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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
Join Date: January 13th, 2006
Posts: 11
Jupiterzguy is flying high
Default This is rediculous

Why can't this program just work? My windows firewall isn't even configured (as in that doesn't work either and is not on so ALL my ports are open), my norton anti virus has worm protection, it isn't really a firewall, and I added lw to my safe list. But just to be safe I disabled norton and LIMEWIRE STILL WON'T WORK. I've paid for the pro version and it was pretty much a waste of my money. I'm very disgusted with the whole thing.

It was working fine and then one day just up and quit. I had changed nothing. It has yet to decide to work again. I don't know what kind of **** poor operation you people are running but I'm just about over it. Everything on my computer is set to allow limewire to work, I did the browser test and everything, but it just won't work.

I've downloaded, deleted, redownloaded so many times I can't count them. I'm really sick of this. When you pay money you for a program you expect it to work. Is that too much to ask? What is so hard about this concept? I downloaded that patch to up my ports to fifty. Nothing. I've done everything in the book to no results and no satisfaction. What is the problem here?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
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Ok, read the sticky at the top of this section. It's had some recent additions to it that might help you.
If you want to run without any firewalls...good luck.

No-one forced you to buy Pro, you could've got the basic version for free.

If it was working fine, then one day just up & quit then there has to be a reason. Have you looked at your modem/router as being a possible cause of firewall problems??
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
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Or the most likely scenario your ISP started blocking P2P apps.
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A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
Join Date: January 13th, 2006
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Jupiterzguy is flying high

...I did read the sticky. I tried all of it. My isp is not the cause because I "passed the test!" on that link thing. And I had the basic for free but it (like I said) quit working out of the blue. So I upgraded, figured it might fix it. But it didn't.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2006
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What's your set up?

Connection type
Modem/router brand & model
Where do you connect from ( home, work etc)
LW & Java versions
Firewalls (ok, you've said win is disabled...anything else?)
Have you had any previous LW versions without probs?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2006
Join Date: August 17th, 2003
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limewire is flying high

Doesn't that test just proove you can connect to someone else port 6361, not that they can connect to you port 6361?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 16th, 2006
Join Date: December 29th, 2005
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Crazybean2021 is flying high
Default Just sayin, is all...

Jupiterzguy- I'm not actually intending to be offensive here, but in your first post, you sound like a very spoiled whiny child. As previously stated, nobody forced you to buy Pro. But what should've been done, is just try basic for a couple of months, fixed it so it ran on your computer, THEN bought pro. Its kinda like buying an ice cream, when you are obviously lactose intolerant, you COULD eat it, but in the end its not healthy for you. Kinda. In the end, just contact a LimeWire rep, as you bought pro, you can get help in the support area. Email address --> Problem form --> a day or two later, you have your help. The whole process averages a week or two to complete, by then, you will be enjoying limewire's wonderful service as if nothing had ever happend!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2006
Join Date: January 13th, 2006
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Jupiterzguy is flying high

If I'm a whiny child, then you must be a stupid one because you're blabbing on about things you don't know jack about. I had basic on my comp for *months* before it went caput. So, how's that hold up to your couple weeks of theory? And I did email the company, they can't do jack either. I wasn't trying to sound like a whiny child, but rather a disgruntled customer. But I suppose it can't be the program's fault, it must be mine as I'm nothing but a child.

And as for the questions posed by birdy

Mindows XP
High Speed Wireless
I'm not sure about my modem, how do I find out?
Lime wire 4.10 and Java 1.3.1
My ISP is a statewide company called (I live in WY)
And the only thing that might pass for a firewall is my Norton Internet Worm protection, but LW is on my safe list on that program
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2006
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Your Java could be a problem, I believe 4.10 needs Java 1.5.
See here for updating your Java (use offline installer). Also, delete LW preferences folder (instructions in link) with LW closed.

After you've done this, just let LW sit & settle for 1/2 hour or so & see if it improves.
For your modem model & brand, just look around at all your hardware & see what you can find. It could be important info so do your best
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2006
Join Date: January 13th, 2006
Posts: 11
Jupiterzguy is flying high

I think the java site is down cause it times out whenver I try to go there. I deleted the preferences though. But, I did it for the old version too and it had no affect. But I guess I'll see.

Oh, is Nvidia a type of modem?
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