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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
Posts: 7
Mick from stoke is flying high
Unhappy Slow Slow Slooooow, just happend

Three days ago i was downloading at 80-100kpbs, its now gone down to 1-5 kpbs...!!!! Aaaaaagh, ive tried all the things sugested on the forum, ie, firewall settings, deleting .limewire folder etc, but its still the same. Any help please? im using xp (sp2) 3.6 mhz celeron, like i said, it was fine a few days ago.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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If you deleted the .limewire folder, you must do it whilst LW is closed. Otherwise it won't have any effect.

Sometimes just closing & reopening LW can do the trick. There's some dud or poor ultrapeers out there that you may have connected through.

Right-click the top of the downld window & select view Vendor/version. This will show you which client you are downlding from. If it says Raza, then that's the reason for your sudden slow speeds. Raza=Shareaza who use multinetworks & they must use most of their upload bandwidth for other networks whilst they're downlding on those. So that leaves very little for the Gnutella network. Sometimes they only offer like 0.1-3 KB/s.

See the following link & follow all the off-shoot links to find hints & extra skills to help solve your problem: To continue files downlding (click on link) Remember, browsing a host or searching the topic again can help to find more sources to downld from.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
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Mick from stoke is flying high
Default still sloooooow

Thanks for the tips, the vendor says Limewire, ive searched for a song that has 174 users but its downloading from 8 users only at 2kpbs!! last weel it took about 20 seconds to download a song. Ive done everything but nothing is cureing the problem
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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Some days are better than others I guess. BTW don't get confused between KB/s & kbps because they're not the same. kbps = kilo bits per second, whereas KB/s = Kilo Bytes per second. 8 bits = 1 Byte.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
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Mick from stoke is flying high
Unhappy Pooo

Im using the latest version of limewire its 4.9.28, does that help?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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This might not make any difference but go to your LW menu bar, Tools>Options>Downlds & increase the max. downlds by a couple. Then do another search for the topic. Even stop the downld & reselect it from the search results.

Let's hope your problem is not due to your ISP using a p2p bandwidth filter or shaper. Like this one
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
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Mick from stoke is flying high
Default shaper

Hi, im with Tiscali internet, and have a bt phone line. Do you think it might be due to one of these?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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Yes Tiscali is known to be a filterer of p2p in some locations (they are a large company over Europe.) As soon as they detect you using p2p they'll apply the filters. See the report here: ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire I've personally read articles about them doing this.

Edit: I just did a quick google & at the bottom of the following link is reference to Tiscali: though this is not exactly the same as it doesn't refer to them filtering.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; August 27th, 2005 at 06:02 AM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
Posts: 7
Mick from stoke is flying high
Unhappy searching

Ok, would the search come up with lots of results if tiscali was blocking me? it still searches hundreds of results, just wont download them quick?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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Yes, it depends on how they're filtering. There's different p2p filters out there for a start. They seem to be applying a bandwidth shaper which works by giving priority to net surfing, but for p2p, it gets a lower priority. For eg, they may have it set to give 90% bandwidth to surfing & remainder for p2p which is probably a lot of people.
Here's an example of how shaping can be set up:
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