Please, somebody help me!! Ha. Okay so um... obviously I'm having problems connecting.
I've already tried everything I could think of. I just bought a new laptop with Windows Vista, and I'm not hooked up to my own internet connection yet. I'm connected to another wireless network in my area; my neighbor actually. (Yes, I have permission.)

Anyways, I think those two things might be a problem, but I'm not sure. I mean, it's not like I don't have enough space... it's a brand new computer! I have, like, 73GB and I'm just really perplexed here. Oh, I'm so scatterbrained... I didn't even say what the real problem was:
Okay, well, Limewire downloaded fine. I've used it in the past with my other computers and never had a problem. Now, however... I can't get any search results, let alone download
anything at all! Basically the crux of the problem seems to be the stupid network connection. The little bars in the bottom left corner never fill up, even though Limewire assures me that the connection will strengthen the longer I let it run or something. Which, by the way, is totally not true. I can only maintain ONE green bar at most. **sigh** While I was waiting for my username and all that to get registered for these forums, I read a bunch of posts about connections since I couldn't post any questions myself. As a result of the aforementioned... I downloaded some new Java 6 thingy and changed my firewall settings to allow Limewire to run (supposedly.) It didn't work, needless to say. I'm a total moron... honestly I'm practically computer illiterate here! But I would be most greatful if someone could just help me out here!!! I'll be your best friend, ever! Lol. Thanks to anyone who even gets back to me. I don't know how these forums go or if I'll even get a response. But I appreciate anyone who read all that looong crap I wrote.