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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
Start here Suggestions to help you get connected, * try here first *, then see below (click on 'this' blue link)

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
Join Date: July 25th, 2006
Posts: 6
shortthrow is flying high
Default Firewall problem

I've followed the steps in the sticky, to add the tcp and udp gnutella ports, but still doesn't work.

I have plenty of hd space, ram and all that jazz. I'm using homexp sp2 and a linksys wireless connection. heeelp.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
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You need to be a lot more specific if hoping to get help

Try posting more specific info on setup first. Please try to answer all the questions.

1. What's your connection like - do you have any green bars at all?
Is there a brick wall in front of world ?

2. Do this test & see if it works. What does it say ?

3. What are your details

OS ? (Win XP, Mac OSX etc.)
How much free harddiskspace ?
How much RAM ?
LW & Java version ? (In Limewire press Help>about LW & you'll see)
What Firewall you're using ?
Modem/router brand & model ?
Are you using portforwarding, UPnP or nothing ? (Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall Config)
What is your listening port ? (Same as above)
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ?
Connection type ? (modem, DSL etc) + Speed Up/Down if you know
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Has Limewire ever worked for you ? If so how long have you been using it ?

Have you tried using any other P2P apps & if so, do you have the same problems ?

Also include any attempts to fix this. It helps people rule things out
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
Join Date: July 25th, 2006
Posts: 6
shortthrow is flying high

Originally Posted by Sleepless
You need to be a lot more specific if hoping to get help

Try posting more specific info on setup first. Please try to answer all the questions.

1. What's your connection like - do you have any green bars at all? Yep, 5
Is there a brick wall in front of world ? Yes.

2. Do this test & see if it works. What does it say ? Test worked.

3. What are your details

OS ? (Win XP, Mac OSX etc.) xphome sp2
How much free harddiskspace ? 76kmb
How much RAM ? 512
LW & Java version ? (In Limewire press Help>about LW & you'll see)1.5.0_07
What Firewall you're using ? windows
Modem/router brand & model ? Linksys wireless
Are you using portforwarding, UPnP or nothing? UPnP
(Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall Config)
What is your listening port ? (Same as above)36396
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ? Time Warner
Connection type ? (modem, DSL etc) + Speed Up/Down if you know? cable 768
Where you connect from (home, school etc) home
Are you sharing a connection with other computers? Yes, wireless
Has Limewire ever worked for you ? If so how long have you been using it? Yes, worked with non wireless connection.

Have you tried using any other P2P apps & if so, do you have the same problems ? Yes, azerus. No.

Also include any attempts to fix this. It helps people rule things out
As I said, I followed the gnutells guide to helping with the firewall and it did nothing.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
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But still we are already getting somewhere

You say that Limewire worked before using the wireless router

Did you by any chance forget to add Limewire.exe or your set listeningport to your Windows Firewall ?

Have you upgraded your Limewire lately ?

Has the brick wall always been there ?

Also are you sure that your new router really supports UPnP (not just says it does)

Trying Portforwarding your Limewire port is an option. In which case anyone trying to help will need exact name and model of the Linksys
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
Join Date: July 25th, 2006
Posts: 6
shortthrow is flying high

Originally Posted by Sleepless
But still we are already getting somewhere

You say that Limewire worked before using the wireless router

Did you by any chance forget to add Limewire.exe or your set listeningport to your Windows Firewall ? No, it's there

Have you upgraded your Limewire lately ? Yeah, reformated so it's a fresh install.

Has the brick wall always been there ? Since this install.

Also are you sure that your new router really supports UPnP (not just says it does) No idea. My housemate uses the same router though and his works

Trying Portforwarding your Limewire port is an option. In which case anyone trying to help will need exact name and model of the Linksys. WRT54G
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
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Well this is a shot in the dark before going into the portforwarding because that can take a while to get working

Did you by any chance by accident choose to not download without a licence ?

That will render most downloads useless. If so go to

Tools>Options>View>Popups and check the revert to default box

Then press apply and ok

then go to Tools>Options>Searching>Basic and uncheck Show Licence Warning

Then go to Filters>Content and uncheck contentfiltering

Press apply and ok

If your Limewire still doesn't work right then post back in this same thread

Good Luck
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
Join Date: July 25th, 2006
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shortthrow is flying high

Tried all that, still dudn't work.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
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Hope you're a bit computer savvy

First make sure that you have a static IP on your PC

Also you need to put your ISP's DNS server IP's into the lower box there. If you don't know those IP's then call your ISP and you'll get them from there

Then go here and follow the steps

BTW You'll have to disable the UPnP in Limewire and choose manual portforward

Listening port and the port you enter there must be the same number. Choose one between 49152 and 65535

Forward that port (both TCP and UDP) in your windows firewall as well
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
Join Date: July 25th, 2006
Posts: 6
shortthrow is flying high

Originally Posted by Sleepless
Hope you're a bit computer savvy

First make sure that you have a static IP on your PC

Also you need to put your ISP's DNS server IP's into the lower box there. If you don't know those IP's then call your ISP and you'll get them from there

Then go here and follow the steps

BTW You'll have to disable the UPnP in Limewire and choose manual portforward

Listening port and the port you enter there must be the same number. Choose one between 49152 and 65535

Forward that port (both TCP and UDP) in your windows firewall as well

Yeah, I'm good. I just didn't want to do all that crap if there was some easier solution.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2006
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I too was hoping that there was

Strange that it will work without doing it on your housemates computer and won't work on yours

You can comfort yourself with the fact, that if you get it to work, then you will have a far better connection than your housemate and a much greater succesrate in getting the downloads that you want
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