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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
Join Date: November 23rd, 2006
Posts: 14
brh986 is flying high

I've got the same exact problems.

1. OS version? (eg: Windows 98)
WIN XP Professional SP2

2. What firewalls you have?
N/A - I have a Dlink DI-624 router but I have the comptuer with limewire set as dmz. The firewall icon does not appear in limewire and the connection quality is always perfect (all green bars).

3. How much ram?
512 mb

4. Hard Disk space available?
100+ GB

5. Connection type? (eg: dialup, broadband, cable, etc.)
Verizon Fios Fiber Optic

6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?
I don't know the modem - wahtever verizon gives.
Router: D-Link AirPlus XtremeG D1-624

7. Where are you trying to connect from (house, appartment complex, school, student accomodation, work, etc.)?

8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? (Go to LW's menu Help>About LW...) Will show both LW & Java version.
Limewire 4.12.16
Java 1.5.0-_09

9. Who is your ISP provider (Internet Service Provider)?
Verizon Fios.

10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?
"Your Test Worked"
It works.

11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up.
There's two other PC's. They are usually not using P2P. They are not set as the DMZ, my computer is.

12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.
Was using bearshare, performance was poor but worked sporadically. Limewire does not work at all, ever.

13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface?
No, Initially I did but now I'm not. Not sure what I changed to make it go away.

I was using bearshare and the performance was getting worse and worse. Certain files never work or the download will start and run slowly and then die. I find that small files work more often. Also if I were to que up maybe 50 large files and then leave my computer on for a day or two eventually I get some of them but not all.

I thought perhaps the version of bearshare was outdated so I tried limewire (which I also know to be clean of spyware - bonus) but limewire doesn't work at all. I pick files with lots of sources and a four star quality but ti doesn't matter. They just sit there for every and either never connect or say more sources needed which it never finds. I never see any uploads going out either. Bearshare always worked with uploads disabled or if I enabled it a ton of files would upload just fine. If I turn the search monitor on in limewire I see incoming searchs and I can search files but that's all I can do.

I have a routed but my p2p computer is set as the DMZ.

What I don't understand is if all they're doing is blocking the port why I can't just change it and have it work. I've tried changing the ports in limewire but it doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

I've been through this too:
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Humboldt
ok, thanks again, I cant use Lw at all now, i tried frostwire, still didnt work!
whats the differencr between frostwire and limewire?
if i did call my ISP could they do any think about it any way? i could just go to the store, their company's like a mile away.
There's not too much diff between LW & FW...FW's based on LW & has a few tweaks (but don't ask me what they are!).
I really suggested calling your ISP to try & find out one way or another whether they're causing your problem. If they're anti-p2p they're not going to do anything to let you connect. It's more for your peace of you don't go crazy thinking that there's something within your setup causing the problem:wink:

Deadland...someone recently called their ISP under the guise of being a potential customer. They were told that there were measures in place to block p2p. When they'd phoned the helpdesk previously as an existing customer, they got the run-around
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
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Deadland is flying high

Originally Posted by birdy

Deadland...someone recently called their ISP under the guise of being a potential customer. They were told that there were measures in place to block p2p. When they'd phoned the helpdesk previously as an existing customer, they got the run-around
Boy, that doesn't surprise me in the least ...

Just sent them another e-mail. I'll try to call them on Monday and see what they say - since I don't expect an e-response to my tech support request. I'll post the response if anyone is interested.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
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Good luck & yes, please let us know how you get on.
If it turns out that you find they are causing the problem, you can add Suddenlink to the list in the link below...that will help other people in future.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
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Humboldt is flying high

okay...I'm going to call up "sudden link" and talk to them about this(i know a lot of the people that work at the local store) I wish they would've kept with Cox. I have now tried everything ive seen on the internet for the past few days and it has to be suddenlink!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Humboldt
I wish they would've kept with Cox.
Cox is also known to hinder p2p use.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
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Default Me Too

Humboldt, I am also a new Suddenlink customer in the Eureka area. A friend at work was having trouble connecting to Limewire and so I tried at home again tonight to see if I could help him. Looks like I am screwed too.

I usually use zone alarm. I have turned all firewalls off but I still get the starting to connect message in the lower left of the Lwire app with a brick wall infront of the world icon. Funny thing is that our IP address range traces back to Tyler, Texas which is quite a ways from where we really are.

Hopefully as there is some kind of fix or work around...where am I going to get my xmas tunes?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2006
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
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Humboldt is flying high

Thanks, you live in eureka 2? I might know uoi, im in highschool so it doesnt sound like i do though. I've herd of about 6 cases of this exact thing from around here just today so suddenlink will most likey do something hopefully.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
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Humboldt is flying high

Okay, so i just called my local service and their going to contact It or something and call me back. If all of you called Suddenlink, they might do something.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old November 30th, 2006
Join Date: November 24th, 2006
Posts: 4
Deadland is flying high
Default The saga continues ...

So the cox versus suddenlink saga in Eureka continues. I finally received a reply from suddenlink and here's what it said.

Dear Valued Suddenlink Customer:

Thank you for your inquiry. Suddenlink is committed to providing the best customer service possible.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this issue. Although we do not recommend the use of P2P networks the only ports we block are:
Port Transport Protocol Direction Reason for Filtering
25 TCP SMTP Both* SMTP Relays
80 TCP HTTP Inbound Web servers, worms
135 UDP NetBios Both Net Send Spam/Pop-ups, Worms
136-139UDP,TCP NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood
445 TCP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighhood
1433 TCP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, Trojans
1434 UDP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, SQLslammer
1900 UDP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood

(Apologies if the above info is hinky and hard to read ... can't insert the frames.)

Here's the deal though: As I was reading this e-mail Windows was updating Media Player to ver. 11.0.5721.5145 in the background. When it was done I rebooted the computer and for the hell of it launched LW. Guess what ... perfect connection. So either suddenlink did a quick shuffle (which I doubt) or it was Media Player causing issues. I'm curious to know if other suddenlink users that have updated Media Player to the newest version are still having connectivity issues.

As a said note, other than LW and Kazaa, I was also unable to connect to Blizzard's P2P update downloader for WoW (World of Warcraft). So in other words, I had an all around P2P block until now.
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