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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 20th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Cool no difference with LW Pro 4.4.5

I just upgraded to LW 4.4.5 and I can't see any difference! I still get interrupted downloads and realllly slow downloads. Do I need to make some adjustments? My system is Windows XP Home version with a DSL connection.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 20th, 2005
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would you please provide a little more informatiom.

Computer type & CPU
What WindowsXP sp do you have
Java Version
Modem type & model no.
What type of DSL connection (ADSL,SDSL,DSL)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 23rd, 2005
Join Date: February 20th, 2005
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
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zdevon is flying high
Cool The info you requested.

Thanks for your help, I hope the info I have will be sufficient to your needs.
Dell 4600 P4 3.06 GHz w/HT
Win XP 2000 Home
1024 MB DDR SDRAM @333 MHz
258 Memory
unsure of what "HDD" stands for.
This is a repeat message due to the fact I couldn't find my reply in the forum. Again, I hope this is enough to help clear up why LW Pro 4.4.5 doesn't behave any differently than the standard version.
Thank you for your assistance.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 23rd, 2005
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There are not that many differences between the basic version and pro version. The basic version connects to 3 Ultrapeers and the pro version connects to 5 Ultrapeers. There are differences also but they are subtle.

I'm not quite sure by what you mean on interupted downloads.

In your search screen next to quality you will see this #. The higher the number there, the more sources/hosts have that file, and the better chance for a succesful d/l. If the number is low or none, and they disconnect, then you will have to wait for them to reconnect, or another host with that file to connect.

If you look over a little more you will see speed. That shows what type of connection the host(s) for that file have. You have to remember that the d/l speed is dependent on the host(s) u/l speed and how many are u/l from them also.

Just a little trick I learned from Peerless a week or so ago was that if you increase the maximum no. of downloads to say 50. This may help your d/l speed by allowing you to connect to more hosts that have that file. 1)tools 2) options 3) downloads - maximum number of downloads.

Hope this helped explain it.

BTW: HDD=Hard Disk Drive
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2005
Join Date: February 20th, 2005
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zdevon is flying high
Default interrupted d/l's

Thanks for getting back to me so soon! As to what I mean by interrupted d/l's, I have several that have stopped dead at anywhere from 7% to 64% complete and they just sit there going nowhere! I try to keep alot of d/l's going but some speed to completion while others are in limbo waiting for sources, no matter how many stars they have or sources they claim to have. I understand the fact that most of what I recieve is dependent on the host and their traffic and speed. What I am curious about is, if there is no major difference between the standard version and the Pro version, what exactly did I pay for when I "upgraded"?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2005
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I have 3 suggestions & they'r all here in this post:

No make that 4. If you have a lot of old incompletes at 0%, then get rid of them. Delete them from the downld window also.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2005
Join Date: February 20th, 2005
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zdevon is flying high
Cool How To...?

Sorry to keep bothering you, but... How do I find out my U/L and D/L speeds? I got some instructions from Murasame but, I don't know the speeds of my system. I know I have a 56K modem if that's any help at all.
Thanks for your continued help!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2005
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If I can but in. But 56 modems are 56 kbps/8 = KB/s minus overhead.

Your connection is 56kbps total. That means that upload & download comes out of that total of 7 or less KB/s. I was a dial up user up until 5 months ago & have use LW for a few years.

That's compaired to adsl where you get a separate speed for both upload & downld. eg: mine at present is 264/64 which is about 25-7 KB/s after overheads have been subtracted & about dial up speed for uploads.

The rest I'll leave up to Fabion to answer for you. ciaou
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 25th, 2005
Join Date: February 20th, 2005
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
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zdevon is flying high
Cool dsl AND a modem !?!

First of all I want to thank all who offer their assistance. Now, on to matters of great importance (to me anyway). I am currently subscribing to a high-speed dsl internet provider, but, I also have a modem. My question is, which applies? The modem or the dsl? I noticed there are both when choosing a speed in the options area.
I have made the adjustments suggested in your last communication and I still have d/l's that are only partially complete and are stalled. What next?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 25th, 2005
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Hmm not totally sure on this one as I have an external modem that is connected to my ethernet net card, and you stated earlier in this thread that you had a 56Kb/s modem.

But if it is an external modem such as mine, connected buy USB or ethernet. You can select dsl/cable. Your ISP should have informed you what your connection speed is, as there are various types (ie. 256 KB/s or 1.5 MB/s).
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