK Bob

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