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eastwind February 10th, 2006 07:33 AM

Peer Vs Ultrapeer in connection tab
This is not a problem as such, I use LimewirePro, and when I connect for the first time in the day, the connection tab will show only "peers", and connection will be excellant, but if I disconnect and connect again, I will have "ultrapeer" in the connection tab, and connection qulaity will be "turbo charged", even if I disconnect completely and connect again a few hours later, I will have ultrapeer connections. The "peer only" connection only happens only the first time I get connection after switching off my pc overnight.

Is this normal and does ot happen to everyone?


6_pac February 11th, 2006 12:07 AM

LW decides for itself whether it needs you to be an Ultrapeer or Shielded leaf. One doesn't have an advantage over the other. The network is very dynamic and changes from one second to the next. So one time you might connect as an UP and next time as a leaf. I think it's normal, I've had it do the same thing.

Here's a couple threads with more info: What are peers and ultrapeers & leafs?!?!

Peer, Ultrapeer, leaves... ?? Someone explain !

Also searching the forums is a very useful way to find answers to your questions. The search button is in the upper right of this page between f.a.q. and home;).

eastwind February 11th, 2006 02:23 AM

Thanks for your reply and info.

I did search in the forum before I posted, but nothing throws any light on why after connecting to the network by peers only, a disconnect and connect click will bring on the ultrapeers.

6_pac February 11th, 2006 02:42 AM

Hmm, don't know. I do know that if you have plenty of bandwidth and aren't getting a lot of uploads and/or sharing a lot of files you have a better chance of being an UP. Also if you stay connected for long periods of time it improves chances of being an UP. It can change without shutting down and reconnecting. Since I bought Pro I mostly run as a leaf. Don't know if having Pro has anything to do with it. I did read that the newer versions of LW doesn't need as many Up's to function.

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