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homerjsim April 12th, 2002 05:03 PM

speed question (newbie)
I just started, with limewire. I'm curious - I have a cable modem, I download form a peer with T1, and I get speeds of 18-32KBps... As the kids say these days, what's up with that?

backmann April 12th, 2002 05:54 PM

What's yor connection speed (upstream & downstream)?

You say you're getting those speeds, when or where do you get them?

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

homerjsim April 12th, 2002 08:38 PM

as I said, I'm on a cable modem going up, and I get these slow speeds regardless of what the other client is running on - I've even gotten 26KBps when the client is T1... and another thing (although this is maybe a limewire-specific issue), when I run llimewire I'm asked to insert a floppy entitled "B'gock" or something several times (which I ignore). Pretty strange.

Unregistered April 12th, 2002 08:58 PM

> and I get these slow speeds regardless of what the other
> client is running on

In reality, the people you are downloading from might not really have a T1 connection (yes, it's possible for person X to lie about their connection speed).

With that said, there are tons of factors that can influence your download speeds. One of them is number of concurrent uploads the persons your are downloading from has going on. Or they could have a lot of host connections. Maintaining host connections requires a lot of bandwidth. If person X has 20 host connections, a large portion of their bandwidth is being sapped up by them.

There's tons of different other reasons, and you'll figure them out eventually.

> when I run llimewire I'm asked to insert a floppy

You're not sharing your floppy drive are you?

Nosferatu April 13th, 2002 05:52 AM

Lots of simultaneous uplaods?
Could the problem be that your source is not uplaodin just to you, but to many people, and they have probably decided that 30k is a nice uploads speed.

This is very common behaviour, although certainly you should not find that every T1 source is always this busy.


bobbybat2000 April 17th, 2002 05:10 PM

On a similar theme - how come when I chekc out the 'statistics' I see that there is something like 1400'Total messages', 999 'routing errors' and 1100 'dropped messages'???

The number of hosts, files and total MB's seems a lot slower and lower than it used to be - I have only just started using Limewire again after a few months of inactivity and wonder what all this means...:confused:

Smilin' Joe Fission April 17th, 2002 05:23 PM

Well it seems to me since the introduction of ultrapeers, that statistics screen needs to be revamped in order to make any sense. Right now it doesn't appear to be accurate.

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