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Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload Problems section issue.) Please supply system details as described in the forum rules.
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  #31 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2011
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Thanks for the reply.
I was able to resolve the problem late last night.

I had to uninstall the 1.7 java versions, reboot, install the 1.6.27 java version and used Verify Java Version to verify that I really am running on 1.6.27. Then I reinstalled LimeWire and it worked.

FYI, Windows 7 automatically runs the Java exe's as administrator. It doesn't seem to matter whether I go through the extra step to right click or not.

Afterwards, LimeWire had trouble connecting, it was "connecting..." forever. But I used applied the connection fix you supplied in some other post on the forums and it was able to connect.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2011
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Glad to hear and thank you for letting us know how you fixed it.

If you do have problems in future with connection, try running both the Java & LW in administrator mode. This can help.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2011
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I been trying to make limewire connect for about 6 hours now. I read everything and i ran java as adm. and nothing is working. it just says connecting.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2011
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Have you tried these suggestions:
For Windows 7, I think LW might be best set to run as admin. also. Though I think Java is the most important item for that setting.

I noticed you originally posted here after trying LW 5.5.16. LimeWire Pirate Edition always works better after a clean install. What this means is, you uninstall the previous version of LW, delete the LW preferences folder. Then install LPE. Such as using this technique: Re-installation Technique for both LimeWire and Java for Windows.

* Note: up to this time, LPE does not seem to work with Java 1.7. We shall see what happens with later Java 1.7 releases once it becomes the standard Java download version. (This might be a simple case of LPE being set to use java 1.6 only and not 1.6+.)

Occasionally I have same connection issue. I find it eventually connects by itself in most cases. If not, I replace the connection file.
I may also try enabling or disabling ultrapeer abilities in advanced settings. Only takes effect after a restart of LPE.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2012
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Default Java 1.7 Pirate Edition Solution

Java 1.7 should have set up files associations on its own, so the easiest solution(for me anyways) is to create a shortcut directly to the JAR file,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LimeWire\lib\LimeWire.jar"
"C:\Program Files\LimeWire\lib\LimeWire.jar"
depending on your windows version.

That should be it, as Java will take over the rest and figure out what it should be doing.

If this works for you, then give me some props, but if not, then suck a dick, 'cus its casual Firday, and I'm drunk, and this works for me.
Lord of the Rings and dfernet like this.

Last edited by pongo1; June 29th, 2012 at 02:49 PM. Reason: drunken spelling
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2012
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Originally Posted by pongo1 View Post
... and this works for me.
Cool, this works on Windows XP and no doubt works on other Windows versions. Excellent find and solution!!! I'm sure File_Girl71 (or you) could create a simple fix based on this instead of people creating their own shortcuts. Setting up a prop file to tell LW what to do as it opens would need to be in the same folder as the LW.jar file so it reads that before it does other things. I do not know if that would be the best approach.

Edit: May 2013: LimeWire 5 and Java 7 shortcut installer aka LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance.. There is a dual Java fix combined with a connection file security equivalent to the LimeStart designed for MacOSX from earlier 2012.

Edit: (17th December, 2012): I have created an installer to create any needed shortcuts for you and with LW icons if you would prefer it to be done for you.
Edit: March 11, 2013: I have created a dual installer depending on whether you have standard LPE or File_Girl'ls version installed. How will you know which option to use? If after installing LPE the shortcut says LimeWire 5.6.2 then use the Standard LPE option. If the shortcuts are simply named LimeWire, then you have installed File_Girl's version of LPE and should choose the File_Girl LPE option. .(Also the startup screens are different. In the following image the top one is standard LPE, lower one File_Girl's LPE in this sample image.)

Only one issue I have found is if you are using Windows 7 and have File_Girl's version installed, you will end up with two Start Menu program listings for LW unless you choose Desktop icon for All users. This is not a necessary choice, you can simply right-click the original listing from the Start Menu and choose Delete.

The LPE versions we have listed on the forum since December are already packaged with the Java shortcut fix installers and security installers so no need to use these ones. Although improvements have been made with these ones.

* LW 5 + LPE - LimeStart + Java Fix (click on link). LimeStart has been tested with LPE on Windows 8, 7, 2000 and XP for LPE and other LW 5 versions. This will install shortcuts specific for LPE (File_Girls version), LPE (original), 5.3.6, 5.4.6, 5.4.8, 5.5.8, 5.5.9, 5.5.10, 5.6.0 beta, 5.6.1 beta, LW prototypes-Lightweight, LW prototypes-Geo, LW prototypes-LAN, and a generic LW 5 option for any other LW 5 version. If the original LW shortcuts anywhere still remain simply delete them. For start menu simply right-click and choose remove. If you would prefer to create your own shortcuts then see post #38 below.

If you ever wish to uninstall LimeWire, uninstall the LW-Java shortcuts first using the Add/Remove Control panel.

From the Oracle Java site (Start screen is not supported): "The desktop version of the Windows 8 OS does not run in a full 64-bit mode (unless you have Enhanced Protected Mode in Internet Explorer 10 turned on), thus 32-bit Java is the default." Thus if updating 64-bit Java, always update the 32-bit Java last or LW will error and behave oddly.

Do not disable file-sharing, do not 'freeload', if nobody were sharing files, you know of course there would be no files to download. If you are a part of the file-sharing community, then share your part and be a respected member of the file-sharing community. Do you never return what you borrow from your friends? Do you never return your partner's kisses and attention? File-sharing can even be a passion!
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Limewire 5.6.2(pirate edition) and java 1.7-lpe-java7.gif  
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old July 1st, 2012
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how do you create the shortcut?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old July 1st, 2012
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Edit: See post #36 above for a program to do it all for you.
Originally Posted by sob1963nyc View Post
how do you create the shortcut?
Go to the location where your LimeWire is installed and find the Limewire.jar file,
for Windows 7 that is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LimeWire\lib\LimeWire.jar
for Windows XP and earlier that would be:
C:\Program Files\LimeWire\lib\LimeWire.jar

Right-click the LimeWire.jar file and choose 'Send to' : Desktop (Create Shortcut).
You can find it via searching LimeWire.jar, then right-click it in the search result. This works fine for Windows XP.

Limewire 5.6.2(pirate edition) and java 1.7-lwjarshortcutcreation.gif (Windows XP example 26KB, click to see larger view)

For Windows 7, copy the entire C:\Program Files (x86)\LimeWire\lib\LimeWire.jar address into the search bar in the Start Menu and right-click the search result and choose Send To as described above. There might be better ways but this works and I'm not a Windows user by default.

Limewire 5.6.2(pirate edition) and java 1.7-lwjarshortcutcreationwin7b.gif (Windows 7 example 47KB, click to see larger view)

For Windows 8, only way I know how to find it is either manually go to the programs folder whilst in Desktop and find the LW folder, else whilst in desktop, type LimeWire.jar in the search box whilst Local Disk C is selected. Two results, one will be located in program files, so right-click that result and choose create shortcut and the system will then direct you to put it onto the desktop.

Then of course, only use the new Shortcut to open LimeWire with.

If you know how, you could probably also add a shortcut into the Start Menu depending on how you prefer to open LW. Example, copying the shortcut and pasting into the Start Menu -> Programs folder. You may wish to rename the shortcut.

Start Menu folder locations:
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your Username\Start Menu\Programs
For Windows 7 and Vista that would be:
C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Or if wanted for all users of the computer then place in the 'All Users' equivalent location. Example: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

Edit: Important note about Java 7, if you install or update Java including 64-bit Java, then install 32-bit Java last. Otherwise next time you start LW you will be prompted through the setup procedure again and your settings and downloads location will have changed. Reinstalling 32-bit Java and all goes back to normal. This also applies to Windows 8. The Windows 8 installation is not packaged with Java, so you need to download Java yourself.

Do not disable file-sharing, do not 'freeload', if nobody were sharing files, you know of course there would be no files to download. If you are a part of the file-sharing community, then share your part and be a respected member of the file-sharing community. Do you never return what you borrow from your friends? Do you never return your partner's kisses and attention? File-sharing can even be a passion!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2012
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Does the shortcut to the LW jar file open & run LPE 5.6.2 (execute it) when having Java 7/FX installed too? Also, for the above-referenced Java v.1.7, what version is that? Is it the newest from Oracle - Java 7/FX - or some older version? I'm not as technical as some of you, so I need things spelled out in layman's terms.

The last "fix" for the LPE vs. Java 7/FX problem I read was to install LW v.4.18.8 and then install Java 7/FX, and they'll run OK together. For Windows XP machines like mine, specifically, LPE 5.6.2 can run with ONLY Java 6, Update 33 installed (Java 7/FX must be uninstalled). So, to have the latest Java version on my PC, I installed LW v.4.18.8. I have some questions about the options in LW 4.18.8: (1) Under Tools > Options > Filters > Keywords > Filter Result Types: There are checkboxes for "Ignore Adult Content", "Ignore .htm/.html Files", "Ignore .vbs Files", and "Ignore .wmv/.asf files." Should all of these items be checked so that LW's search filter will NOT filter them out of any search results, or, does checking any one of them mean the LW search filter WILL filter each checked file type OUT of your search results (i.e., it will block them from appearing)? (2) Also, should OOB (Out Of Band) searching be unchecked since LW says some internet connections will not work as well using it, even though search results are supposed to come in faster? (3) Lastly, when searching using v.4.18.8, I'm getting far fewer search results than I did using LPE v.5.6.2 (dozens as opposed to hundreds). LW 4.18.8 shows it's completely connected to the internet - what is the issue here?

Thanks for your help.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2012
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A. Yes, the shortcut executes the opening of the LimeWire program.

B. Oracle Java 7 (build 1.7.0b147) which is the newest version. I am not sure it should matter if you are using the FX version. But I do not know the answer to this. I suspect it will work fine for you.

(1) LW 4 search filter: It is highly recommended you do have those options checked. Yes it will filter those items out. Adult content filter would be aimed at reducing porn in search results. html files are useless and possibly dangerous. vbs files are rather useless also unless you had the info files that came with them. wmv and asf files are commonly spammed and frequently infested with virus. It's best not to trust them, thus filter out. For improved filtering, I would recommend seeing filter words and in general, see How to find Music and Videos though you probably already know much of that.

(2) OOB is best left enabled if possible. What it means is, searches will go a little further, I suspect bouncing over some peers to reach peers further on in the chain of peers. If you suffer any kind of performance issues though, disable this option. Sometimes OOB can affect LW's connection.

(3) Search results are usually a result of the ultrapeers you are connected to. I just opened 4.18 on Win XP and received good search results. It can sometimes be worth changing your hosts. ie: go to menu bar, View > enable Connections window. Remove the first on list. Wait several minutes and see if things improve. As a general rule, the longer you are connected, the better your search results should become. Remembering also that the network is rather dynamic, people frequently come and go and connections change.

Someone complained about connecting to mostly or only Japanese hosts whom use Cabos. I have noticed this issue for a reasonable period now. But at least on this occasion of connecting with 4.18, only one of the hosts were from Japan.
Remove any hosts you see using a version, LimeWire 4.21.1 (RC), these are spammers.

Personally I preferred LW 4.14 compared to 4.18, but it can depend on a person's system or personal experiences. I also liked 4.16 but 4.14 was far better IMHO.
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