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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #171 (permalink)  
Old March 20th, 2004
Posts: n/a

Sorry I bothered.:
For all to enjoy:
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old March 20th, 2004
Posts: n/a

Limewire is running ok (for the moment).OS X 10.1.5, LW 3,6,15

A thank you goes out to everyone contributing to this forum. Hey, it beats contacting the guys who built the apps, right? They are busy trying to improve them.
But seriously, can anyone tell me if it's worth to go to the store and buy Apple's latest OS X (Panther). Or should I just be happy with OS X version 10.1.5? I 've been running on Classic for as long as I can remember and telling every Window(licker) they can stuff it. But with OS X I'm not sure if it's an improvement.
It has the 'look and feel' of XP. Doesn't it?
I know this maybe isn't the right forum for this question but I would appreciate it if some enthousiastic OS X user tells me I'm wrong and should be at the store emptying my wallet for "the best thing in Town".

Keep the info comin'. I don't mind.
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old March 20th, 2004
Posts: n/a

But seriously, can anyone tell me if it's worth to go to the store and buy Apple's latest OS X (Panther). Or should I just be happy with OS X version 10.1.5?
The question is what do you need to produce and at what speed.

I got my first mac two years back and have gone through from os9 till now os 10.3.3 and i am getting quite fed up with the pace things are changing. It feels like you have to upgrade to something new every week to be on top and keep your computer safe.

One thing I know is that running calssic is not really efficien,t fast or reliable. If you could stick to 9.2 or upgrade your programs to run a clean osX. I just got Adobe CS three weeks back and I upgraded to os 10.3.3 just last night. I am sure my apple is more reliable now than what it was with 9.2 and it is actualy running a bit faster once it has started.

If I were you i would consider the need to upgrade. If the tools you have today are doing the job, then why upgrade? lots of cash for litle and nothing if you ask me. Apple used to be buildt for lasting. now it feels like it is built to be upgraded. They are creating a need. Apple has become to trendy. Its no longer a tool to get the job done, it is a fashion statement. Some times i feel like I am buying added value. I am convinced the Adobe CS will come with a upgrade in a few months.. fixing bugs that they "oversaw" when they first relised it a few monts back.

The one thing that is true is that osx is user friendly and stabile. now that they got to 3.3 they finaly are getting writh of the newborn-baby trouble.

I cannot say what I think you should do. Panther is good. 9.2 does the job. (people! let me know if you feel the same!)
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Question connection problem

well after sitting here for about an hour and reading what ppl. are saying on how to fix my problem of connecting and me trying them i am still at square one. i use a mac OSX and that alone confuses me and on top of that limewire is giving me hell!! sometimes it works sometimes it dosn't.after doing what ppl. have said to do i wonder if i have screwed up fixing my limewire even more. i just upgraded to umm... well what ever is the newest thing out there and that didn't work either so if there is anyone else out there using a mac and understands it and can help me connect to limewire i would be very thankful.

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  #175 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2004
Join Date: February 22nd, 2004
Posts: 7
deserttoad is flying high

I too am using OS X, and can't get a steady connection. It either connects or not, I just quit and try again.

When I do connect, it might even say Turbocharged, and I can run a search. It will pull up tons of files, but when I click download, it immediately goes down to excellent and fair then poor and I'm disconnected in less than a minute.

Interesting note, it disconnected the otherday, but I left it on and the file still downloaded. Very strange.

I've tried 3 different versions of Limewire, even paid for the Pro version, but nothing I've tried gets me connected on the first try and keeps me connected for any length of time.
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  #176 (permalink)  
Old March 25th, 2004
Posts: n/a

thx, the tips on the 1st page worked for me
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2004
Posts: n/a

I am on a LAN/WAN network. I am not blocking any sites owned by Limewire that I know of. I connected fine until I upgraded to the latest version. Now when I connect, I loose my connection on 2 PC's and my Mac on my network. I then have to restart my Router AND my cable modem and then repair the connection.

I have never seen anything like this. I will investigate more.
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2004
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MST3000--I'm a bit confused by the site comment (LW connects to other Gnutella users, and doesn't need to connect to the LW Home Page). However, re the home network problem, some of us had troubles with the LinkSys router firmware (downgrading worked), and there have been others who had troubles with some models of USB or wireless modems. Apple just posted a workaround for AOL users. I might be able to dig up the links if you post the cablemodem/router/ ISP details.

Each LW needs a different port, which should set automatically (see Preferences->Advanced->Port, and the "Force IP" option should be checked).

In general, some router 'saturation' problems can be minimized by tweaking the Preferences/Options
1. Connect manually (disable the "Connect Automatically" preference
2. In the Saving preference, reduce the days to keep Incomplete files. Cleaning out the incomplete folder also helps (too many incomplete files trying to connect at once has caused some router/modem problems).
3. Setting the Uploads->Basic->Upload Bandwidth slider to about 80%
4.Checking the "Disable Ultrapeer Capabilities" in the Preferences->Speed

Did everyone try the quick test for port blocking?

OSX users can set their System firewall by going to Apple Menu->System Preferences->Sharing->Firewall and clicking on the New button. Scroll down the list to choose "Gnutella/Limewire (6346)" or create a new item for whatever port you choose.

deserttoad--The connections are needed for searches. Once an upload or download is started, LW doesn't need the connections. If you are on a 56K modem, too many up or down loads might be saturating your connection: try to download only one or two files at a time.
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old March 26th, 2004
Join Date: February 22nd, 2004
Posts: 7
deserttoad is flying high

I never try download more than one file at a time.

And I wish I had a 56k connection.....that means my speed would double....
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2004
Posts: n/a
Question Re: for those who can't connect

ah.. what about mac 9.uh.. 1.(i think i have 9.1) i get on and it doesnt connect when i click the little connect thing. and im new to this whole limewire deal. any help?
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