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konsTNT September 28th, 2006 12:14 PM

help (what else..)...Tcpip-related...
1.OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
2. What firewalls you have?
3. How much ram?
4. Hard Disk space available?
5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
7. Where are you trying to connect from (home, school, work, etc.)?
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
LW: 4.12.6 / J: 1.5.0_08
9. Who is your ISP provider (Internet Service Provider)?
10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up.
12. Is this a your 1st try at FW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of FW's interface?

Allright, here is my problem: I start Windows, wait till its up, then start LW and downloading. Everything is normal, I get all the green bars, the files get downloaded.
After some time I check on LW, and find only the very first bar green, all my downloads on "connecting..please wait" status. I disconnect, reconnect LW. Nothing. Only one green bar, no download activity. I shut it down, even the system tray icon, then double-click on the LW shortcut on my desktop again. I get the LW startup-window (the one with the lime) but thats it, it just stays there and nothing else happens. I can go on doing anything else on the pc, open programs and run them - whenever I return to the desktop the Lime-window is there. I open the task manager and find LimeWire.exe on the list, I choose "end process", the Lime-window disappears, but whenever I double- click on the LW shortcut it returns and just stays there until I end LimeWire.exe. I restart the Pc, and all that I wrote starts from the beginning.......

Now, I followed the instructions on this site, the FAQ tips and everything, and I discovered through Event Viewer that the moment my Gnutella-Connection goes from full green bars to only one, a warning appears (yellow exclamation mark). Double clicking on it I get an Event-card saying among other things: "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts." Source: Tcpip, Computer: USER-13BF0A1A35.

P.S. I have allowed LimeWire full access on the internet application list of the McAfee Firewall, as well as configured the Windows firewall acording to the instructions on the LW site.

Can anybody help me with this one?
(Sorry if there is already a threat dealing with this problem, it seems that I cannot enter some threats posted in the forum, especially the ones which are linked to in others such as the sticky threat)


Sleepless September 28th, 2006 12:43 PM

Man I wish everyone posted like you :D This is easy

First choose one firewall and configure that. Always just use 1 firewall as using more will most likely have them working against each other

Second download the patch in this link and run it (incase that link doesn't work then this is the direct link)

That should fix it right up

konsTNT September 28th, 2006 01:09 PM

Allright, I did as told, ran the patch.
After pressing Y at the end of it a message popped up saying something about inserting a windows service pack 2 cd and compromised windows stability(!). I dont have such a cd, cause I downloaded the service pack through windows update, so I pressed cancel (!!)

Is this supposed to go down that way, or did I just destabilized my system?
You know man....Im a little sweating on this right now..........

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 01:29 PM

This happens because that patch does something Stupid Windows doesn't want to be done (a major flaw on their side). That always happens when running the patch. Also many antiviruses delete it because they say it's a hackng tool, which is exactly what it is, but since you are doing the hacking, there should be no problem there. Your system won't become unstable. It's just 'smoke n' mirrors' from Micro$oft.

You can check if it worked by running the patch again. Current connections should be 50 now instead of 10. then just press n to not change anything, that should exit the patch.

If it still says 10 then press y and when the windows message pops up choose to keep the new settings.

Lord of the Rings September 28th, 2006 01:29 PM

You might also be wise to try deleting your LW Preferences folder whilst LW is closed; instructions here: Point #2 & 3 in Fixes for Limewire (sample image included at bottom of page.)

(Sorry I don't have XP so I can't remark on the SP2 patch.)

BTW on dial up, DON'T use the Resume/Find Sources function on all your incomplete files at once. That is likely to cause such symptoms & use all your systems resources. Instead, if you do use those functions then just use on one or 2 at a time. That will hopefully reduce the side-FX. ;)

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 01:32 PM

No need to delete the preference folder. a common easily fixed problem ;) Don't you wish all people posted like this. Think that's the best problem description that I have seen since joining this forum

Lord of the Rings September 28th, 2006 01:40 PM

I suggested deleting the prefs folder as a precaution. Since his program hung during those periods. Which can potentially stuff up the prefs on "windows". (If they weren't already.) Get a mac man! lol :D

konsTNT September 28th, 2006 01:47 PM

oh, wasnt such a big deal :rolleyes:

the answers were very clear and understandable too, so thks 2 both of ya :Smilywais:

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 01:47 PM

This all comes from Windows getting so easily virus infested. The morons at Micro$oft actually believe that setting a maximum unchangable limit on TCP connects will actually prevent the rapid spreading of a virus if your computer gets infected.

Running the patch will not in any way make your computer less secure. It may or may not slow down the pace that an allready infected PC will spread a virus.

Especially on Dial-up this will have no effect what-so-ever since the max speed is what 56 kbps ?

On a High speed connection this limit will have almost no effect either

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 01:52 PM

Glad to help :) Feel free to post any follow-up questions :rolleyes_2:

Wish others would follow your example and describe the problems instead of just writing:



HOW DO I FIX IT :bangh: :bangh: :bangh:

Yes they actually do it like that :D

konsTNT September 28th, 2006 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepless
Especially on Dial-up this will have no effect what-so-ever since the max speed is what 56 kbps ?

On a High speed connection this limit will have almost no effect either

56kbps? Dunno, I got an DSL connection with a 786.4 connection.....:rolleyes_2:

Something about the Preference folder: It was not hidden, although I got LW version 4.12.6. and I did not find any other folder matching the one I have to delete through searching.. am I ok?

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 02:05 PM

I doubt you need to delete your preference folder.

You said dial-up in your first post :D

5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)

DSL is Broadband and this explains the quite likely reason you started getting this error. Did you by any chance start running in UltraPeer mode when those limits were hit ;)

Strange that the preference folder isn't hidden though :confused:

konsTNT September 28th, 2006 02:08 PM

:cool: :imwaiting: ...ok, maybe there was a flaw in my description after all....... NO dialup then.......broadband.....already corrected...does anything change now?

And what about the preference folder? Am I good to go? My fingers are itching 2 try LW out....

Sleepless September 28th, 2006 02:12 PM

You should be good to go. The only way to find out is to try it :rolleyes_2:

konsTNT September 29th, 2006 03:05 AM

Unfortunately, the problem is not solved...:bangh:
I get the exact symptoms as before: LW working, then no connection, warning on Event View saying "Tcpip", shut down and restart LW, only Lime-window appears etc

In addition to that, every time this happens with LW (After LW having stopped downloading and me shutting it down) I cannot view ANY website on internet explorer, although Im still connected, I get the usual "page cannot be displayed" and "server not found" messages, while when LW was WORKING, I could visit every webpage and it was fine........:confused:

I have shut down the windows firewall, and on McAfee LimeWire continues to have full access to the net. When the problem ocured again my preferences where (after having deleted the preference folder): downloads limited to 4 max parrallel downloads, uploads to 2 per user and 8 that still too much?
My speed was unlimited both for downloads and for uploads, ultrapeer function deactivated but OOB search on.... does that cause my problems? (My connection speed is 786 kbps broadband)

I have also discovered that I can open LW and have it disconnected from the Gnutella network, and that way I can shut it down and open it again as often as I want without an effect on the websites on internet explorer, therefore LW causes the problem only after having been connected to Gnutella network for some time, but in which it is working just

konsTNT September 29th, 2006 03:13 AM

Allright, now is the time for me to say: WTF??

LW window is open BUT I have pressed the "disconnect button", all my bars are red, the "connect" button is visible - all signs of me being disconnected from the network....... but LW is CONTINUING downloading and uploading!:confused::confused: :confused: :confused:

I get the changing "time left" indications, the kbps and the percentages of my downloads growing..........

what is happenning now?!?

Sleepless September 29th, 2006 01:38 PM

OK. Been there, done that. Never figured out what was wrong though. The only difference is that I could still use the internet when it happened. I updated and it was fixed.

There are a few things that I found helped a little.

1. find a download that has trouble downloading. Something you know is legit though (not spam). use the find sources and resume on it until it says awaiting sources.

2. In you monitor window check the box for show incoming searches.

If this makes no difference for you what-so-ever then try a complete clean install of both Java and Limewire. It just might help.

I mean everything. Uninstall Limewire using Start>Programs>Limewire>uninstall

Then do a search and delete everything Limewire related (not your downloads off course ;)) including preference folder, incomplete folder, themes etc.

Remove all java through add/remove programs and then reboot your PC. If you have a registry cleaner then use it to find traces of both programs (there is no need to delete other entries then for these programs) Then reboot again

Now reinstall Java. Current version is now 5.0 update 9 I see. Choose this one Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 Update 9 and choose the offline installer

Download Limewire again from and again choose the offline version.

Install Java first and then reboot again before installing limewire.

Hopefully that should work.

konsTNT October 2nd, 2006 01:23 PM

Well, sleepless, it seems LimeWire does not like me so much....

I did not work, although I followed your instructions. The only difference now is that I dont get Tcpip warning messages anymore on Edit Viewer when the error occurs, apart from that the problem remain the same.

I stopped wondering about what could cause the error, cause I dont got a clue, but I stumbled upon LimeWire in the "Add or remove Programs"-window and it says its size is 1.284,00 MB big (!). Is that possible? Maybe it has something to do with the whole thing (Sherlok Holmes style....)?

Sleepless October 2nd, 2006 01:57 PM

I'll have to ask someone about this. I've never before heard of this problem and that TCP IP thing is really bugging me.

I'll be back

bdalekid October 2nd, 2006 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepless
Glad to help :) Feel free to post any follow-up questions :rolleyes_2:

Wish others would follow your example and describe the problems instead of just writing:



HOW DO I FIX IT :bangh: :bangh: :bangh:

Yes they actually do it like that :D

Maybe LW should write a prog. that actually worked instead of writing something that 99% of people have to read,read,read and test,test.......
Then we come here and have to put up with your smart a$$ remarks.
Ya Think ?
Half the crap posted here as fixes don't even work on our issues.
Maybe some people aren't as fluent on a p.c. as you are. Einstein.
The way i see it is , you pay for something it should work. You don't buy a new car and have to work on it every day do you ?

Sleepless October 2nd, 2006 03:29 PM

@ bdalekid

I don't have time for your childish remarks, so buzz off !!!

KonsTNT (unlike you) has done everything right since joining this forum. Researched, given detail and is I'm sure trying to find a solution himself.

Which mean that I don't mind trying to figure out his problem. While yours, after giving up hope of you actually trying anything that has been suggested, I could not care less about. :blablabla:

Have you really not noticed that your attitude gets you nowhere (well maybe banned eventually). Even the VM's and Mods have given up on you.

And BTW 99% percent have no problem at all using Limewire. Or should that be 99.99%

bdalekid October 2nd, 2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepless
@ bdalekid

I don't have time for your childish remarks, so buzz off !!!

KonsTNT (unlike you) has done everything right since joining this forum. Researched, given detail and is I'm sure trying to find a solution himself.

Which mean that I don't mind trying to figure out his problem. While yours, after giving up hope of you actually trying anything that has been suggested, I could not care less about. :blablabla:

Have you really not noticed that your attitude gets you nowhere (well maybe banned eventually). Even the VM's and Mods have given up on you.

And BTW 99% percent have no problem at all using Limewire. Or should that be 99.99%

WTF ??? You big dumba$$, I have tried everything anyone has suggested on here. None of the $hit works. There's over 100,000 posts of problems on here. Are you kidding me ? Sounds to me like LW writes a prog. and wants everyone to test it for them and still wants money for it.
Let's see here. Old LW worked, upgraded to pro and new version and nothing works. Hummmmmm. Kind of a no brainer for ya Einstein ?

martman40 October 2nd, 2006 03:56 PM

magnification problem
hi, sorry to have to ask this by replying to another question; i can't seem to figure out how to post a thread. my question is: i keep installing limewire on my dads computer, but everytime i start it up, it makes everything on the screen HUGE. any other program that is running gets magnified also. when i close limewire, everything reverts back to normal. i have tried numerous times to do this, and everytime i get the same result. does anyone have any suggestion? thanks:bangh:

Sleepless October 2nd, 2006 05:09 PM


This most likely due to a graphics card issue. Try to go to the Operating System specific help forum and look through the most common issues Sticky Threads. I'm guessing Windows here. The most likely source of the problem is either a Graphics card or RAM issues

Where you choose the forum press Technical Support, and then the forum that has your operating system.

There is general Windows support, General Mac Support etc.

In regards to posting a new thread. In case you don't find the answer then in all forums where it is possible to make a new thread you will Se this:

Attachment 2919

Remember to (unlike bdalekid) to give the necessary info when posting a new thread. Like in the very first thread here, only more related to the video hardware and software your computer has. Don't be afraid to even include things that at first glance will seem unnecessary. You should rather give too much info than too little info.

Also include Java version (you can see it if you in Limewire press Tools and then about limewire) or in add/remove programs. Can be the source of the problem although highly unlikely.

bdalekid October 2nd, 2006 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepless

This most likely due to a graphics card issue. Try to go to the Operating specific help forum and look through the most common issues Sticky Threads. I'm guessing Windows here. The most likely source of the problem is either a Graphics card or a RAM issues

Where you choose the forum press Technical Support and then the forum that has your operating system.

There is general Windows support, General Mac Support etc.

In regards to posting a new thread. In case you don't find the answer then in all forum where it is possible to make a thread you will Se this:

Attachment 2919

Remember to (unlike bdalekid) to give the necessary info when posting a new thread. Like in the very first thread here, only more related to the video hardware and software your computer has. Don't be afraid to even include things that at first glance will seem unnecessary. You should rather give too much info than too little info.

Also include Java version (you can see it if you in Limewire press Tools and then about limewire) or in add/remove programs. Can be the source of the problem although highly unlikely.

Don't worry, By the time you get LW running you will be a pro at making new threads. Problem threads.

Peerless October 2nd, 2006 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by bdalekid
WTF ??? You big dumba$$, I have tried everything anyone has suggested on here. None of the $hit works. There's over 100,000 posts of problems on here. Are you kidding me ? Sounds to me like LW writes a prog. and wants everyone to test it for them and still wants money for it.
Let's see here. Old LW worked, upgraded to pro and new version and nothing works. Hummmmmm. Kind of a no brainer for ya Einstein ?

no...yur the big dumba§§ made the mistake of attacking a respected senior member...and now you pay the price...


Sleepless October 2nd, 2006 10:40 PM

I tried to warn him.

TY BTW. He was getting to be a bit tiresome

At least seeing this also made me see all the spelling errors when he quoted me :D

Guess I'll need to do some editing.

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