January 20th, 2008
 | "Weird Al" Yankovic fan | | Join Date: August 28th, 2007 Location: Orr's Island, Maine
Posts: 28
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LimeWire cannot connect When I start LimeWire, the signal strength meter indicates that there is no internet connection even though there is. LimeWire is set for full internet & server permissions in ZoneAlarm. Also, LimeWire doesn't completely load. At the bottom, it says [i]Loading Internationalization Support...[/b] and it won't go past that. If anyone knows how to resolve this problem please let me know.
System Information:
OS version: Windows Vista Home Premium
Firewall: ZoneAlarm (free version)
RAM: 3062 MB
Available HD Space: 182.99 GB
Connection Type: DSL
Router Brand Name: Westell 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter
Trying to connect from: House
LimeWire Version: 4.16.2
Java Version: 1.6.0_03
ISP: Verizon
Browser Test Results: Passed
Connection Details: My parent's PC has the DSL box. My PC uses a router, and my brother's is directly connected to the
DSL line.
First try at LimeWire: No. This problem has never occured before.
Saw Brick Wall in front of blue world icon: Yes
Security Programs: Ad-Aware 2007, Windows Defender, ZoneAlarm (the free version), AVG Free
Country: United States |