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Heletia February 5th, 2006 11:58 PM

Cant Browse Me

Im in Australia and my friend in Sweden cant browse me.

Ive gone thru all the options but cant finding anyting and
I also added her as a host.

Any ideas?

I notice that sometimes my songs DONT show up on a seach
and sometimes they do.

Many thanks

birdy February 6th, 2006 12:05 AM

Hi Heletia,
Sometimes browse doesn't work. Then 10 mins later it will:eek:

You might be better off using direct connect. Here's some info about browse, direct connect etc:

You usually can't see your own stuff when you search;)

Heletia February 6th, 2006 12:08 AM


Thank you for your speedy reply.

I gave her my IP address so she could do that but she
still cant Browse me or get my files to come up in her search??

I shut it down and did a restart and its searching better now
and all my own songs are showing up too in the search :rolleyes:

I can browse her but she still cant browse me :(

Any more ideas??


Heletia February 6th, 2006 12:11 AM

Just a thought - I use the Free AVG Firewall - I dont suppose it could be stopping her from connecting to me??


Bring back Napster!! :cool:

birdy February 6th, 2006 12:19 AM

If you're using XP with it's firewall on as well then that might be a problem. You can turn off the XP but I'm not sure about how easy it is to configure the AVG firewall. You shouldn't run 2 firewalls together, they'll interfere with each other.

See here for info about configuring firewalls:


Heletia February 6th, 2006 12:24 AM

Hi Birdy

Yes my Windows Firewall is off and am only running the AVG.

I guess I could briefly dissble my AVG Firewall and try that,
but I really dont like to be unprotected.

One thing i have just noticed on the top right the logo usually spins around but its stopped spinning.. what does that mean??


Heletia February 6th, 2006 12:41 AM

My AVG Firewall was set to High - NO SHARING!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

So I've set it to Medium - hope this works.

Thanks for all your time and effort.

birdy February 6th, 2006 12:44 AM

The spinning lime is searching.

Try to configure the AVG firewall for LW, look at the thread I gave you for tips. If you absolutely can't do it, turn off the AVG, turn on the XP & configure that one.

Are you seeing the firewall icon (brick wall in front of the globe, bottom left)?

Here's a thread about direct connect probs. It may/may not be useful. ???.

Heletia February 6th, 2006 01:32 AM

Yes I have already read all those links thanks.

The AVG firewall is now down to Medium and its says my comp can share now. My XP firewall is already off, but she still cant browse. I did the reverse and she still couldn't browse.


Are you seeing the firewall icon (brick wall in front of the globe, bottom left)?
In Limewire??? No on the bottom left corner I only have the green graph bars and the circle with the amount of songs I have in my library.

or do you mean the AVG Brick Wall on my task Bar??


Lord of the Rings February 6th, 2006 01:44 AM

Do this test: Bug Report instructions & sample image Is the result True/False? If False, then you have a firewall issue. If true then not. If false, it could be your softw firewall or it could be your modem/router.

Browsing: both you & them need to have free upload & downld slots & bandwidth. If not, then you'll struggle to browse each other. If you can't browse them, then it could be for the same reasons. Or they might be the one with the firewall problem. Almost forgot, it's easier to browse people who have Chat enabled. Go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Chat & tick option. To see if the other host has it enabled, right-click the top of the downld window column heading & choose Show Chat from the contextual menu that appears. Do this also for the search results window & the upload window in the monitor window.

Try sending each other a magnet link. Then if the file starts downlding, you can browse them from the downld window or upload pane of the monitor window depending who is downlding from who. See How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect

(birdy, perhaps we should send wondering why around to do a house call. lol :D)

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