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bulldog123 April 3rd, 2006 01:04 PM

MY ongoing conversation with Optimum Online
Last week I started having trouble with connecting to Limewire. I didn't change any firewall settings, and I didn't change any router settings or anything. So if there is anything they tell me to do, you can read about it here.

My first message to them:
I recently started having trouble connecting to a p2p program on my computer. It worked for about a year for me and all of a sudden it says I have a firewall on my computer. I have a router, but it's always been there and my connection programs only started recently. I also have a Firewall which I allowed all connections to and from the file-sharing program. All my other programs have no trouble connecting to the internet. What should I do? Please help me get my p2p program working again. Thanks.

Their reply:
P2P programs are unsupported items, that means that you can use it as long as you configure it, but if you have problems the program vendor is responsible for all troubleshooting and configuration, the mission of Optimum Online is make sure that you are able to browse the Internet and send and receive mails. My commendation is to contact the program vendor for assistance, since you mentioned that you have a firewall and a router I will start by disabling the firewall and if the issue persists bypass the router and connect one computer directly to the modem, the router is a hardware firewall by itself.

My reply:
It's not as though I just started having the problem as soon as I downloaded this p2p program. The program worked for me all along and I have no reason to believe it's my fault that all of a sudden, there's a connection problem. My router's firewall isn't the problem because it has always been there, for over a year like I said, and this issue arose last week. The firewall program on my computer isn't the issue either because all connections to and from the p2p program and the internet are allowed and have always been. I don't see why my firewall program would just decide for itself that it needs to block a program without notifying me. Also, I tried your suggestion, and plugged my modem directly into my computer without the router. I am still unable to connect. You say that "the mission of Optimum Online is make sure that you are able to browse the Internet and send and receive mails" but I am not able to get that program to connect to the internet. Please help me out with this issue. Do you have any ideas to solve my problem? Thank you.

That's all so far. Seems like the guy didn't read my letter or just ignored it and made up his own reply. I'll update this thread with responses.

Blaqueknite April 3rd, 2006 09:13 PM

I am a Optimum Online customer in the Bronx and can pinpoint the exact moment Cablevision starting screwing with my line. On 4/31/06 I was using limewire when all of sudden I lost my internet connection. My line goes through a phone adapter so I rebooted the adapter regained my connection, but found that limewire no longer worked. I also use bittornado to download, I can connect with it, but the speed is very slow. I've since gotten limewire to work on port 60046 maybe you can give that a try. On the subject of the response to your message the answer is disingenuous at best. Optimum Online's biggest selling point is it's download speed. If the idiot who wrote you thinks that internet browsing and email is the company's only responsibility then we should all go back to dial up. Cablevision needs to come clean don't block certain programs and then tell people it's your responsibilty to configure it. Of course they won't do this because they want your money.

bulldog123 April 4th, 2006 12:47 PM

That's why I'm going to keep e-mailing them and I might give them a call in the very near future.

Lord of the Rings April 4th, 2006 01:30 PM

So did you people try a port for LW between 49152 - 65535
Go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewalls & change the listening port. If you're port forwarding, then open a port for such a new port. Don't forget to reflect any new port change in your softw firewall if it requires it. ;)

bulldog123 April 4th, 2006 02:27 PM

I had port 50012 and I just opened Lw and it connected. It was like 3-4 bars for approximately 10 minutes and then the connection dropped. I'm going to try a different port now.

bulldog123 April 5th, 2006 01:52 PM

Now I can connect but it continually says "Need for sources..." for every file I try to download.

5serious April 5th, 2006 02:48 PM

Im having the same problem as everyone here with OPT online.
I am from brooklyn.

I just got off the phone with a customer rep from opt online and he assured me its a limewire problem... this is very frustrating!

Lord of the Rings April 5th, 2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by 5serious
... he assured me its a limewire problem...

Then why have they started blocking ports without telling anybody. One employee was honest enough to suggest connecting to the higher ports instead. ISP's in america are struggling with bandwidth ... that they can handle & also that they can handle whilst keeping their biggest investors happy (businesses, whilst compromising the home user.) Try connecting outside of business hours & see how you go.

5serious April 5th, 2006 03:38 PM

I tryed changing ports and still no luck.

Am i doing it right? change the listening port and use Upnp for router configuration?

birdy April 5th, 2006 04:21 PM

So you finally got connected:D
Applause to you for trying so hard, for so long! Here's some info about your 'need more sources'

Also this sticky about setting up LW for best performance


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