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Sparhawk July 8th, 2005 02:18 PM

Low amount of Peer Connections
Hello, I have a question regarding Peer connections. Since upgrading to 4.8.1 Pro, I can only seem to connect to 5 Peers at any one time. When I was using 4.0.8 Pro, I would get anyplace from 8 to 15. What gives?


monkey wrench July 12th, 2005 08:31 AM

me too, (seconding)
sorry i have no answer,..just wanted to second this complaint, because it is exactly why i came to the forums..trying to find out why connections have bombed since i began using the 4.8.1pro upgrade.

a number of issues;
1.) the new upgrade NEVER sees me as an ultra peer with leaves,..alway now as leaf with the DISAPPOINTING maximum of 5 ultrapeers.

2.) returns on search results have just about HALVED!!...

3.) though i have to guess on this one, i also suspect that others are somehow similarly krippled from searching MY shared directory. on a given day..the OUTgoing files from my system have dropped to about 30% of their former lives,..and even among those the completion rate frequently suffers.
(THIS is perhaps the most important factor for me,..since i do a sort of "E-infoshop" on gnutella,..making my files available for those searches is vital.)

4.) also, (last one)...this never used to happen,..but now i am constantly "reviving" the connection window,..when upon returning from some time away from the computer all but ONE connection has dropped and the others seem to be caught up in some sort of "idol" connection problem,..that is, until i have relapsed the computer,...then i get the 5 again, now counting from 0.00...

i have considered downgrading back to the previous version,...or moving on to newer version when it comes.

heres my thought though; i remember the pop-up message for the 4.8.1pro upgrade recommendation say specifically that this upgrade included "security features" THAT what has screwed this thing up??

whatever it is, the appeal of this product has run STEEPLY downhill for me since this "upgrade".


Sparhawk July 12th, 2005 04:10 PM

Well, you hit it right on the head MonkeyWrench! You have described all the same problems I'm having, and very eloquently I must say.
So Limewire....I repeat...What Gives???
seriously considering reverting back to an old version until somebody responds to this thread.


Sparhawk July 12th, 2005 04:37 PM

Ok, just downgraded to 4.0.8Pro...and immediately upon connected to 12 Ultrapeers. Not losing connections when I drop Limewire to the taskbar and then revive it....I'm going to stick with this version, at least until somebody addresses this issue.


frankf July 13th, 2005 06:14 AM

peer connections
I too am having this problem - max 5 peers - but ONLY after i installed a router this week. (Voyager 205)
Previously I was using a voyager 105 usb modem only and LW was working great - absolutely masses of connections and always turbo charged.

I have altered the options/advanced/firewall and set it to manual without doing anything to the router etc and I find that all my connections come back, but the speed never gets above good or occasionally excellent.

I guess its about configuring the router but no-one seems to know the formula for doing it.

Any ideas/help?

jaypat July 13th, 2005 11:47 AM

Low amount of connections.
I am having the same problem - Has Limewire addressed the problem or are we only to drop out of Pro -

Sparhawk July 15th, 2005 01:34 PM


et voilą July 15th, 2005 01:51 PM

8-15 connections are a bug: using so many UP is hurting the network and performance for all other users. With all the enhancements since 4.0.8, I don't know why you would still use the old version, I bet your dowloads speeds are much worse in 4.0.8... BTW try the latest beta 4.9.4 it is very cool, you can get is on the beta link of your Pro page.

Again, more is not always better!


Sparhawk July 16th, 2005 04:39 AM

"8-15 is a bug"????? That's the reason I use this program, the number and quality of connections. And NO, my speed of download in 4.0.8 is NOT slow....average at least 100kbs....fastest I ever saw in 4.8.1 was a measly 30kbs.
Your reply really doesn't answer my question...and I'm not the only one having this concern. "A bug"....lame!!
I'm gonna stick with my old version, and perhaps try the new one when it gets out of beta.
last post.

Lord of the Rings July 16th, 2005 05:22 AM

Well consider that most people connect to 3 or 5 UP's. So if you're connecting to 8-15 then there's 5 to 12 people who will be unable to connect via those ultrapeers. I, me myself! lol :D :rolleyes:

et voilą July 16th, 2005 06:42 AM

Beuh bye, you are benifiting the network by your leaving, enjoy your switch (I will) :rolleyes:

oh and with UPnP, firewall to firewall transfers, much improve corruption detection, improve transfer methods and download mesh, I HIGHLY doubt that downloads speed CAN be lower in newer versions VS 4.0.8, you are either trolling or did not try enough long. This is laughable. Really.

Gibbon pliers July 17th, 2005 01:54 PM

hey hey.
monkey wrench here.

kinda a bummer that this has devolved to address only the single concern about # of ultra peers.

in my previous list of concerns from the switch to 4.8.1 from 4.8.0,..this item is perhaps least important to me....i have just upgraded to 4.9.4 pro, and while i like some of the changes in features, previous issues still persist.

basically,...for over a year BEFORE i switched to 4.8.1/4.9.4 i would leave it up while i went to work, or overnight...and it was not at ALL unusual for 300-500 files to have passed OUT of my system.

so it easy for me to note a change (starting with 4.8.1), when i leave the computer for any length of time...limewire seems to IDOL...resulting in only a handful of outgoing files in the same time periods previously reflecting hundreds of files..

what gives?

the question isnt really about # of ultrapeers,..i would nt care if i were connected to only 1 or 2...that is, if 1 or 2 would WORK!!!!

QUALITY not quantity.
one sad anarchist.

monkey wrench July 21st, 2005 05:40 PM

nobody? really?

just happened again,..left the computer with the 'connections' screen up,....walked back into the room and see quite clearly that there is just ONE connection,...and NO VISIBLE ATTEMPT to add connections... not until i moved the mouse (like a screen saver,..but no screen saver engaged.) then it immediately begins to reconnect the additional ultrapeers...

this totally isn't a minor problem! it defeats the whole "hands free" beauty of p2p....if i have to walk in and jiggle the mouse in order that those who are downloading from me keep there connections..(these also seem to cut out when this happens.."transfer interrupted")

so now i should be hummin ..just paid for 4.9.4 pro...and i shouldnt have such limpy software....please please does anyone know how this might be addressed?

giggling with frustration,....

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