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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #611 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2005
Join Date: April 10th, 2005
Posts: 4
Adlib is flying high

Thank you for your help but I think I am just going to get rid of it.

It's far too complicated and impossible to work out, at this stage I would rather be tarred and feathered than continue to try and get lime wire to bless me with a connection!

They have my money, it seems that is all they want from customers.

Thanks again for the help. I am going to try and forget I knew anything about Lime wire.

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  #612 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2005
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Hahahaha ... there's multiples of millions of people who have downlded LW. Some have problems. So we try to help. They come here for help .. not for ..

AT NO TIME did you provide enough information to help us find a fix to your problem.
It sounds to me like you barely tried to find a fix in the 1st place. lol All you were doing was complaining. Bet you didn't even get a hold of the LW manual lol. Perhaps computers are not 4u. Do u remember how to turn it off. lol fine
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  #613 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2005
Join Date: April 10th, 2005
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Adlib is flying high

Your quite right I should of bothered to make that trip to outer mongolia to find the script containing the secrets of Lime Wire. If I only I had the inclination.
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  #614 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2005
Join Date: April 17th, 2005
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melissahays2401 is flying high

yeah that didnt help at all.. only one of the little stair connecting bars lights up green, so i cant search for anything. skfjsdf
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  #615 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2005
Join Date: April 19th, 2005
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bizun is flying high

Dear experts and not,
I hope this message finds you well cos' it doesn't with me.
Before starting i'd like to congratulate with you for all your useful suggestions: it seems that you helped quite a lot of people and i hope you'll do the same with me.
As you will imagine i'm facing connection problems with limewire 4.8.1 on my laptop. This is the first time I use this sw but i installed it in the same time on my laptop and on my fixed pc i have at home and, while it works on the second, it can't connnect on my laptop. The main difference in the 2 machines in the OS: win XP Home on the PC, Win XP Pro (with no SP on) on the laptop. Anyway, this one can't connect to limewire with any connection: I tried with the shared adsl connection of the home pc and with the wi-fi i have but nothing. Moreover, I already mapped the router ports properly, and also configured the windows firewall, but nothing happened. So now I deactivated it even if nothing changed.
I think we can exclude it's a router or isp problem since my flatmates are using the same router and connection with their laptops and normally use limewire. After installing and disinstalling the sw several times, even cleaning the registry with reghealer, I tried all your suggestions (firewall configuration and deactivation, no automatic connection, .limewire folder deletion) following your procedures but limewire still not works.
What can I do? This is definitely one of the best p2p programs so i'd really want to use it...but i can't. I hope you can help me or at least suggest me some other sw that can use the gnutella network properly.
thank you very much in advance.
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  #616 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2005
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Could be a routing/networking issue. You should be aware that if you forward a port in your router/modem, it can only be used by one computer in the network; ie: any other computers should have separate ports opened for them. So computer A has port 6346 opened for it. Comp B has a different port opened for it (eg: Port 6342 or something) & any others would also require a separate port no. Also for port forwarding you require a Static ip. A dynamic ip won't work for port forwarding. If port forwarding was set up whilst a dynamic ip was active then you will have to go back & start again. ie: cancel the other PF job. 1. Set up a static ip. 2. Forward a port. 3. Manual port forward instructions & sample image & 2 posts after that.

Should also try to connect whilst LW is not active on the other machines (otherwise they might steal the necessary bandwidth & activity/energy of your router.) At least whilst you're initially trying to connect for the 1st time on the laptop.
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  #617 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2005
Join Date: April 19th, 2005
Posts: 2
bizun is flying high

thanks for your answer but:
1-i already have a static ip;
2-no others limewire are running cos' it's 2 days i'm here alone;
3-this is the most strange thing: the other laptops work without port forwarding.I'm the only one using it but even unchecking it it doesn't. Anyway, it still doesn't work connected with a normal DSL I have at my parent's place so I think it is a sw problem.
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  #618 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2005
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Default LIMEWIRE connection

LIMEWIRE was working fine, new verison and all until.........

I Formated my HDD and Installed Fresh - Win2000
I downloaded LIMEWIRE and tried to connect..........NOTHING

Ive tried eveything in all these threads and posts and nothing works.

I dont understand why it wont work now, I did nothing different.

I really need HELP with LIMEWIRE.....!!!!.......Plzzzzz

...........Still wont connect ...........

Any other or NEW suggestions...?
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  #619 (permalink)  
Old April 20th, 2005
Join Date: April 20th, 2005
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typeorocks is flying high

I have windows XP. i just did the upgrade for limewire. and now it wont connect. I followed the steps listed on page one. i even tried to re-install limewire. I dont even get the icon in my tray on the bottom of the screen. and i set it to run on start-up. when i click on the icon the hourglass flashes for less than 1 sec and then nothing..i tried right clicking and hitting run... nothing. i tried restarting and it still wont run or show up on my tray. I checked my firewalls and limewire is on my list of things not to block. help ??
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  #620 (permalink)  
Old April 20th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Default connecting problems

I have no firewall and I was able to connect ealier (about two hours before). I tried the shutting down (even in the system tray) and deleting the limewire. directory. But no luck. Any help would be well received.
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