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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
Join Date: January 11th, 2007
Posts: 5
Emmax is flying high
Default Direct connect problem

I've had problems for a while, I'm not sure where to start, this will be long but I'll try to hand you as much information as possible.

In short terms my problem is when I start LW and click the DC tab i can't get an IP or a box to type an IP into. Instead it tells me a firewall or router is blocking.
I HAVE just recently switched to Comodo(free)Personal firewall and tried to get help there, but they went blank on what was wrong after having me try adding /closing a bunch of different options such as network monitor rules(directed to th right port btw), shutting them off completely, opening the firewall up in almost any possible way, but still LW would not let me have a DC number!

I as a final resolution tried to reinstall both LW and Comodo, but nether that helped!(I could have maybe not deleted the programs properly though, I'm not sure, so that could be one issue but I'm not so sure about if there's any keyfiles somewhere in the system I should find and remove then...)
The weirdest part is that when I just got the FW I added the network monitor rules needed and got it to work in an instant, only for the next time I started LW it did not work, and since then I've had this problem.

But I've been good and read the sticky's first so here's some info for you:
1. OS version? WinXP SP2 most available updates(got some new today I have not installed yet but otherwize they'e up to date)
2. What firewalls you have? Comodo Personal Firewall
3. How much ram? 256Mb
4. Hard Disk space available? hmmm... good question, I right clicked at the C: icon and saw available space 45,7Gb so that should be it...
5. Connection type? Adsl "broadband" (through modem and phoneline) 0,5mb/s I think.
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers? Don't own a router, modem is a speedtouch something. But I doubt it's important.
7. Where are you trying to connect from? House
8. What version of LimeWire (LW) & Java do you have? LW 4.12.6 Java 1.5.0_06
9. Who is your ISP provider? Doubt it's important but Glocalnet
10. Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there?it works
11. Are you sharing the connection with other computers or p2p sharing programs? If yes, please give details of set up. We only have this computer but I do have other p2p programs such as emule, and bittorrent.
12. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user. New problem with experienced user.
13. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? yes

I'm so sick of having this problem ands got a tip of this site from a friend and I hope maybe the problem lise in limewire. But the port it is not since it works in the above test and it's never failed before, and I even switched ports to try that too but it didn't work then ether.
One suggetsion i have is that it's something with the proxy settings. But I'm not so sure what a proxy is so I don't know what the settings should be.

Any help, or any small tips even would be so greatly appreciated.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
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Direct Connect will definitely not work if you have some kind of firewall issue. It seems you're aware that if your ip address shows at the top of the DC search box then you're ok to go (so long as the other person doesn't have firewall issues either.)

Your answer to Q.13 about seeing the brick wall is a firewall issue of some kind. Yes it could be your software firewall, or your connection device or your isp at fault.

Actually your exact model of speedtouch may just be an important issue here as many adsl modems & routers have internal NAT firewalls.

Is your XP firewall on or off? Go to control panel & open the XP firewall control panel & make sure it's turned off.

I don't normally recommend this, but just for a short time, disable your Comodo Personal Firewall. Then re-open or restart LW & see if you still see the brick wall. If yes, then that probably means the problem is either the isp or speedtouch.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
Join Date: January 11th, 2007
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Emmax is flying high

I have my XP fw completely inactivated through through the admin tools folder in the control panel.
Before I used comodo I had hmm... well two different but the last one I know it was working with was Kaspersky internet security(antivir and fw in one) so I should be very surprised if it's a problem with my modem all of a sudden when it's not ever been a problem before. I've also used Zone Alarm free never had any problems ...
But anyway my speedtouch is a ...*checks* SpeedTouch510

So the brick wall should not be there?

OK I did what you said, started LW and yes I still saw the brick wall... but it could still be the FW that's the trouble then too, right?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
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If all your software firewalls are disabled then they may only be part of the reason or not a part of the problem at all.

My recommendation would be to forward a port. See instructions under Thomson-Alcatel at far right column here & after finding your model, click on it & look for LimeWire on the list. The other alternative is to telnet into your device & see whether UPnP (universal plug & play) is an option & to enable it. This will by-pass the need for port forwarding.

BTW you may not have noticed the brick wall before when using the other softw FW's.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
Join Date: January 11th, 2007
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Emmax is flying high

Which option should I choose then? It says:
# SpeedTouch510Alt
# SpeedTouch510v4.0
# SpeedTouch510v4.2
and my modem just says SpeedTouch 510. I have no idea which version it is...

EDit: I read in another thread about someone having connection problems and was adviced to select the same port for listening as the manual port forward... should I give it a try? and which box in that case should I change? I fn use port 6346
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 11th, 2007
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Yes try that.

I don't know which version you have, but the instructions will probably be almost identical. Different version will have slightly different firmware & software instructions. So try logging in & compare the instructions between those models & choose the one that is the same.

Telnet address is & default login is blank for both boxes. Generally internet explorer is best for this purpose.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2007
Join Date: January 11th, 2007
Posts: 5
Emmax is flying high

I just switched the listening port to 6346 also and whoops and it worked
Of course the listening port was not allowed, so therefore it was not able to connect to the internet *doh*

Thanks for all the help, if it wouldn't have been for me reading on this forum I wouldn't have found the problem
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