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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
Join Date: April 4th, 2006
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sweetlady is flying high

Originally Posted by fish254
so is the problem having both optimum online and voice if so i will cancle voice if lime wire will work???
nope because, I don't have optimum voice and they have been screwing with my LW for the past week.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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blayd1 is flying high

i have the same exact problem as the rest of you i have optimum online in brooklyn and it used to work fine up untill about a week 2 weeks ago it stoped connecting... so how do we fix this?? lol
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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axxeman is flying high

Well I just got off with customer support.
They told me twice that there is no "official" policy of blocking P2P apps. In other words, they are blocking them, but probably are not allowed to admit it to their customers.
If there was any other choice I'd drop them today.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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fish254 is flying high

its so weird my lime wire does not work but i just went to friend oh mines house yesterday and in her house it works?? all so got OOL
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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axxeman is flying high

The same thing is happening here in Brooklyn. My limewire will not work, but it works in my friens house a few blocks away.
Anyone have any idea what's going on???
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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Ask them about their set up & try to emulate it. See what's different about theirs compared to yours.

But I have a suspicion this is more-so to do with those users who downld & upload great bandwidth & quantities which the isp is simply unable to maintain due to running out of bandwidth to share around. This is becoming a common issue amongst USA (& a no. of European countries) with reaching their full capacity & then having to secretly cut back upon those that use high bandwidth programs such as peer to peer, games, video-conferencing.

Thus the isp most likely picks on those that are in the higher bandwidth usage area, perhaps the top 5-10%. Of course they know which users are within the top %'s. They measure every individual's bandwidth usage up & down. This is similar to those ISP's in some places in the world that still apply bandwidth usage limits. And for those usa co's that use so-called unlimited service... By unlimited service .... it's not exactly that because the isp has a limitation of their ability. Once they reach near their total ability, then they must sacrifice certain users. So they base it around a certain calculated max per user they can sustain. If a user nears or reaches those bounds or beyond, then that is most likely the reason they will take steps to thwart that person's use. How catch 22 that is ... a business must expand to survive ... yet they are stuck with a limitation of overall bandwidth & traffic they can handle. So who suffers in the end with any expansion of userbase ...

BTW they save their bandwidth for their most profitable customers: Business.
Outside of business hours you "might" find better chances of alternate uses of their service such as p2p. Whilst all these things have proven to be true with other ISP's, there's so guarantee this is what is based behind OOL's total approach or whether there's alternative approaches that will work. But theys almost always have some opposition group in the market. Hopefully you have an attractive alternative in your area.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; April 7th, 2006 at 01:30 PM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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Post This is getting way out of hand

Why do ISPs constantly want to ***** with people? I have OOL for several months. When I first got it and used Limewire I was thrilled. Then last week I couldnt connect. I searched for "anime".. 0 search results. I thought "did limewire server shut down?" then i looked at my connection. Normally all green... so i thought an upgrade. I downloaded the latest limewire and still nothing. Then I searched the net and came here.. I tried changing ports.. i have tired different proxy.. still nothing. I tried closes firewalls and virus scan.. nothing. Now I am ticked because its always one thing or another with these P2P networking. They screwed with Napster, Kazza and now this? Limewire was great, I havent heard of any controversy with Limewire unlike Napster. Something has to be done here.. if Optimum is truly doing this then it might leak out to other ISPs and new threads will spawn saying "cannot connect with dsl". Maybe there gonna (pardon my language) Fork us over like they did with Napster. I can see it now:

Download any music file $0.99
Download any software file $1.99
Download any video file $2.99
Ticking people off to the point where they have to storm in Optimum Online HQ with baseball bats... Priceless

There are some things money cant buy for everything else there's Mastercard. >.> funny though I use Visa

Back to the point.. I am going to try to connect to limewire everyday. If anyone has any other suggestions on how to bypass this annoyance created by OOL then please share... I miss my anime.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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axxeman is flying high

As for myself, I could hardly consider myself a high usage customer. If I download 2 files on Limeware a week it is a lot, and months can go by that I don't download at all. I have friends who have downloaded thousands of songs and they are still up and running.
Gotta love a monopoly....
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2006
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sallycdee is flying high
Default Optimum Problems in New Jersey

I'm in New Jersey about 20 miles from Brooklyn. I've had the same problem as most others here.
I get search results just fine. An, if I attempt to download a small file it works most of the time (2 to 3 kb song) But, if I attempt to download something larger, say 150 Mb, it never works. All this trouble began about 2 weeks ago, and I have gone over and over the settings, chose different ports thru the router, bypassed the router, shut off firewalls etc etc etc.
Optimum on line denys any involvment although they must be doing something to restrict me and others.

Has anyone else had a similar problem to me and been able to fix it? Please post the EXACT TASKS in DETAIL please if you did. Thank you all.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2006
Join Date: April 8th, 2006
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hughes is flying high
Default Let's go after Cablevision!

I'm a Long Island attorney using Optimum Online, and I'm facing the same tech issues. Limewire was fine until about 2 weeks ago, then my connection ability was somehow restricted. Before I get messy with Optimum, I have some tech questions and need your help.
OOL won't admit to cutting bandwiths or using content filter software specifically targeting peer to peer programs. It seems more like the problem is they're cutting out specific users who exceed a certain amount of bandwith, is that correct? Is there a way to make certain this is Optimum's fault, and to prove they are deliberately doing this? What kind of records could I subpoena that would indicate they're enforcing this kind of policy? Why haven't the attorneys for Limewire already investigated this issue? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Optimum Online Blocks P2p Services - Official eMule-Board This thread Refback January 10th, 2011 01:13 AM
Optimum Online Users Read! - Official eMule-Board This thread Refback September 9th, 2010 11:54 AM

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