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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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View Poll Results: Does Limewire 4.9.30 disconnect on you in the middle of downloading?
Yes, constantly ): 51 70.83%
Between 50% and 75% of the time. 8 11.11%
Once in awhile. 7 9.72%
Never! 6 8.33%
Voters: 72. You may not vote on this poll

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2005
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
Posts: 40
hopper393 is flying high

Hey grand ma ...
kind of busy...but got a couplethings want to say...but dont have time....right now...but will post again in an hour or two..
but want to turn you onto an other peice of software i an into on afterdawn...and works real well for free...if you don't have a real good cleaner...reg and windows ....try this...

this is a down load link and you will get the down load hitting you in the it then open will want to keep a copy of this...

and just below the paypal you will see the adware ore spyware.....check it out works great....

just an old highway tramp
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2005
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
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hopper393 is flying high

i am going to pull the plug...been at this machine it seems like days...when its been a little over 40 hours snce i got out of a bed... but seriously when i did a clean install the 37 seems to want to try and work right...and nt trying to tease you but think i got .21 and .23 in a file on my g drive...might have some others around here burnt on cd...have to might start saveing down loads like that to a file....and then burn as data disk...splutge get a few rw and with nero leave open ...dont close you can always add to ....but when you do that only nero will be able to open..
as for the guy who toasted his modem...they do go bad too...let me explain...lightning hit maybe a couple blocks away...i was useing a battery back up with a dls surge ...well that belkin went..and so did the phone line leaveing the battery back up going to my dsl phone...three weeks later had to replace my dsl modem...too...
bottom line though most of my trouble on LW quit when i went back to useing the java 1.4 i do have a graphics card...and that made a big differance of how lime worked...
anyway grandma i am out of he this morning,,,,catch zzzzzzzz
you know icq ....exe files can be shot through.....where on other IM they cant be.....would you beleive i only been playing with this machines not even a year...yet...let me know if you liked that cleaner.....think it wil do the job for you on a clean install....hell its even got a uninstall eng....take care all

just an old highway tramp
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2005
Join Date: October 18th, 2005
Posts: 2
sambucabird is flying high

Hi, just wanted to mention that i left my i-tunes playing all day (I think someone said earlier that he left his yahoo radio on all night?) and LW hasn't cut off or gone to sleep and been turbo charged all day! Result! )
So thanks Grandma for offering to talk me through it but i think prob solved for the time being, I got about 8 days of songs in i-tunes so I can download quite a few movies until it cuts off again............... )
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2005
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Location: Santa Maria, CA
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ldeanjames is flying high

Your wireless laptop question, im your bosssss: It's very do-able, if you have the right hardware on your laptop.
Try this link I found at Google.

It looks like it truncates my link somehow when this reply is posted, so the keywords I used were "wireless internet connections for laptop." There's only about 17 million postings on the subject. I saw $29.95/monthly quoted in the preview on one. It's supposed to be super super fast, but I've also heard it's super expensive, so you'll have to shop around. That quoted price might be a come-on.

Sambucabird, I think you've got the right of it. I was trying to think of what program I could pull up that would work fairly steadily on it's own, since LW stays awake when the computer is active. It's a shame we have to go 'round and 'round to find a workaround for LW ourselves. Where are the programmers? Isn't anyone delagated to creating fixes or workarounds on every upgrade? I don't think I've ever run across a perfect upgrade or patch, because it's impossible to test them under every conceivable computer situation.

My company, who shall remain nameless, gives us the alpha and beta versions for UAT, customer acceptance testing. Last version upgrade they made us completely wipe our lab systems, replace the harddrive, install Windows fresh,0 and do absolutely nothing to try to break the upgrade (which was always half the fun!) So of course, under those ridiculous conditions the software passed with flying colors. When the customers received it, we found all kinds of install errors and other little nasties like disappearing customer address databases. But 2nd and 3rd level went to work getting our fixes all in a row. I'm confused by LW's attitude toward issues, but since I have no clue how the operation is run, I can't really know what's going on behind that big Oz curtain.
So I'll bring up my itunes and set it to play. A very clever idea, by the way! LW has been very bad today about disconnecting every time I turn my back.

Hopper: Hope you're getting the rest you need. 40 hours up without chemical stimulation? You should see the coffee I drink-- dark French that I grind myself, (so fine you have to use a paper filter). made one huge mug at a time via a drip cone. It tastes soooo good, but I can drink a whole mug and go straight to sleep.
I still haven't been able to appreciate the free download site you sent, but soon...soon. Thank you so much.
I was up all night last night, so I'm going to pay a couple of bills online then try to go to sleep.
Well, have a brilliant weekend. Talk to you all later.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
Join Date: October 30th, 2005
Location: Way Oot There
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bobdog is flying high
Default Fingers crossed

I just installed LW4.9.37,,had the same probs as mentioned here,, I followed the advice,,disabled the ultrapeer thingy,adjusted bandwith bit by bit,,seems ok now Last night it was more off than on,so here's hoping ,,thanks for the tips
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
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hopper393 is flying high

seriously load one of your players with a play list of songs that will run most of the night and see what that does....might sirprise you.....hey i had to turn my comport down to default ....and turn off hardware acceleration to keep from poping the port...or kicking me off line....its like this i down loaded three complete files last night of over 600 mb a couple partials...
what i am doing my downloads set at three active ...and then a stack the rest up in que...the three useally run above 25 each ....up to 45....when they finish then the others ones pick up...give it a try....and turn on your music....

just an old highway tramp
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
Join Date: October 30th, 2005
Location: Way Oot There
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bobdog is flying high
Default ooooohhhh!a surprise

I hate surprises Ok i'll give it a go,,see what i can break now I'll be back,,,,,i hope
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2005
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Location: Santa Maria, CA
Posts: 45
ldeanjames is flying high
Default Howdy

Sounds like you guys have been having a merry old time while I was gone. I would've drop kicked this computer into the next county if I could avoid foot damage.
I was so mad at Norton Internet Security that I practically tore it off my system yesterday, even wiped the registry keys (though when I ran registryfix, it found a bunch more of Symantics under the next key down, not software.
Oh, but it was pure joy to not see ccApp chewing up my memory. Oh, and my 512 stick of RAM showed up late yesterday, put it in this evening and I'm now the proud owner of 992 megs of RAM. I'm so stoked, except I need other things to make my system go. And I know that's not much compared to the new systems. I feels good to me anyway.
But there's still no joy in Mudville--my Windows Explorer is still striking out. I open any file folder once and Explorer grabs 100% of the cpu usage and will not let it go. I've run every repair I could get, freeware or otherwise and nothing seems to help.
Does this mean I need to reinstall Windows? Oh, please say it isn't so!
I also put Zone Alarm on my system, and had to fix my floppy drive. I haven't even had a chance to open LimeWire in three days. Does anyone know how to delete a video file that insists it can't delete because someone else is using it? No one is that I can find. I've cold booted, hard booted and restarted my computer 50 times in the last two days Somehow I have to find the "someone" using the file. I've gone everywhere I can think of without joy.
Well, glad someone finally figured out a good workaround for LW's narcolepsy. I will continue to bumble around here, trying to find out Win Explorer's issue.
Oh, one more weirdness. In Task Manager, I have an executable that seems to be duplicating itself. It started with three, then four and tonight I have six svchost.exes. Three say the system is using them, two say network service and the last one is local service. One of the system svchosts is sucking up 26,440 K of memory, the rest all take up 4 or 5 or 6 thousand K.
Checked in Google at some forums, and tracked down all but one, besides the one in System32, where it belongs. I renamed the others. There seems to be a connection between Explorer's problems and too many svchosts. But one guy said that Windows would create more when it needed them, so go figure.
Enough of this nonsense.
I also found a freeware cdchecker that checks for corruption in video and audio files, because there's also a connection between Explorer and corrupt media files. My videos all checked out fine. Now I have to test the music files. But not tonight.
Hope all is well with everyone. Take care.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old November 1st, 2005
Join Date: October 4th, 2005
Location: no mans land
Posts: 40
hopper393 is flying high

not much but fighting with these damn machines like you...been fught with a repair fix for my new printer that came in on friday...aand still couldnt beleive that that damn fix patch wouldnt take....a hp 1600 all in one and the damn thing came from new egg witha bad ink cartridge.....atleast cwill say this much Hp does stand behind there they are shipping me four new ink cartridges to try and make up for the inconveince...
well dont know what to say as i do like my norton,,,,hehehe..but i got the full system package.....and use the hell out of my clean sweep....its an over write program understand when you just delete ...all you really did was get rid of the pathway...and not the file itsself....and so far haven't found a file that norton clean sweep woul't overwrite.....or get rid of...let me guess that file your talking about just happens to be what... batman begins or maybe wedding crashers....?? had o couple of them that wouldnt open at all and wouldnt let me go into them and rename the was being accessed by something else...when i get a file that wont play i rename it ,,,original name plus add either delete or wont open for me...then keep the file till i find one that does open or play...that way i dont Dl the same file again..
just a sugestion on explorer...sounds like you may have something in you explorer chache...or an add on running wild...try openning your mannange pluggins and see what all exploere has tool bar and mannange add ons and see what all is loaded to run when you open explorer....try disableing some of them and see what happens....
glad your back kind of messed you....

just an old highway tramp
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old November 1st, 2005
Join Date: November 1st, 2005
Location: London-UK
Posts: 8
imhsn is flying high

I also just subscibed to this forum because my Limewire PRO is constantly disconnecting after 10-20 mins. I am on Win XP by the way. Running web radio, iTunes or Windows Media Player with music has not helped it keeps on happeneing. I have even emailed support team for LW Pro and have not yet been contacted.
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