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Guests and search engines cannot view member profiles. Deutsch? Español? Français? Nederlands? Hilfe in Deutsch, Ayuda en español, Aide en français et LimeWire en français, Hulp in het Nederlands Forum Rules Support Forums Before you post to one of the specific Client Help and Support Conferences in Gnutella Client Forums please look through other threads and Stickies that may answer your questions. Most problems are not new. The Search function is most useful. Also the red Stickies have answers to the most commonly asked questions. (over 90 percent). If your problem is not resolved by a search of the forums, please take the next step and post in the appropriate forum. There are many members who will be glad to help. If you are new to the world of file sharing please do not be shy! Everyone was ‘new’ when they first started. When posting, please include details for: Your Operating System ....... Your version of your Gnutella Client (* this is important for helping solve problems) ....... Your Internet connection (56K, Cable, DSL) ....... The exact error message, if one pops up Any other relevant information that you think may help ....... Try to make your post descriptive, specific, and clear so members can quickly and efficiently help you. To aid helpers in solving download/upload problems, LimeWire and Frostwire users must specify whether they are downloading a torrent file or a file from the Gnutella network. Members need to supply these details >>> System details - help us to help you (click on blue link) Moderators There are senior members on the forums who serve as Moderators. These volunteers keep the board organized and moving. Moderators are authorized to: (in order of increasing severity) Move posts to the correct forums. Many times, members post in the wrong forum. These off-topic posts may impede the normal operation of the forum. Edit posts. Moderators will edit posts that are offensive or break any of the House Rules. Delete posts. Posts that cannot be edited to comply with the House Rules will be deleted. Restrict members. This is one of the last punishments before a member is banned. Restrictions may include placing all new posts in a moderation queue or temporarily banning the offender. Ban members. The most severe punishment. Three or more moderators or administrators must agree to the ban for this action to occur. Banning is reserved for very severe offenses and members who, after many warnings, fail to comply with the House Rules. Banning is permanent. Bans cannot be removed by the moderators and probably won't be removed by the administration. The Rules 1. Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form. Topics discussing techniques for violating these laws and messages containing locations of web sites or other servers hosting illegal content will be silently removed. Multiple offenses will result in consequences. File names are not required to discuss your issues. If filenames are copyright then do not belong on these forums & will be edited out or post removed. Picture sample attachments in posts must not include copyright infringement. 2. Spamming and excessive advertising will not be tolerated. Commercial advertising is not allowed in any form, including using in signatures. 3. There will be no excessive use of profanity in any forum. 4. There will be no racial, ethnic, or gender based insults, or any other personal attacks. 5. Pictures may be attached to posts and signatures if they are not sexually explicit or offensive. Picture sample attachments in posts must not include copyright infringement. 6. Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella Client sections for LimeWire, Phex, FrostWire, BearShare, Gnucleus, Morpheus, and many more. Please choose the correct section for your problem. 7. If you see a post in the wrong forum or in violation of the House Rules, please contact a moderator via Private Message or the "Report this post to a moderator" link at the bottom of every post. Please do not respond directly to the member - a moderator will do what is required. 8. Any impersonation of a forum member in any mode of communication is strictly prohibited and will result in banning. 9. Multiple copies of the same post will not be tolerated. Post your question, comment, or complaint only once. There is no need to express yourself more than once. Duplicate posts will be deleted with little or no warning. Keep in mind a forum censor may temporarily automatically hold up your post, if you do not see your post, do not post again, it will be dealt with by a moderator within a reasonable time. Authors of multiple copies of same post may be dealt with by moderators within their discrete judgment at the time which may result in warning or infraction points, depending on severity as adjudged by the moderators online. 10. Posts should have descriptive topics. Vague titles such as "Help!", "Why?", and the like may not get enough attention to the contents. 11. Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own. This includes e-mail addresses, IP addresses, age, house address, and any other distinguishing information. Don´t use eMail addresses in your nick. Reiterating, do not post your email address in posts. This is for your own protection. 12. Signatures may be used as long as they are not offensive or sexually explicit or used for commercial advertising. Commercial weblinks cannot be used under any circumstances and will result in an immediate ban. 13. Dual accounts are not allowed. Cannot explain this more simply. Attempts to set up dual accounts will most likely result in a banning of all forum accounts. 14. Video links may only be posted after you have a tally of two forum posts. Video link posting with less than a 2 post tally are considered as spam. Video link posting with less than a 2 post tally are considered as spam. 15. Failure to show that you have read the forum rules may result in forum rules breach infraction points or warnings awarded against you which may later total up to an automatic temporary or permanent ban. Supplying system details is a prerequisite in most cases, particularly with connection or installation issues. Violation of any of these rules will bring consequences, determined on a case-by-case basis. Thank You! Thanks for taking the time to read these forum guidelines. We hope your visit is helpful and mutually beneficial to the entire community. |
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![]() Ich habe die Angelegenheit an einen der WireShare-Entwickler weitergeleitet. Vielen Dank für einen vollständigen Bericht. Ich sehe Sie 153,190.23,108 auf Ihrer schwarzen Liste von Adressen aufgeführt. Erinnern Sie sich an den Grund? Vor 3 Wochen hatte ich die gleiche Adresse wie verdächtige aufgeführt, aber ist noch nicht auf Feinde. Ich vermute, es gibt mehrere Browse-BOTs mit dieser Adresse. (Durchsuchen-BOT) Ich fand zwei. - Leaf - 11 April 2020. - Leaf - 11 April 2020; simultaneous/Gleichzeitige. (vergeef mijn online vertalingen) |
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![]() Hallo, Danke für das Weiterleiten der Nachricht. Die IP hat meine Uploads zu oft in kurzer Zeit und an mehreren Tagen abgefragt. Ich dachte mir schon, dass es entweder eine Anti-P2P Organisation oder solch ein BrowseBot ist. |
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![]() ToSp: Schließen Sie WireShare und öffnen Sie die Datei C:\Program Files (x86)\WireShare\lib\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest in einem Texteditor (z. B. Notepad.exe). Löschen Sie die folgende Zeile: Code: publicKeyToken = "1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b" |
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![]() Hallo, leider war ich in den letzten Wochen sehr beschäftigt. Ich habe diese Datei editiert, gespeichert und WireShare erneut gestartet und habe aber wieder eine Error-Meldung: Code: WireShare version 6.0.0 Java version 1.8.0_251 from Oracle Corporation Windows 10 v. 10.0 on x86 Free/total memory: 10057568/73752576 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.limewire.util.FileUtils.getFileExtension(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.CategoryManagerImpl.getCategoryForFile(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.core.impl.download.CoreDownloadListManager$CoreDownloadListener.downloadAdded(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.core.impl.GlueActivityCallback.addDownload(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManagerImpl.initializeDownload(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManagerImpl.addNewDownloader(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManagerImpl.loadSavedDownloads(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManagerImpl.loadSavedDownloadsAndScheduleWriting(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManagerImpl$1.start(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistryImpl$ServiceHolder$AnnotatedService.start(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistryImpl$ServiceHolder.start(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistryImpl.startStage(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceRegistryImpl.start(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.LifecycleManagerImpl.doStart(Unknown Source) at com.limegroup.gnutella.LifecycleManagerImpl.start(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.ui.swing.Initializer.startCore(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.ui.swing.Initializer.initialize(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.ui.swing.GuiLoader.load(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.limewire.ui.swing.Main.main(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(LauncherEngine.java:84) at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(WinLauncher.java:94) Detail: Uncaught thread error: main -- listing session information -- Current thread: main Active Threads: 21 Uptime: 0:04 Is Connected: false Number of Ultrapeer -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0 Number of Ultrapeer -> Leaf Connections: 0 Number of Leaf -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0 Number of Old Connections: 0 Acting as Ultrapeer: false Acting as Shielded Leaf: false Number of Active Uploads: 0 Number of Queued Uploads: 0 Number of Active Managed Downloads: 0 Number of Active HTTP Downloaders: 0 Number of Waiting Downloads: 2 Received incoming this session: false Number of Managed Files: 70 Number of Mounted Friend Files: 0 Number of Shared Files: 70 Guess Capable: false Received Solicited UDP: false Port Stable: true FWT Capable: false Last Reported Port: 50410 External Port: 50410 IP Pongs Received: 0 Number of Content Response URNs: Number of CreationTimeCache URNs: 373 VF Byte Cache Size: 0 VF Verify Cache Size: 0 VF Queue Size: 0 ByteBuffer Cache Size: 2048 Number of Waiting Sockets: 0 Number of Pending Timeouts: 12 Peak Number of Thread: 31 Number of SP2 Workarounds: 0 System Load Avg: -1.0 Objects Pending GC: 0 Free Space In Settings: 75520155648 Free Space In Incomplete: 75520155648 Free Space In Downloads: 75520155648 Heap Memory Usage: init = 16777216(16384K) used = 63695008(62202K) committed = 73752576(72024K) max = 259522560(253440K) Non-Heap Memory Usage: init = 163840(160K) used = 35958496(35115K) committed = 36536320(35680K) max = -1(-1K) SlotManager dump:: active:0:0 1:0 2:0 queued:0:0 1:0 2:0 resumable:0:0 1:0 2:0 bw now:0.0 session avg:0.0 Number of select calls: 12 Number of immediate selects: 0 Average time in select: 341786172 -- listing threads -- Library Disk I/O Thread: 1 Deadlock Detection Thread: 1 MulticastService: 1 UDPSocketChannelConnectionEvent: 1 CreationTimeCacheDeserializer: 1 NIODispatcher: 1 main: 1 HttpClient pool: 1 QueryUnicaster: 1 UDPHostRanker: 1 AWT-EventQueue-0: 1 Image Fetcher 0: 1 FirewallEventThread: 1 QRPPropagator: 1 downloadStateProcessingQueue: 1 DHT-Executor: 1 FastExecutor: 1 IdleThread: 1 SwingWorker-pool-26025355-thread-1: 1 backgroundExecutor: 1 IconLoader: 1 -- listing properties -- DHT_NODE_ID=A89#####-zensiert-#######1011D BANNED_WORDS=#####-zensiert-#######... PORT=50410 CLEAR_UPLOAD=false TOTAL_CONNECTION_TIME=4093150259 APP_WIDTH_V5=1432 CUSTOM_INETADRESS_TO_BIND= MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED=1024000 HARD_MAX_UPLOADS=8 BANNED_EXTENSIONS=.and;.asf;.asx;.au;.htm;.html;.mht;.v... AVERAGE_UPTIME=35929 TOTAL_UPTIME=4095930 MAX_UPLOAD_BYTES_PER_SEC=805 LAST_GWCUPDATE_TIME=1591139997189 LIMIT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED=true POSITIONS_SET=true TLS_OUTGOING=false BLACK_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES=;;188.96.216... COUNTRY= SHOW_SMART_SUGGESTIONS=false LAST_SHUTDOWN_TIME=1591140700972 WINDOW_X_V5=234 SESSIONS=115 SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_ID=1 LIBRARY_VERSION=FIVE_0_0 UPLOAD_TORRENTS_FOREVER=true APP_HEIGHT_V5=920 FILTER_ADULT=false HANDLE_TORRENTS=false DHT_MODE=PASSIVE DOWNLOAD_TRAY_SIZE=374 NEXT_URN_BLACKLIST_UPDATE=1593323966986 HANDLE_MAGNETS=false PROGRAMS_ALLOWED=true LAST_URN_BLACKLIST_UPDATE=1591140760654 USE_TORRENT_WEB_SEARCH=false FORCED_PORT=50310 DOWNTIME_HISTORY=11616;177;27026;47;20;28898;124762;29... DOCUMENT_SHARING_ENABLED=true FRACTIONAL_UPTIME=0.5480624 SHOW_UPLOADS_IN_TRAY=true LAST_EXPIRE_TIME=1590825240899 TOTAL_CONNECTIONS=209 MAX_DOWNLOAD_BYTES_PER_SEC=146 RESOLVE_CONNECTION_HOSTNAMES=false WARN_SHARING_DOCUMENTS_WITH_WORLD=false AVERAGE_CONNECTION_TIME=19584451 ALWAYS_SHOW_DOWNLOADS_TRAY=true WINDOW_Y_V5=106 LIMIT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED=true GROUP_SIMILAR_RESULTS_ENABLED=false EVER_SUPERNODE_CAPABLE=true DAAP_ENABLED=false CURRENTLY_RUNNING=true MAX_SIM_DOWNLOAD=5 LIBTORRENT_LISTEN_START_PORT=50201 UPTIME_HISTORY=24409;197;39486;1328;56754;186;61435;... EVER_ACCEPTED_INCOMING=true CLIENT_ID=E79E3C7492452951E8C90F826A2D0400 MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED=819200 PLAYER_ENABLED=false SHOW_CLASSIC_SEARCH_REMINDER=false LIBTORRENT_LISTEN_END_PORT=50209 TLS_INCOMING=false GWEBCACHE_SERVERS=http://tenafly5k.com/gwc/skulls.php;h... DEFAULT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ID=0 Woran kann es noch liegen? Soll ich WireShare erneut installieren? |
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![]() Stellen Sie zunächst sicher, dass die Dateien msvcr90.dll, msvcp90.dll und msvcm90.dll unter "C:\Program Files (x86)\WireShare\lib\" verfügbar sind. Überprüfen Sie auch, ob sich in Ihrem Einstellungsordner eine "downloads.dat" befindet (%AppData%\WireShare\), und löschen Sie diese. BigJx |
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Hi, die Dateien msvcr90.dll, msvcp90.dll und msvcm90.dll sind alle im Ordner vorhanden (siehe Bild). Durch das Löschen der downloads.dat Datei hat es funktioniert.! ![]() ![]() Die Error-Meldung erscheint nicht mehr. ![]() Warum liegt es an dieser Datei? ![]() Ich wollte schon WireShare neuinstallieren, aber brauche dies nun nicht mehr zu machen ![]() Vielen Dank LG ToSp |
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![]() Der von Ihnen bereitgestellte Fehlerbericht zeigte an, dass der Fehler aufgetreten ist, als WireShare versuchte, einen Download aus einer vorherigen Sitzung wiederherzustellen. Nachdem sichergestellt wurde, dass die nativen Dateien nicht das Problem waren, bestand nur die Möglichkeit eines beschädigten downloads.dat. BigJx |
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Okay, Vielen Dank für die Info ![]() |
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bigjx, bug, error, msvcr90, wireshare |
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