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spoony April 21st, 2006 04:43 PM

cant connect, driving me mad here
Hi ya,

I am using lw basic and it was working fine for 2 days, and now it wont connect anymore, dunno wots wrong, cos i didnt change a thing.
I am using bb, but not via landline, but as I said it worked b4. Also checked my norton anti virus settings and its on permit all. Can anybody help me pleassssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :confused: :confused: :confused:

I really wanna have it back, kinda on the end with my knowledge here.

birdy April 21st, 2006 05:10 PM

Make sure you read through the sticky at the top of the page, the first part "... check here first".
What are your details

OS(Win XP etc)
LW & Java version (help > about LW & you'll see)
Firewall you're using
Modem/router brand & model
Connection type (DSL etc)
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Is this your first try with LW

Do this port test & see if it works

spoony April 22nd, 2006 09:21 AM

tried it all
hi birdy,

thanks for ur reply, but checked everything out b4 i posted that reply. I spent hours on here to try to find a solution

Here are my settings, so mu might can help:

Windows Xp 2 Home Edition
LW 4.10.9, Java 1.5.0
Firewall is Norton, But it does permit all
Modem is a clearwire modem, basically not usign landline, wireless
wots ISP, and where do i find it??
Connection is wireless broadband
Home connection
Not sharing my connection, but it worked b4 my flatmate connected to the net via my connection
well i deleted the whole thing and installed it new

the port test didnt not work, it says the typical thing, cant find page

i hope u or somebody can help as i'm fed up to pay itunes for music :) :) :)

birdy April 22nd, 2006 04:05 PM

Your ISP is your internet service provider:) Who do you pay for internet access?
If it's Clearwire, they're probably your problem... they do block p2p. There's a little info here

If you're using the Norton firewall, make sure XP's firewall is off... the 2 won't work together. Does your modem have a model number?

If Clearwire is your ISP, you could try changing ports. No guarantees, they might monitor different ports & block you wherever. There's some info here
Alternative Ports

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