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dixon79 July 18th, 2006 02:30 AM

Please do not update limewire
Hi all

Yes, tell you one thing today, as I am a limewire basic user with DSL bandwide for more than 1 year. These days there always a shining lines shows my limewire needs to be update. Therefore, I trid to updated to the version 4.12.3, but after installing this new version. I could not finding anything on it. No video, no audio, nothing pop up.

At the begining, I guess it's the connetion problem with my network, so I checked out the problem shooting from limewire offical web, but it doesn't help. After hours researching and checking the settings, finally, I decided to reinstall the old version which it works again!

Here, I stressed that if you are the limewire basic user, please do not update your program to 4.12.3, stick with your old version is fine. I also suggest if you do not have the old version anymore, you could find it on google easily.

Remember, do not update anymore, the old version under 4.12.3 is perfect for your needs.

If you have any needs or assistance,please feel free to send me a mail at [edit] Thanks!

User from China


Edited to comply with the House Rules.
Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own.

wondering why July 18th, 2006 03:33 AM

I dont think you know what your talking about....:eek:
Also please edit your email addy as it's against the forum rules to supply it in a Post....:rolleyes:

dixon79 July 18th, 2006 03:51 AM

Wondering why

I guess you really don't understand what i am talking about here, maybe you are not a limewire user. Please install one and give it a try! I think you will learn something from it!

wondering why July 18th, 2006 04:03 AM

Ok, so I'm a member of this forum and help people with their Limewire problems, BUT I dont use Limewire :rolleyes: give me a break....
For one just because you have had troubles installing the latest version of LW, doesn't mean everyone will and if they do they can get some pretty accurate advice from members of this forum on solutions to help them..
Oh and another thing DO NOT ADVISE anyone to google search an older version of limewire, we have enough problems with scam sites offering versions that have been filled with spyware and charge for the basic version..
My suggestion to you would be to do some further research, before shooting off at the mouth.....:mad:

ukbobboy01 July 18th, 2006 05:09 AM

Bravo WW

Newbies that know very little but claim to know a lot are the bane of this forum.

UK Bob

HK.emma July 18th, 2006 08:02 PM

Hey dixon79

thanks for your advise, yes, I did the updated yesterday which drived me crazy that i could not find anything with the new version, so I followed what you suggested here.

It really works again, Thanks for sharing that!

Btw, Wondering why, if you are not using limewire,please keep silent! You are not qualify to telling the sh*t here! You even don't have a name! So does UK Bob, you are not supposed to judge those newbnies, you are just nobody here. If you want to get more respect here from those newbies. I guess you should contribute something useful to this forum, not just judging & reduced people's motivation to publish something. Your mom doesn't teach you that when you grow up, does she? What a poor guy!


joytt July 18th, 2006 08:28 PM

Viva hk.emma, wondering why and uk.bob really knows nothing about limewire, but you didn't need to say those dirty word to them. Maybe they are just some old men who just start to learn typing something on this forum, please forgive their unenlightened speech here.

moreover, thanks dixon79, it really works, i won't update to the new version anymore untill the feedback is good from this forum.


wondering why July 18th, 2006 08:28 PM

I take it that HK stands for Hong Kong what is dixon79 a personal friend or relative lol...
If you read my posts carefully I do use Limewire and I do know what I'm talking about...
So dont go throwing insults at me because thats all you can come up with...
You need to do your Homework as well....:eek:

Oh and another, the whole family has joined in LMAO....

dixon79 July 18th, 2006 08:48 PM

Seems more and more people has update problem these, so more and more people looking for some help for using the limewire again.

Also, ok, wondering why, maybe I will do more research before telling people something, but what I did that day could make things works again? May I know what happened? Some people also encountered the same problem as well, right?

birdy July 18th, 2006 08:51 PM

HK.emma & joytt,
WW has given some very good advice in this thread, sure some people may not be happy with one version of LW but don't just go looking for another version using Google!! Just imagine how many infected copies of LW are floating around... nobody wants a virus, do they?

Have some respect for the people who give their time to help others out here.

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